
At times we all have to draw a line in the sand and not back down....I've had a few of those moments in my younger years as Scott alluded to....a bully grabbed me and pushed my face in the snow bank when I was a kid almost suffocating me.

Instead of throwing in the towel I went home grabbed a shovel and chased him all the way home....after that the bullying ended.

Lesson learned and have never had many times since needing to push the envelope to have them back down except a few strong words to back off usually works.

Regards + HH


I agree.

Due to my past younger days,
I was involved in many "bar fights."

Well, really only one.
That saw blood drawn by me....

I busted his head open with a pool ball in a left-handed thrust after he crashed a pool cue over my back and....


When confronted with a situation, involving many other adversaries at the same time,
I look for the "Leader" or their main "goon."

Take out either or both,

Ta Da! You won.

Not the biggest or loudest "Barkers" have any bite. Feel me? 8-)


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Anybody see this new reality tv show called Mygrations on Nat Geo? They started with 20 I think and looks like they are about to go to 13. This is the dumbest reality show yet. 20 survivalists, animal behaviorists etc are calling themselves a herd, even a USAF SERE instructor, are chasing a herd of Wildebeests across the Serengeti........they don't have much but what they find. Anything for tv....... Makes no sense

I agree.

Due to my past younger days,
I was involved in many "bar fights."

Well, really only one.

I busted his head open with a pool ball in a left-handed thrust after he crashed a pool cue over my back and....


When confronted with a situation, involving many other adversaries at the same time,
I look for the "Leader" or their main "goon."

Take out either or both,

Ta Da! You won.

Not the biggest or loudest "Barkers" have any bite. Feel me? 8-)


I must say that I do not advocate violence for the continuation of this Dream, that we call America, still young in it's infancy, though cloaked in the flag of a Nation, yearning to show the world of Freedom, paid for with the blood of Patriots throughout her History, shed for those in Foreign lands....


My Home, Sweet Home!



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Friday, after helping my locksmith Friend,
I stopped in to see my Friend, Don....

Vine and Cheese

I'm a beer drinker but Don has always been right with me. About my finiky taste in wine....

My Landlord,
The Best Landlord EVEH! turned me on to Don.....


Don asked about an '02 Focus Hatchback that the ignition wouldn't turn...

I traveled 25 miles one way yesterday to his house.
Got him right in about an hour and it cost him nothing!

He's my Friend.

He wants to sell the Focus....

In my price range, but not camping vehicle material.

And an automatic.

And needs a timing belt replacement.

With 150,000 miles, whats it worth?

Can I maybe trade up from my truck to a decent trade in for what I really want? :icon_scratch:



Attachment is a helpful image of an '02 Ford Focus Hatchback...


  • Ford Focus.webp
    Ford Focus.webp
    52.2 KB · Views: 51
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Friday, after helping my locksmith Friend,
I stopped in to see my Friend, Don....

Vine and Cheese

I'm a beer drinker but Don has always been right with me. About my finiky taste in wine....

My Landlord,
The Best Landlord EVEH! turned me on to Don.....

He asked about an '02 Focus Hatchback that the ignition wouldn't turn...

I traveled 25 miles one way yesterday to his house.
Got him right in about an hour and it cost him nothing!

He's my Friend.

He wants to sell the Focus....

In my price range, but not camping vehicle material.

And an automatic.

And needs a timing belt replacement.

With 150,000 miles, whats it worth?

Can I maybe trade up from my truck to a decent trade in for what I really want? :icon_scratch:



Attachment is a helpful image of an '02 Ford Focus Hatchback...

Scott, you know me I love to wheel and deal...however it's high miles, automatic and needs a timing belt. I'm also guessing it's not as clean as the one in your picture. That car is on borrowed time. Timing belt is easy but likely a few hundred if done properly, how's the tires? Cosmetics? If that automatic dies the value of the car is near zero. Again it's not a question of if the transmission is going to die but rather when it's going to die. If it was a Honda or Toyota the story would be drastically different. Again it's a '02 pristine low miles condition it's not worth much. My advice is to keep shopping.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Hey Fowledup. I'm sitting here on the couch enjoying an apple, visualizing one of Brother Bills meals haha. My Pitbull is sitting well leaning on me staring me in the face because she eats the apple core minus the seeds. She does so like its a piece of meat ! Haha. I just gave it to her. Now she's happy. She smiles at me it's so funny.......hope the best for your dog there buddy.

