
When including a photo click the go advanced button....then place your cursor where you want the photo placed in the post and upload the picture and that should do the trick.

Regards + HH



A question....

Your picture is visible, but at the top it says attached thumbnail. and it has a blue screen background.

How did you do this?

Perhaps you have held the answer to my picture posting all along unawares....

"One more thing...How much to mail me a plate like that on dry ice?"

You, Sir, are eating like a King! :notworthy:

Best Always,



I tried to go the attachment route, but it seems to not be able to be used "inline."

In other words, It works great if you want to end your post with a photo,
but, during your post, not so much....

Just sent an email to Senator Butch Miller to wit:

Honorable Butch Miller:


In a recent conversation with Bill Kokaly, of Congressman Collin's office, I inquired
about "Cold War Veteran" license tags. He recommended that I should contact you
for possible assistance in the creation of a "Georgia Cold War" tag.

I am an Honorably Discharged US Army MP Vet. I just received my Associates Degree in
Psychology at the University of North Georgia and will continue towards a Bachelors
Degree to work with returning Vets who may have problems readjusting to civilian life.

I currently have the "generic" Veteran tag.
I strongly believe that having served during the "Cold War," we are the Vets
who kept America FROM a war.
Shouldn't we receive the same Honor of our Service as the specific other license tags
currently available?

I appreciate your response as to how we can see this become a reality.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx
PO Box xxxx
Gainesville, GA 30503


Let's see how this works out! :thumbsup:




Good initiative let's hope it works out.

Regards + HH


Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you?

That's a very good syllabic measure for the call.

Of course, cadence and timing are very important.
Always call in a slow "easy-going" tempo.
They have all night....

As an 8 year old boy, sitting on a riverbank in Kansas, catfishing, at one o'clock in the morning, with a tiny cheap flashlight, I learned the hoot owl's call!

The greatest variance that I've learned is how long they "shake out" the last "Hoo."
I'm assuming it has to do with mating calls....:dontknow:

Hope you have been well!



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When including a photo click the go advanced button....then place your cursor where you want the photo placed in the post and upload the picture and that should do the trick.

Regards + HH


I know about the extra goodies of "Advanced" but I've never tried that.

Perhaps if a "Story" comes to mind with the use of "inline photos," I'll give it a try!

Thanks, Buddy! :notworthy:



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Ok I gotta derail a bit, Dram got your ears on?
My daughter and her hubby's Expedition had some problems. I've been recovering from all these surgeries so I was worthless. I recommended a shop we've known for years. Car wasn't running right- shop I recommended said it needed a new set of timing chains. It is a 2003 Expedition with the Triton 5.4L, dual chains no cam phazers. $1500 later the kids get the car back, running worse than when they brought it in. The paperwork says they found a rocker arm laying in the valley (#4) when they removed the valve cover, and recommend a new lifter and valve service. The car has also all of a sudden has developed a very serious knock (not a tick) which wasn't present before it went in and runs like crap. Guy that owns the shop (who I've known for over 25 yrs) says if he would have known about the lifter or the knock he wouldn't of done the timing- NO CHIT! So why'd ya do the timing? For that matter why'd ya put it back together with bad lifters that weren't working? Ya drove it into the bay of your shop how could you miss it if it was there to begin with? A deaf person could hear and feel it now! Anywho he tells the kids the motor is junk and would take more than it's worth to fix it. The motor only had 40,000 miles on it!. So $1500 bucks later they're savings is now toast and their out a vehicle they desperately need. I had them bring it up here to the house and I tore it down now that I can actually do something (still hurts but....) I pull the valve cover off and find the same rocker arm off again. I pull the lifter - DUH it's toast, I still can't figure out why the shop, when they had the whole front end off and the motor torn down, knowing it had a bad lifter, didn't put new lifters in, that makes zippo sense. Especially when they made a note it needed them! So.........I put a new lifter in popped the rocker arm back in and put it all back together, it fired right up but.........still has a loud intermittent knock when throttled up coming from the center of the motor under the intake manifold. I went ahead and pulled the other valve cover to make sure all was copacetic with those valves, which they were. Not sure where to go next. Thinking of pulling the oil pan but the knock is intermittent and sounds almost like it's spring loaded as it resonates thru the motor, if that makes sense. I"ve built and repaired enough motors that I know what a rod knock is and this doesn't sound like one. I do know I would not own a POS Triton for nuttin, what a pain in the azz to work on! I could completely tear down either my Dodge or my Chevy in the time it takes to remove one valve cover of that thing!

