Yeah, though I have no classes to study for, perhaps it is time to petition my State Legislators for a bill to offer Georgia "Cold War Veteran" license plates.
I currently have a "generic" Veteran tag.
I have obtained the names and numbers of a coupla guys, who can make this happen, from my Congressman's man. Dig? You know, Senators?
Somewhere in one of my notebooks...gimme a minute....
Here! I've found the info.....
Lee Hawkins and Butch Miller.
Butch is a "Local Boy."
Bet that I could get 15 minutes of his time....
And maybe a deal on a new Suzi Q!
And, believe it or not, I had a major front passenger tire delamination on the way home
today after helping my locksmith Friend for 10 hours.
OK. At least I wasn't going 80 miles an hour on an Interstate, like last time......
(picture tomorrow....)
It's 90 some degrees and I'm hot, sweaty and tired.
About a half hour later, I limped towards home on the "donut."
Stopped at the Post Office to see if my Diploma had arrived.
Nope. But a premium notice for insurance due on this piece of S...Ahem....Suzi....
My Monday?
Did I mention that the coffee filter fell on one side and I ended up with a pot of coffee. Grounds!
First thing this morning.
Sheesh! Mondays! Right?
Shoulda stayed in bed, Dig?
Experience life!
Enjoy the good, suffer thru the bad....
(they make for great stories later!)
But most of all,
Be glad to be alive!
Tomorrow should prove to be interesting....
"Onward We Shall Succeed!" ©
Scott 2016