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Scott, you know me I love to wheel and deal...however it's high miles, automatic and needs a timing belt. I'm also guessing it's not as clean as the one in your picture. That car is on borrowed time. Timing belt is easy but likely a few hundred if done properly, how's the tires? Cosmetics? If that automatic dies the value of the car is near zero. Again it's not a question of if the transmission is going to die but rather when it's going to die. If it was a Honda or Toyota the story would be drastically different. Again it's a '02 pristine low miles condition it's not worth much. My advice is to keep shopping.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

YEP! :notworthy:

You be right again, Captain! :thumbsup:

Troops, Forward, March! 8-)

Perhaps my next visit to the Wine and Cheese shop will provide Havarti for a stuffed chicken breast recipe that I have in mind and a nice "accompanying" wine....

Cheers! :occasion14:


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YEP! :notworthy:

You be right again, Captain! :thumbsup:

Troops, Forward, March! 8-)

Perhaps my next visit to the Wine and Cheese shop will provide Havarti for a stuffed chicken breast recipe that I have in mind and a nice "accompanying" wine....

Cheers! :occasion14:


Yes, I can cook.

I haven't always lived on Ramen.

I might have mentioned that I was once the Kitchen Manager of a Sorority.
(Jeff wakes up....)

Yeah, young 18 year old girls coming down for breakfast in their sleepwear, and,
Where was I going with this post? :icon_scratch:


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When one is hungry....
For food to nourish the body, mind or soul,

You WILL dance....


Yes. I have found my dinner in a dumpster more than once....

Some words. Again.

Words have meaning.

"Lucky Man"

He had white horses
And ladies by the score
All dressed in satin
And waiting by the door

Ooooh, what a lucky man he was
Ooooh, what a lucky man he was

White lace and feathers
They made up his bed
A gold covered mattress
On which he was led

Ooooh, what a lucky man he was
Ooooh, what a lucky man he was

He went to fight wars
For his country and his king
Of his honor and his glory
The people would sing

Ooooh, what a lucky man he was
Ooooh, what a lucky man he was

A bullet had found him
His blood ran as he cried
No money could save him
So he laid down and he died

Ooooh, what a lucky man he was
Ooooh, what a lucky man he was

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Just sent an email to Senator Butch Miller to wit:

Honorable Butch Miller:


In a recent conversation with Bill Kokaly, of Congressman Collin's office, I inquired
about "Cold War Veteran" license tags. He recommended that I should contact you
for possible assistance in the creation of a "Georgia Cold War" tag.

I am an Honorably Discharged US Army MP Vet. I just received my Associates Degree in
Psychology at the University of North Georgia and will continue towards a Bachelors
Degree to work with returning Vets who may have problems readjusting to civilian life.

I currently have the "generic" Veteran tag.
I strongly believe that having served during the "Cold War," we are the Vets
who kept America FROM a war.
Shouldn't we receive the same Honor of our Service as the specific other license tags
currently available?

I appreciate your response as to how we can see this become a reality.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx
PO Box xxxx
Gainesville, GA 30503


Let's see how this works out! :thumbsup:




An act of Congress, I mean Senate, to recognize the service of tens of thousands who Volunteered.
For America!

Stand and salute, Son....

"And hit it outta the park!"

"Same time next week?"



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You asked for it...

Jim Dandy to the rescue!



Oh, Damn!
Just added too much crushed, dried habenero to my home-made chili....




Works for me.
How 'bout you?

Friday, after helping my locksmith Friend,
I stopped in to see my Friend, Don....

Vine and Cheese

I'm a beer drinker but Don has always been right with me. About my finiky taste in wine....

My Landlord,
The Best Landlord EVEH! turned me on to Don.....


Don asked about an '02 Focus Hatchback that the ignition wouldn't turn...

I traveled 25 miles one way yesterday to his house.
Got him right in about an hour and it cost him nothing!

