Oh, yeah....
A little background about Rodney and the time period first....
I called the number from a newspaper ad looking for room-mate possibilities.....
This was about the time Clara Peller could be seen in commercials for Wendy's, asking,
"Where's the Beef!?"
Anyway, I spoke with his Mom and arranged to meet him when he got off of work that evening. She told me that he was a Navy Vet, close to my age and DEEPLY RELIGIOUS....
So, I met Rodney and when I mentioned the "deeply religious" statement,
He grinned at me and said, "Don't believe everything you hear!"
I'm singin' and feelin' the power of music with Rodney's Mom.
In Augusta, Georgia.
In this Pentecostal Church.
On the front row.
On Christmas morning.....
After an hour or two of this, still lookin' around for Rodney,
the service winds down and just before the preacher "releases us to do God's work,"
I see Rodney slowly rise up from the pew, yawn and stretch.
"Oh yeah! We gonna talk about this later."
When we got back to the house, he agreed to a months worth of dishes and housecleaning or a serious butt kicking!
Could never really get mad at him, though......
After all, he is the one who helped me learn how to play a guitar!
For his birthday, I had a tee shirt made for him.
I also supplied the keg....

(photo found in "Scott's Box of Memories...." Dated: August, 1985)
Hope all are Well!
Best Wishes,