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Just "chatted" with a Buddy on "My Face" or "Spacebook" or whatever,

Any Hoo, hoohoo!

His Dad flies for a commercial airline and I asked about CHEAP stand-by, Red-eye tickets....

That rhymed....kinda?

I'm feelin' a song...

Scuse me....



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This crap really pisses me off! Posers and wannabes....


"You gonna be alright, Scott? Breathe, Brother! I got your back!"

"Hang on Scott, I'll be right back. I promised Sarge that I'd sing this song....."



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Yeah, though I have no classes to study for, perhaps it is time to petition my State Legislators for a bill to offer Georgia "Cold War Veteran" license plates.
I currently have a "generic" Veteran tag.

I have obtained the names and numbers of a coupla guys, who can make this happen, from my Congressman's man. Dig? You know, Senators?

Somewhere in one of my notebooks...gimme a minute....


Here! I've found the info.....

Lee Hawkins and Butch Miller.

Butch is a "Local Boy."

Bet that I could get 15 minutes of his time....:thumbsup:

And maybe a deal on a new Suzi Q!

And, believe it or not, I had a major front passenger tire delamination on the way home
today after helping my locksmith Friend for 10 hours.
OK. At least I wasn't going 80 miles an hour on an Interstate, like last time......
(picture tomorrow....)

It's 90 some degrees and I'm hot, sweaty and tired.

About a half hour later, I limped towards home on the "donut."

Stopped at the Post Office to see if my Diploma had arrived.

Nope. But a premium notice for insurance due on this piece of S...Ahem....Suzi....

My Monday?




Did I mention that the coffee filter fell on one side and I ended up with a pot of coffee. Grounds!
First thing this morning. :BangHead:

Sheesh! Mondays! Right?
Shoulda stayed in bed, Dig?


Experience life!

Enjoy the good, suffer thru the bad....
(they make for great stories later!)

But most of all,

Be glad to be alive!

Tomorrow should prove to be interesting....

"Onward We Shall Succeed!" © Scott 2016

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Where are we at, Humanity? Huh?

Is this a break down?
An all out undeclared war?

Who is fighting who?
A lot of humans are dying by the hand of other humans.
C'mon, say it....Where are we at, Humanity?

Is this the future that Charlie dreamed of?


Think about it. I do.



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I see how it is....


Wolfpack Strong and ALWAYS there for my
Brother and Sister Vets!


Here's the same photo that I lightened. Too much?

1-just say when.webp
How does it show up for you folks?

Just workin' to make myself understood....And also tests of posted pics....


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The birds of early morning, singing of a new day....

Just outside your door!


Dang! Killed this thread, didn't I?

See Y'all later~!

Best Wishes Always,


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Daylight breaks again!

Another Beautiful Day!


(Certainly I'm getting too old for this shi.....Right?)

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About Florida....

I weep that my country has allowed this to happen.

I weep for those who lost their lives, and my best wishes to the many Family members and Friends who are hurting now.....

DAMMIT SO MUCH! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:


I may not approve of the lifestyle many of the victims shared, but, they were my FELLOW AMERICANS!

Things better change real soon or....


And other controversial topics?
NOT here.

I dig....


Showing compassion for a fellow human and concern for humanity is not political in my book. To me it's good form and appropriate- your a good soul my man, carry on!!!!!!!!!!

This crap really pisses me off! Posers and wannabes....


"You gonna be alright, Scott? Breathe, Brother! I got your back!"

Hang on America, I'll be right back. I promised Sarge that I'd sing this song....."



I'm not real quick to violence but I will say I have no problem with a poser receiving an immediate azz whoopin. I guess my brain doesn't comprehend the thought process of it being, I don't know, what do they think.... it's Ok, flattering, honorable? My son and others have enough problems getting their heads right and figuring out what their place and purpose is now that their back home. They don't need these Aholes making it even harder. Every single one of them should be rounded up given no training, a single shot .22 and a plane ride to whatever is the hottest place we got going. They can be their very own "special" forward infantry group. If they make it back, well then they've earned the right to wear whatever they earned. UGGH makes me sick.

