Dimes Box 4
1 - Rosie (I found this one in the second to last roll... so over 5,000 dimes were searched before finding this one! I was really sweating it by the time I got to this dime... so, last box produced A silver Sherm... time to party )
So now that I opened all my loot before the weekend... I guess I have time to do other things!
Oh, I forgot to mention... the 1983 half is kind of weird... it has a double stamped rim. I've found a '71 and a '72 like this as well. Anything special?? I'll hang on to them.
And there are 9 2001d's in the pile there. I guess these don't say "not for circulation" in the Red Book, but they were less minted than the not for circulation 2001p's so I'll hang onto them.
Well I wish you could of found more but it sure beats a swift kick in the pants...
Great job on snaging those Canadian dimes, I have only found 1 80% so far. Is that 1983d death by 1,000 cuts?
Yeah it's pretty slim pickins for halves, but I added a column to the spreadsheet that lists "avg. per box" and my dimes are still 4.71/box and halves are 7.50/box so the average is still good
83d, I think it's just stamped that way... it's got a clear step to it.
I went out looking for silver and this is what I wound up with. I got 2 boxes of dimes and $600 worth of halfs, & 3 large dollars. I ordered 4 boxes of halfs last week and they came in yesterday. All rolls were CWI boxes and rolls. When I get off of work I am going to go back and grab the rest of the $1,400
1941s Merc
Reject bin finds:
1984 Canadian 25c
1986 Canadian 25c
1989 Canadian 25c
2003 Canadian 25c
1980 Canadian 10c
1990 Canadian 10c
2001 Canadian 5c
41s is pretty sweet, and I'm pretty impressed you found some large dollars... and so many foreign coins in the reject bin. Was it all at the same machine?
LOL - I just did 2 more dime boxes this morning and I got another Merc!!!! Lately I have been finding a lot merc's and I love it, so far I found 8 this year!!!! This 1926 is the oldest Merc that I have found so far while CRH'ng!!!
Well I kind of made a mistake that turned out REALLY great in the end. I had to wait two weeks for my bank to order some halfs... so I said because of the long wait can I double what I would normally order per week... she said ok and some how I agreed to $4000k worth of halves. Well... they came in today and I realized what I had agreed to. Luckily they had them on a cart and helped me out with them. This is the greatest bank in the world So, I have some opening to do this weekend for sure I'll pick up some more halves tomorrow I think from another bank as well.. and dimes from yet another. I'm going to need to find some more dump banks though.
Congrats Kermit. 9 dimes in one box isn't bad at all, but those skunkers really give me the blues. I had two skunk half boxes already, and one great box. I picked up two more boxes, so when I get to the end of ten I'll post the results. Got a penny box too!
Ok, here comes 10 boxes of halves and 1 box of pennies!
Some stats:
1 box of halves had 27 40%'ers (4 of the rolls had 4 silvers in each roll.. mostly in the first half of the box, yeah I was freaking out)
1 box of halves had 17 40%'ers
2 boxes of halves were skunks
(60) total 40% halves
(2) 90% halves (one being the Frankie)
Halves breakdown
1 - 1963-d (Frankie)
1 - 1964
3 - 1965
7 - 1966
20 - 1967
12 - 1968-d
18 - 1969-d
48 - 2001-d
9 - 2001-p
4 - 2002-d
1 - 2002-s (my first proof)
1 - 2004-d
2 - 2004-p
2 - 2005-d
1 - 2005-p
1 - 2006-d
1 - 2006-p
1 Box of Pennies yielded 10 wheaties with the oldest being a 1920-p, newest was 1957-d, also had 8 canadian cents in there.
Now the bad news...
My primary bank, but a satellite branch, has said they wanna start charging me $5 per box! They said that's THEIR cost and they were just being nice... I was thinking "bullshit, you are a bank... you want and get your money... and you can take that $5 fee and stuff it", but I just said, "I'll think about it".
Hopefully my main branch doesn't do this, which is the same one that ordered me the 8 boxes without blinking.
I think I might start tapering off anyway because once I can start digging, that's about all I'm going to have time for.