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Thanks RC love ya man!!!!!!!!!!

There are or at least were , guilds that put a deliberate flaw in each beaded piece.
I am relieved to have found it on your piece.:occasion14:


"You see more than others. Perhaps your "vision" should become clouded?"
(Lesson here, Y'all...Don't show your "vision" to just anyone, like me, Dig?)


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Thanks for the chuckles...

Regards + HH


Ok Ok Ok So normally I never upload GI Joe pictures. But I was going through some old photos of Afghanistan and came across me and a buddy being silly..............enjoy a couple of GI's goofing offing....look very close.....hahahahahahahahahaha

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"You see more than others. Perhaps your "vision" should become clouded?"
(Lesson here, Y'all...Don't show your "vision" to just anyone, like me, Dig?)


I trust you are not offended.

And since you are not in class...
Homework seems in order.

How many cultural arts( both by country and art) require a flaw in their work and why? List the multiple reasons.
How does that relate to human psychology? Again , reason.

Note : no correct answer unless culture specific; though perfect beadwork has no value to me.

Cloud my vision will ya? Not if eye can keep out of arms reach...8-)



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  • mh-53-seals.webp
    30.6 KB · Views: 61
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Wow TGF....You are the guy that Steven Seagal pretended to be....
I was a stick as a younger dude. 8th grade 6' %" 165 pounds. But with a big mouth. After a few atitude adjustments as I walked the high school 185.. (growth spurt) upper class-men remembered my smart ass! A friend said, fight back bro!
I learned then I could hit...and was fast. So after high school I got in more then a few fights, did well, was 225 by then. I ended up with some "time" to thing about what direction I was going. I defended people that couldn't fight well.....and did not wish to...but still were bullied, especially women. After my "time out" which ain't a lot of fun, I calmed down, hung out with a different crowd.
As the judge are becoming a mischievous menace.

But you Sir fought for our country, and that is wicked cool!!!:headbang::headbang:
The places you have been, the things you have seen and the things you had to do...I salute you sir!
Thank you for your service.
And thank you also Scott!

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TGF- "Somethin wrong.....In the neighborhood........Who ya gonna call?"
LOL, that came to mind when I got to the part about even the SEALS needing someone to call for 911. One of the kids that grew up hangin around the house here with our kids served as a PJ. That young man lived several lifetimes in his few short years of service doing CSAR. TGF, knowing what he experienced and having no doubt that you've been through similiar experiences I got nothing but love and respect for ya! Thank you for your service and sacrifices.

Thank you guys. I believe God chose me to protect. Here I am in my middle 50's still trying to protect! OV I was a bit of a loner in high school but a fighter. When I lived in Virginia I lived 17 miles from my high school. I didn't want people to know the BS going on at home. My pops was evil . My mom would make me get up at 0430 to get the eggs to have breakfast with Satan...... So sometimes I would get the eggs at 0330 and would run 17 miles to school over 2 mountains so I wouldn't have to face him!!!!! People thought I was crazy.. Maybe I was. I was 6'1" a buck fifty when I graduated high school! But remember I joined the Army first. Thanks guys my calling is/was for I'm no speed no drag haha

Ok nuff said next subject- so when my grandson was born ( 3 months early) my son shows up stoned at the hospital 2 weeks after the child was born....weighing 1 pound. I said" so where have you been?" He says " well uh, I had to find myself" with absolutely no sympathy in my heart. His son born 3 months early. On a respirator.And he has to find himself. So I think real hard on some great comeback...... I pointed to him right in the face, up good and close and I said " ain't that you?" Hahaha what a smart azz I can be when grandson spent almost 3 months in Neo natal ICU when he came home, he came to my home and I've raised him ever since....... Now he's trying to take him. I wonder if he's. " found himself yet? He has 2 more kids he doesn't include the 10 year old in anything! Ok off my soapbox

Ok Ok Ok So normally I never upload GI Joe pictures. But I was going through some old photos of Afghanistan and came across me and a buddy being silly..............enjoy a couple of GI's goofing offing....look very close.....hahahahahahahahahaha

View attachment 1314859

Instant 3rd degree burns on whatever is left of their head.

Darn backblast!



I was always the volunteer for claymores.
Something about them and the many "trip" possibilities always fascinated me....

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I trust you are not offended.

And since you are not in class...
Homework seems in order.

How many cultural arts( both by country and art) require a flaw in their work and why? List the multiple reasons.
How does that relate to human psychology? Again , reason.

Note : no correct answer unless culture specific; though perfect beadwork has no value to me.

Cloud my vision will ya? Not if eye can keep out of arms reach...8-)
A person would just about have to hit me to offend me. Once I ascertained why, there might be a throw-down....

I am well aware of "the flaw factor" as I have dealt with all types of antiques for the last 30 some years.
I see it mostly in Asian, Persian and Native American hand made items.

They are done intentionally.

I do it 'cause I like to ask people if they notice.....

You, my Friend, are very astute! :notworthy:

And I won't cloud your vision too much....

Just remember that in the "Land of the Blind,"
The one-eyed man is King!