He's my Friend.

He wants to sell the Focus....

In my price range, but not camping vehicle material.

And an automatic.

And needs a timing belt replacement.

With 150,000 miles, whats it worth?

Can I maybe trade up from my truck to a decent trade in for what I really want? :icon_scratch:



Attachment is a helpful image of an '02 Ford Focus Hatchback...

Man I miss my computer...this mobile device does not get it.

Forgot details of mileage and year but a Chevy heavy half caught my eye the other day.
Good miles and condition and old enough for my comprehending how to service it.
350 engine means several miles per gallon with foot in four barrel and maybe double driving like a reasonable senior.

Been a long time , but last time a waffle house observation post allowed watching Georgia regulars...some very nice daily driver type old trucks were showing up.
Had some pics at one time of some sweet cars too.
The right timing, some ducats too of course , and a flat bed trailer would have made it worthwhile to return multiple times.
Alas, my misspent youth was engauged otherwise.

Man I miss my computer...this mobile device does not get it.

Forgot details of mileage and year but a Chevy heavy half caught my eye the other day.
Good miles and condition and old enough for my comprehending how to service it.
350 engine means several miles per gallon with foot in four barrel and maybe double driving like a reasonable senior.

Been a long time , but last time a waffle house observation post allowed watching Georgia regulars...some very nice daily driver type old trucks were showing up.
Had some pics at one time of some sweet cars too.
The right timing, some ducats too of course , and a flat bed trailer would have made it worthwhile to return multiple times.
Alas, my misspent youth was engauged otherwise.

Those small block Chevys are the best v8's out there! That's why I insisted on one in my boat paired with a mercruiser alpha one. In fact we're out on the lake right now! First launch of the season!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Yes, I can cook.

I haven't always lived on Ramen.

I might have mentioned that I was once the Kitchen Manager of a Sorority.
(Jeff wakes up....)

Yeah, young 18 year old girls coming down for breakfast in their sleepwear, and,
Where was I going with this post? :icon_scratch:


LOL Ole Scotty boy, you always get my attention. BTW any pics of those days?

Those small block Chevys are the best v8's out there! That's why I insisted on one in my boat paired with a mercruiser alpha one. In fact we're out on the lake right now! First launch of the season!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Oh yeh! Looks like a good time.
I'am looking at purchasing an ocean going vessel. 30 foot Bayliner) Has to be big enough to go out 10 miles for halibut. We have some of the best bootom fish ever around here. Salmon too!
A friend has a commercial boat but he doesn't sport fish with it. If I get anywhere near that boat....I get put to work! I have helped during crab season a few times, good money!
I also know a guy with a jet boat that blasts up and down the Rogue river. He can get over 50 miles up the Rogue, which has a famous Salmon and Steelhead fishing. That boat flat screams!!

did I ever tell you about the time I trolled for salmon with a warthog? got lots of bites, but hard to hook em

Oh yeh! Looks like a good time.
I'am looking at purchasing an ocean going vessel. 30 foot Bayliner) Has to be big enough to go out 10 miles for halibut. We have some of the best bootom fish ever around here. Salmon too!
A friend has a commercial boat but he doesn't sport fish with it. If I get anywhere near that boat....I get put to work! I have helped during crab season a few times, good money!
I also know a guy with a jet boat that blasts up and down the Rogue river. He can get over 50 miles up the Rogue, which has a famous Salmon and Steelhead fishing. That boat flat screams!!

I always wanted to ride in the jet boats on the Rogue when I was there. I was just way to poor to ever be able too at the time. I know I sure liked seeing the abandoned gold mines on the banks up around Galice!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I always wanted to ride in the jet boats on the Rogue when I was there. I was just way to poor to ever be able too at the time. I know I sure liked seeing the abandoned gold mines on the banks up around Galice!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

The grants pass jet boat rides "Hellgate" Welcome to Hellgate Jetboat Excusions The jet boats out of Gold Beach The boats have three 460 V-8's!!.
Ah yeh the Galice mining district.....a lot of the mines in that area are "revisited"
I'am really trying to get a cabin over there....Applegate river area.

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