............I keep telling myself it's a bent valve in the number 4 cylinder but man am I trying to talk myself out of that diagnosis. That's the last thing the kiddos need right now. Even if I do the work it's still a chunk of change to get the head work done, which I can no longer do.

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David Bowie - Heroes.


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Well our labrasorous offspring has grown by one more, Daisy, like many kids today has moved back home, lol. When we bred Zoey and Big Mo we gave one of the pups to a gentleman that had recently lost his lab. Well sadly when he went to have the pup ('Daisy' which he named her after the lab he had just lost) fixed the pre exam showed a heart defect that hadn't shown up in the previous exams. Ironically none of the other pups have the defect/disease, it's apparently a throw back. The vet had given her 6 months maybe a year if she was extremely lucky. The gentleman called us and told us he couldn't go through the heartache. Understandably so! We told him we would take her back and care for her until her passing. I don't think we have ever felt so bad for someone in our life. He said no he was calling to let us know he had found a family he knew that understood the situation and was willing to have and spoil her while she was here. He just wanted to make sure we knew where she was at. Long story short the vets office called the other day and said the folks who had Daisy could no longer care for her. They put us in contact and we told the folks we would absolutely love to have her and, well ......two days later she's here with her mom and "identical twin" sister. On the plus side she has made it over 1 1/2 years so far with no apparent effects of the heart condition. Although the vet says it will be a sudden heart attack without warning. He also said that she is now a candidate for medication that she previously wasn't because they didn't think she would last long enough, that may extend that considerably. She is beautiful and in perfect condition, the folks who had her took excellent care of her. She is a very happy, all things aside very healthy and extremely energetic labrasorous. The three of them are currently in the middle of the living room having an all out cage match, with the twins dragging their mother around the floor by her ears -lol!

The poor little Jack Russell (who is kind of an Ahole to begin with) is like "Aw chit!, not another one of those hyper azz bull in a china shop beasties!" He also keeps shooting me a mean glare that say's "Dude, we need ta talk!"

Update- Daisy fits right in, it's like she never left. She has decided to take over her moms spot next to our bed on my side. We had a consultation with our vet and a canine heart specialist from UC Davis. Looks like based on how she's done and her current health she should make 4 to 5 yrs without medication and quite a bit longer with it. They also said they have a team that can do the spay, deal with the heart if it became an issue and recusitate if need be. It would not be good for her to get pregnant, she most likely would not survive it. So were gonna give it a go, get her fixed and get her on the meds. I predict quite a few pheasants having a bad day come this fall. Gonna stick to upland birds, no ducks for her, she's small compared to the others and I worry it would be too much for her. She has never had a day in the field but watching her around the property and how she acts with the dogs this girl is one of the most naturally birdy labs I think I've ever seen. She's part pig when she's routing in the brush after something, it's a crack up to watch; tail goes up, butt goes up, front legs drop to the ground, head goes down, nose starts popping and she hauls butt after it.

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Sad about the Orlando shooting. Another "Mass Murder" In the US.........oh but yesterday According to a Sheriff's Office news release, off duty Deputy Yousef Hafza shot Clarence Howard locally........... It was a "Road Rage" Incident............Howard had a record and was pronounced DOA.....the police officer has been a cop for 11 years, with 3 different agencies.....Hmmmmmm........

