CPTBILs mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

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Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

at the time i wrote it i didnt think that what you thought was information.

but now i have had a think about it i know now it is.

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

well I'm glad we got that cleared up.

So, Bill, You gonna make it out here before Christmas? :o

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

Crap! NO!
I am involved in a (Family) Legal Dispute !
& You know how those attorneys love to drag stuff out !! :P
That's not the half of it !
The Area of Dispute is a 1/4 of the way around the world..
In Guam ! :P
Good thing! That I'm not paying for the flights over there and back!
I should hear the "Final Solution" ... In the next few weeks!
Then, I'll be free to take off !

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

Ok. I'm not going anywhere. Moved into a new house though, so I don't have a phone yet. I'll get you the info soon.

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

I don't see the fox but I do see Jesus!
Put it on ebay, sell it for a small fortune....lol j/k

In regards to what has been written by "the experts", I think "taking most it with a grain of salt" is the best avenue because much of it was written under the most "favorable lighting." New clues are always coming to the surface and with them new theories for us to follow and build upon.

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

This photo is from a treasure hunter, sent, to me,
who is looking for Montezuma's Treasure
That's one reason That I won't reveal it's location!
Why aren't you taking advantage of my offer to take you out there?
"We", "Doc" and I will probably go there, I want to actually walk over this feature
and take some close up photos of the area!!
Why is it, that when I make an offer like this
Out of the 24,000! :o
Members of this Forum only one person, once in a
GREAT, Great! while will accept ?

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

yurt_boy said:
CPTBIL, Not trying to pry anything out of you, but your mention of Aztec pictographs near the AZ/NM/Mex border caught my eye. My family is from that very area and have owned/operated several cattle ranches down there. My grandfather and great uncle found, at different times, a Spanish sword (apparently laid in the crook of a tree, which subsequently grew AROUND the blade!) and a conquistador-type helmet. Both were given to the Univ. of Ariz. in Tucson. My grandfather personally told me about this and I doubt he ever lied a day in his life. My grandmother also showed me a newspaper clipping from the Arizona Citizen. Their discovery would have been somewhere in the late 50's to early 60's, I think. Anyway, I know the general area where they were found, and there's another anomoly that's there, but I haven't personally seen it yet. My grandfather told of a natural, vertical shaft going down into the ground. He said there was ALWAYS so much cold wind blowing up through it that he and other cowboys would throw their hats over the hole and they wouldn't fall down. They'd be blown up and out. Several years ago, I spoke to an old lady whose family still ranches down there. She confirmed this story about the hole, and put me in touch with her son-in-law, who is a world-class rock climber. I spoke to him on the telephone, and he too had been to the hole. In fact, he had rappelled down into it! The longest rope he had was 300', and he got to the end of this without hitting bottom or being able to see the bottom with his headlamp! I don't know how to get a hold of him anymore, but just by coincidence, my dad mentioned running into a guy who lives in Tucson. That guy's mother-in-law used to live on a ranch in the same area. My dad and I are going to go talk to her and see if she can direct us to the shaft. I should also point out that in the early 90's, my family got some mining claims in the same area. Assay results showed high concentrations of gold, but the type of thing that'd have to be smelted, not placer gold. We never really did anything with it because the claims were on BLM land and we figured the gov't would take whatever we found anyway. On the Aztec angle, I should also point out that many of the prehistoric Indian sites in So. Arizona, although they've been labeled Anasazi or Hohokam, have distinct ball courts, and parrot feathers have been excavated. It's not a popular theory in mainstream archaeology ("Baring Strait and south, by God!"), but it seems to indicate to me that Aztecan and/or Mayan connections are there. So, in short, I'd like to see if you and I are in the same area. I don't exactly know how to go about it, 'cause neither of us likely wants to tip our hand. What do you think?

beign a preson with 400ft of rope in the other room , i under stand this dose not make you a skilled climber , but a 1 peice 300ft rope is a dam smart way to start ...i know i have one ...the rope it self weights 71 lbs

i tip my hat to your friend ,, this type of climb is for the better skilled climbers ...good luck with your reearch ...

for anyone that locates this site if you do not have the skills to climb ,stay away from it ...

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

Even with an "Ascender" that would be a real Climb !
One foot at a time
And the person weighs 180 lbs......
Let's see ... 180 lbs x 400 = 72,000lbs lifted :o
That would sure "tire" a guy out in a hurry! :P

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

cptbil said:
Even with an "Ascender" that would be a real Climb !
One foot at a time
And the person weighs 180 lbs......
Let's see ... 180 lbs x 400 = 72,000lbs lifted :o
That would sure "tire" a guy out in a hurry! :P

very ture about a 3 hour climb upward,going down is much easyer , if you take it slow and easy and climb safe , and stop for water and to rest .. i use Petzl Ascension with leg straps and basic B18 ,along with my standerd 8 .,i also use a Ok jane , i use copperheads and pitons , for caverna ..i also take a safity line of 100ft just in case,...you never know what can go wrong and down there you dont want to find out ...LOL and unless your friend is free style climbing he will need gear ,so you can add that weight as well , this is one of the reasons caveing is so dangerous , lighting and gear and food as well as warm clouthing and you can be over loaded very easy and to little gear mean more risk of injury or death ... some time ago i saw a show on TV where thing went wrong and one of the cavers could no longer climb and it made it dangerous for the hole team to get out safely ...so all i can do is say think before you try this and know your lemits and the lemits of your gear ....my rule is never enter a cave or shaft without a support team no matter what the conditions are . if you go into a cave or shaft to help someone and you dont have the right gear you could end up just as dead as well as causeing the deaths of those you are trying to help ...

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

Holy crap!......I just read all those posts and i gotta say it was very interesting and educational.I hope to see the end of this story some day.....good luck with your adventure.now i believe ill go take a nap.....lol

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

I kind of think that this is AZTEC ! ;D


  • Aztec Face.webp
    Aztec Face.webp
    98.8 KB · Views: 2,628
  • Aztec Face.webp
    Aztec Face.webp
    98.8 KB · Views: 2,278
Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona


I have to agree, I think it is Aztec. The picture resembles artwork I've seen as of lately in my research. The shape (as far as I can tell ;D) looks like a pic of an Aztec.

~Treasure Girl :P

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona


where did you find that remarkable picture? my friend and i found a picture similar to that in our research but ours was different.

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

na , its spainish the women is wearing a vail...

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

I found this in a canyon, in, I guess you'd say, Southern or Central, New Mexico
(your "name" "Emerald" just reminded me,
I have a friend in So. CA. who just found a nice emerald deposit there)

Treasure_ Girl3:
The drawing is and has been Authenicated, as being Aztec :)
It is strange that in this canyon, that is so full of prehistoric drawings that this one is the only one
Then, I have only covered about 1/2 of the Canyon :o

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona


The only one? ??? interesting, you would think their would be more.
by the way i was wondering if you are the same person as cptbil

~Treasure Girl

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

I, started out as "Cptbil"
& That was my "Yahoo" email name too!
Then, One day!
The email account froze up!
Try as I may..
"Yahoo" never answered or never did anything to correct the problem
I just opened up another email account, only this tme as:
Cptbild !
They're both me! ;D

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona


you said the canyon was full of prehistoric drawings, have you identified any others?
Other than Aztec i mean? ???

~Treasure Girl :P

Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona

that sounds like it was an interesting adventure. by the way about my name emerald is my favorite color in fact it's my birthstone so thats where i thought of it.

hey! how's your part of our research going?

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