.........Or better yet, they want to act the hero. Take away whatever benefits they have of their own and let them go thru the VA hell my son and others are. See how they romance to let this one go before I get banned

I see how it is....


Wolfpack Strong and ALWAYS there for my
Brother and Sister Vets!


Here's the same photo that I lightened. Too much?

View attachment 1325291
How does it show up for you folks?

Just workin' to make myself understood....And also tests of posted pics....
Top photo looks better on my computer, much more detail. Details washed out in bottom photo

I with you guys. As for the lifestyles of the Florida victims goes I'm neither for or is not for me to judge. But...I'm against political correctness and the intentional destruction of our country and culture. It's high time this country wakes up and stops laying down and taking this garbage, now with the Texas Walmart thing it's instantly workplace violence!!!
What's happening to my country?
Ok I'm stopping there...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


For what it's worth....I tend to follow the live and let live's not for me to judge what others do as long as they don't hurt or infringe on others rights pretty straight forward in my mind.

Regards + HH



Since the warmer weather has arrived eating a bit lighter than during the colder weather.

A mussel salad with roasted sweet peppers some steamed asparagus and stuffed vine leaves on the side....yummy.

Regards + HH



  • DSC00881 (640x546).webp
    DSC00881 (640x546).webp
    47.1 KB · Views: 65
Released in January 1973,
Rick Wakeman, a keyboardist with the group, "Yes,"
Provided his unique interpretation on this album, on 6 distinctly different tracks, of the
"Six Wives of Henry the VIII."


(Died yesterday, 2 years ago...)

"Now, for all who love "free-style" keyboard arrangements, Rick Wakeman plays,
"Catherine Howard."

(My favorite track....)

Best Wishes to All!


Think I'll post the full album on my Music Thread....

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Since the warmer weather has arrived eating a bit lighter than during the colder weather.

A mussel salad with roasted sweet peppers some steamed asparagus and stuffed vine leaves on the side....yummy.

Regards + HH



A question....

Your picture is visible, but at the top it says attached thumbnail. and it has a blue screen background.

How did you do this?

Perhaps you have held the answer to my picture posting all along unawares....

"One more thing...How much to mail me a plate like that on dry ice?"

You, Sir, are eating like a King! :notworthy:

Best Always,



I tried to go the attachment route, but it seems to not be able to be used "inline."

In other words, It works great if you want to end your post with a photo,
but, during your post, not so much....


  • columbo test.webp
    columbo test.webp
    10.4 KB · Views: 123
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Since the warmer weather has arrived eating a bit lighter than during the colder weather.

A mussel salad with roasted sweet peppers some steamed asparagus and stuffed vine leaves on the side....yummy.

Regards + HH


DSC00881 (640x546).webp

Oh yeh!!
When a minus tide occurs we can clam.....AND harvest mussels!
They make a great seafood linguine.

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We have a program on the computer called photo gallery as part of the microsoft allows for cropping, resizing, etc and then I just upload directly from the computer....hope that helps.

Probably shipping that meal wouldn't be cost effective...they had the pre cooked mussels frozen for like $2.88 for 12oz, the sweet peppers were on special also don't remember the price and likewise the grapevines....odds are all in it cost like $6.00 for 4 portions.

If you hit the specials and prepare from scratch food doesn't have to cost a fortune....there's left over asparagus that will go into a quiche tomorrow and we' be using some large eggs we bought at $1.99 per dozen a bit of cheese and other stuff and a salad from our garden....

Regards + HH


Regards + HH


Bill, that looks sooooo good! I love mussels and aspargus! When we go Abalone diving our first night meal is always Mussels. Then we eat ourselves sick everynight following on more mussels, Abalone, scallops, and what ever fish we shoot. Man I'm hungry now! I'm thinking we'll get to have our first meal from the garden this weekend, I need to run out there and have a looksee.

Please forgive this, my final post of the evening......

It is an accompaniment to my dinner.

Please enjoy, as I shall....
Perhaps with a hearty red wine?

Until later my Friends...

My Best Wishes,


And I still do not require "Adult Supervision!" :thumbsup:

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