So as a former long time Antiterrorism/Force Protection Officer, I have a few questions
1. Does anybody know that 99.98% of the victims were Latinos too? Was it just Gays? I dont know.........
2. I know the music any club is loud , but how the hell did he get past the bouncers with a long gun???????
3. He WAS ON THE FBI WATCH LIST!!!!!!!!! How does someone on the FBI Watch list buy a gun?????????????
4. So were the Tsarnev brothers (Boston Marathon Bombing)
5. Something happened in the bathroom, he may have shot people there. Ok, if we are hiding in the bathroom, lets hold the door to the side, if he shoots the door its probably heavy, if he gets in, you will probably see the gun first, someone go low, take out his feet, I'll take out the gun, OV pop his jaw, and lets get out of there
6. He had to reload....lots.......RUSH HIM during the lull with a table, a chair, throwing beer bottles, cans, bibles, hymnals, flank him, he cant cover 360 degrees THROW SOMETHING at him. I know its going to be mayhem and chaos but damnit if I'm going to die tonight, Im going to die fighting!!!!This is for any mass enclosed situation....
7. I eat in certain places when I go to restaurants. I sit with my back to the wall..........I watch the doors, I am close to an exit, I have family that are city and county cops. I eat where cops eat............I'm getting older......
8. This has got to stop, God protect us..............

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Correction- the off duty police officer was with his 4th police department in 11 years......

A few years ago at Ft Bragg Private Freaking Nobody decided he was tired of Zero early thirty PT. So he decides to show up with an AR-15. he starts shooting at the Brigade formation. Green Berets, High crawled, low crawled, and sprinted during his rampage went after the gun, one tackeled him and began beating him about the head and shoulders with his own AR-15......but then again, they were Green Berets....

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Lots of the details don't add up as to how this happened I'm with you....300 to 1 armed or not he should have been taken out pure and simple.

Regards + HH


Yes sir well put! I so agree.

A few years ago at Ft Bragg Private Freaking Nobody decided he was tired of Zero early thirty PT. So he decides to show up with an AR-15. he starts shooting at the Brigade formation. Green Berets, High crawled, low crawled, and sprinted during his rampage went after the gun, one tackeled him and began beating him about the head and shoulders with his own AR-15......but then again, they were Green Berets....

Slight correction, Hoss...

At Bragg, the only .223's they got aren't AR-15's; They're M-16's.
(Unless it was a "p.o.w." AR-15)


So, if buddy woulda had a "L.A.W." we should ban those? :icon_scratch:


(Helpful image of a "LAW"-Light Anti-tank Weapon~pin pulled and tube extended....ready to fire)

Or back during the Ides of March, would the out-lawing of daggers have saved Caesar?

What I'm trying to say is that all of these items are only "Tools."

Only Criminals and those mentally bent on mass murder, through drugs, alcohol, religious ideology or whatever,
THEY will have a greater degree of their "success" by making sure that the citizenry are largely unarmed.

And.... I'll stop there.

Is there a thread that has this type of discussion? Other than the "Politics" thread?



Just voted down!
4 bills before Congress to limit gun ownership!

("We ain't beat yet, Sarge! There's still us!")


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The bad guy brought his own AR-15 from off post..... This was what I remember.......give me a moment. Let me do the google thing they know more than I do. I'll make it right for you sir. No, I wasn't there.

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Scott what I meant was the GB beat the bad guy with the bad guys own AR-15.......looking back I can see how that can be misread. Sorry sir......we good ? Haha

Scott what I meant was the GB beat the bad guy with the bad guys own AR-15.......looking back I can see how that can be misread. Sorry sir......we good ? Haha

That was the "p.o.w." situation that I alluded to.
p.o.w.=personally owned weapon.

We always be good, Brother! :occasion14:

Hope you have been well!

Best wishes,


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I received a call yesterday...from someone I haven't talked to in four years or so. Life gets busy you know. Sometimes you don't realize the impact you've had on someone until years later. I sure didn't...sometimes life throws crap your way. But there's always another day! I know this person has impacted my life in profound ways.
I must do better at staying in touch! If it wasn't for this person in my past, I can honestly say I'd be extremely poor still, and a much different person.
I learned another valuable life lesson from him again yesterday...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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