Best Wishes Always,


Also, as it relates to psychology; Each person's creation, if flaws are intended, "personalize" their creation.
It's akin to Picasso signing his latest painting. In the medium of tapestries, rugs, beadwork, etc. there is really no other way for the creator of the piece to sign their work.
A few of the more prolific producers of pieces usually use very similar methods on each piece that they create.
I believe that other reasons may be in play, but upon this premise, I think culture plays a small role if any.


"And, yes, I have no classes scheduled...Time is now mine to persue my passion...

"Et Tu, RC?"



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Ever been to a concert where you were sitting down?

Back in the 80's, I was married to a Gal who had 5 or 6 kids from a previous marriage...
The oldest was about a year younger than me and was a cop nearby.

And he DID NOT like me....




"Ah, Crap! That means Scott's gonna tell another boring story, isn't he?"
"Yep, it appears so. Don't worry, a commercial is coming up soon!"

I had gotten tickets to see Foghat at the Uptown Theater in Kansas City.
At the last minute, the Wife couldn't go.
So, I took her 16 year old daughter, Linda, to the show.
It was meals, drinks, the WORKS!

At first, they wouldn't let me in 'cause I had an underage person with me.
(She was less than 10 years younger than me. I know it looks funny, but don't go there, Dig?)

I had to prove that I was her legal guardian.
And promise to make sure that she did not consume alcohol.
Of course she will not consume alcohol. I will be. She's driving home!

I think I've still got a bootleg tape around here somewhere....:icon_scratch:

Great Show!


"And now, a word from our Sponsors...."



Kinda miss that wife...
She sure could cook!

The age difference when we married was: Me=25. Her=50. What's that look like today?

Me=Nearly 57. Her=82?


Still....I miss her the most, I guess....
AND her cookin'

Got a pic of her here somewhere....

Nah. Y'all don't wanna see it....

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A person would just about have to hit me to offend me. Once I ascertained why, there might be a throw-down....

I am well aware of "the flaw factor" as I have dealt with all types of antiques for the last 30 some years.
I see it mostly in Asian, Persian and Native American hand made items.

They are done intentionally.

I do it 'cause I like to ask people if they notice.....

You, my Friend, are very astute! :notworthy:

And I won't cloud your vision too much....

Just remember that in the "Land of the Blind,"
The one-eyed man is King!

Best Wishes Always,


Also, as it relates to psychology; Each person's creation, if flaws are intended, "personalize" their creation.
It's akin to Picasso signing his latest painting. In the medium of tapestries, rugs, beadwork, etc. there is really no other way for the creator of the piece to sign their work.
A few of the more prolific producers of pieces usually use very similar methods on each piece that they create.
I believe that other reasons may be in play, but upon this premise, I think culture plays a small role if any.

Imperfection is a human lot in life. It exists in nonhuman form as well.
The old ,"look once for beauty and twice to look for less" applies to all.

Perfection is the realm of what ever power or powers are above mortal life.
To imitate perfection denies culpability. Denying being something humans do to their chagrin once/if realized.

To some cultures ,a flaw allows their higher deity to enter the work. Enhancing it's acceptance as worthy of the work , and it's possession.

All mortals and much else flora/fauna scrutinized, have flaws. It's really the natural majority of what exists.

Big brains ,a surprisingly small portion of prime function ; and a kaleidoscope of changes in them throughout life.
The greatest of them can stumble on simple logic and the lowest capacities can make sense of the same missed logic , or vice versa at another time.
All the same , all different ; but none perfect.

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Went to my 10 year High School Reunion.

Seems they misunderstood math when they created my Bio for the Souvenir.


Key word missing?

Actually, the whole description needs re-writing...sheesh!

Haven't given a rat's as, as, astronomical thought about attending another reunion.

Who CARES!?!
Feel me?

The following video may contain objectionable lyrics. Listen at your own choice.




Y'all makin me dig deep into the archives for such Treasures, aren't you....

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Went to a 30 year or something or'nuther reunion.
Bunch of old people.:laughing7:
Interesting night though...
Some people you can pick up right where you left off . Others are hardly changed in appearance or demeanor while others are/ almost some one else , and is that and so?

Imperfection is a human lot in life. It exists in nonhuman form as well.
The old ,"look once for beauty and twice to look for less" applies to all.

Perfection is the realm of what ever power or powers are above mortal life.
To imitate perfection denies culpability. Denying being something humans do to their chagrin once/if realized.

To some cultures ,a flaw allows their higher deity to enter the work. Enhancing it's acceptance as worthy of the work , and it's possession.

All mortals and much else flora/fauna scrutinized, have flaws. It's really the natural majority of what exists.

Big brains ,a surprisingly small portion of prime function ; and a kaleidoscope of changes in them throughout life.
The greatest of them can stumble on simple logic and the lowest capacities can make sense of the same missed logic , or vice versa at another time.
All the same , all different ; but none perfect.

I am humbled to your wisdom, knowledge and understanding! :notworthy:

Be Well, my Friend!



Y'all asked for it...

My second wife. From the 80's.


She's the one I had to answer to because I got wild with guitrar feedback one day and shattered a crystal bell in the china cabinet.
"Her 'Favorite' Bell!"

I felt bad.
Then, a week later, I bought her a new bell...
And it got rung!

I had a new song written!

Just about the time I restored an upright piano....

But that's another story....




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I am humbled to your wisdom, knowledge and understanding! :notworthy:

Be Well, my Friend!



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