Looking back, this election day,
I remember a College course I had a few years ago about computers.
Most of the time, I had no clue what was taught.
However, I quickly grasped what was called, "Writing HTML."
The project involved creating a webpage starting with a blank screen.
Most of the kids in the class posted about pets, BFF's and other such things, but I had other ideas....
Here's my entry:
(Which won me an "A" on the project)
I haven't updated the webpage for a few Semesters, (years)
But my favorite "sub-page" from my endeavor has always been and always will be:
What is HTML, you may ask?
Here's a SMALL example of the opening page...
Every keystroke is one that I typed....
----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title> "GIT 'ER HERE" </title>
<meta name="keywords" content="git er here, ancient, metal detector, antiques, knives, trading cards,
silver, coins, housewares, collectibles, currency, tokens,
china, gems, gold, heirlooms historical, jewelry, jewels, metal detectors, money,
porcelain, pottery, rubies, ecuador, peru, canada, money, AU24K, tokens, metal detector,
germany, great britain, unusual, get it here, get er here, git it here, git er here,
tools, books, music " />
<meta name="description" content="Browse thousands of items for sale "/>
<!-- A{text-decoration:none} -->
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var message="Right clicking has been disabled by Webmaster!"
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<body Bgcolor=lightblue text=black>
<img src=chest.gif width=400>
<font size=7 font face=algerian" color=blue>
<b><u><i>"GIT 'ER HERE!!!"</i></u></b>
<HR size=1 noshade width=600>
<object width="480" height="385">
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allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
<HR size=1 noshade width=600>
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If You
<font size=7 font=georgia color=red>
<font size=7 font=georgia color=black>
<font size=7 font=georgia color=blue>
<i><b>"Git 'Er Here!"</b></i>
<HR size=2 noshade width=500>
<font size=7 font=georgia color=red>
Of Treasures
To Choose From!
<HR size=2 noshade width=500>
----------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Certainly I'm ready for a journey into the Mountains this weekend! 
I'm excited because I've just remembered an old campsite that I haven't been to in a couple of years that I think I shall seek!
I'm pretty sure that I can find it again.
Yeah, no map or compass needed.
As a matter of fact, I don't even need daylight.