Y'all asked for it...

My second wife. From the 80's.


She's the one I had to answer to because I got wild with guitrar feedback one day and shattered a crystal bell in the china cabinet.
"Her 'Favorite' Bell!"

I felt bad.
Then, a week later, I bought her a new bell...
And it got rung!

I had a new song written!

Just about the time I restored an upright piano....

But that's another story....



View attachment 1315557

Oh,oh. A Mr. bubble fan? They can get into the bubble cult.:laughing7:


Don't miss the 1% rambling vs. the 99% struggle to ramble.

Yeah! Hooray!
Again I find myself in the top 1% of something!

Better than Mensa?

We'll see, won't we?



And, perhaps I failed to mention my final grades of my last class...

I got an A on my PowerPoint Presentation,
an A- on the "Lecture" class section Final,
A B+ on the "Lab" section Final,
And a B+ on the written Thesis.

My overall grade in the course was a SOLID "B" IN BOTH SECTIONS! :notworthy:

I really didn't know if I had passed the course and was even able to graduate until the last moment.

When I walked across the stage and some big gorilla SOB wasn't there to take my diploma away,....

I knew that I had completed the first step of my Journey!

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Yeah! Hooray!
Again I find myself in the top 1% of something!

Better than Mensa?

We'll see, won't we?



We trade minds a semester when you return to school ,everyday would be like the movie groundhog day for you....


Dang RC that's deep right there buddy....

Scott that's a good one too. Foghat now there's a blast from the past. They had a song I loved about losing a woman.....let me think..... I'm at the airport picking up my wife so I can't post it.....darn it oh was it Paradise Alley? I thought that would happen to a young lady I loved .......Hey Scott....Thanks bro!!!


By the way,

Y'all know what time it is...Dig?

Hope you are well,
Mr. C, my Friend!



A friend of mine is in town, have not seen him in a year or so, he is here for the fishin'
He says lets hit the local waterin' some pool.

I know him well. Can get rowdy.
I think of this song INSTANTLY!:laughing7:


How many beers will your cooler hold?

How many coolers you got?

Sounds like a great time!

At night.
Perhaps talk of regional snipe?

Yeah, I'm bad aren't I? :dontknow:

(Provide photos, PLEASE!)



Anyone want to camp with me in the mountains? :coffee2:

You like Trout?
Rainbows and Browns?

Look up "Waters Creek."

In my neck of the woods...

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Scott that's a good one too. Foghat now there's a blast from the past. They had a song I loved about losing a woman.....let me think..... I'm at the airport picking up my wife so I can't post it.....darn it oh was it Paradise Alley? I thought that would happen to a young lady I loved .......Hey Scott....Thanks bro!!!

For you, Bro!

Treat your lady right, as I know you will! :thumbsup:

A Great weekend wish for you!



How do I know of such music?




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My favorite song from the album is cut #2, side one.

Got it cued up now....

I feel your love for your Grandchild that you share.
Teaching him skills...

And Sports!
I give you all of my interweb points and strength to continue on!

I feel the strength you have to hold it together!

"Well done, Soldier, Well Done!"



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Thanks Scott that sure takes me back brother.....

OV Move over man got room for 2 more to go fishing? Watch ya catching? My little buddy and I haven't been fishing in awhile. It's been raining a lot here lately. But this year we had some brown algae kill a lot of sea life in the ICW..... Not much fishing there.....and the boss won't let us get a we need a new fishing spot! Haha

There's a little room off of the garage that needs light.
You know, running some wire to the breaker box maybe?
A switch and a fixture?

Check the circuity, check the gauge of wire and the breaker amperage and load....
Perhaps a new line run?

I invite any inspection of my work to be in compliance of current NEC codes.

It's either that or mowing and yard work this weekend, Folks...



And it rains tonight in Georgia....

And, Scott's reply, in a moment of lucidity?

"My, it's a starry night, through the clouds of grey...."

Have you ever slept in your car?
For weeks?

Have you ever slept under a bridge?
In a cardboard box?

With no future for tomorrow?

I have.

And the strength that I found within myself to achieve can also be found within you!

It is called,

"Git 'Er Done!"


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I guess this weekend I'll begin the sell off my collectible currency and such.

I've a feeling that I'll soon need a grand or so for a new (used, older) ride....

I have really become attached to my old truck...
So many memories...

But, memories are easier to carry with you than the truck that no longer runs, right?
Tomorrow is new opportunities.
Tomorrow is a new start.
Tomorriw is a new adventure.
Tomorrow is....


All night again...

What's your story?

I don't like the dreams of my sleep....

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And yet,
I'm still OK....



Yes sir. My senior year in high school I lived in my K5 Blazer from September to April.......I made it ok!!!!!!!

Last night was the first night my little buddy "was made" to spend the night with his dad in oh.......10 phreaking years....I didn't sleep. My stomachs been in knots. Do they realize the stress they put these children through? He didn't want to go . God don't like ugly......

OV Move over man got room for 2 more to go fishing? Watch ya catching? My little buddy and I haven't been fishing in awhile. It's been raining a lot here lately. But this year we had some brown algae kill a lot of sea life in the ICW..... Not much fishing there.....and the boss won't let us get a we need a new fishing spot! Haha

We have 4 rivers within 30 miles, 2 are famous for salmon and steelhead. I fish a creek that has cut-throat trout...also a great creek for prospecting. Bring a pole for fishing off the rocks, ling cod is the prize...also many varieties of rock fish. If you can really cast out aways, halibut!!
If you hop on a boat and head will get your limit of anything you want.
A friend caught this record they say.


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