Countdown to Alien Invasion

The whole concept of an alien invasion? If aliens had technology span the gap between the stars their technology would be so far superior than us. They could obliterate us on whim. And there would be nothing we could do about it.

We would never with in that respect win. And our own pathetic history of mankind shows that. Those cultures and races with superior technology when meeting a race or culture with lessor technology? It never ended well for Race or culture with lessor technology? history has shown that time and time again.

But again why would an alien race bother to come here and settle? It would be like us moving to south Sudan. Why would any alien want to settle on our little crap hole in universe anyway?

Mankind is a pathetic sort of creature. We cannot get our crap together as a species when we are not killing each other we are ripping each other off. we fight and squabble over the dumbest of things seeking to fulfill our selfish punk asses wants and needs without any thoughts of others. As species we have moments of brilliance but years of being brain dead.

So for me as stated before these drones are a wake up call as we are seeing what is being done with cheap assed drones in Ukraine.

For example

The T-90's unit cost has varied over time, from $2.5 million in 1999 to $4.5 million in 2016

The T-90 costs about $4.5 million, while the M1 Abrams costs about $9.61 million.

Flat pack drone

This cheap ass cardboard and rubber band drone takes out multi million dollar tanks and aircraft.

This is why governments are worried about drones. The economics along threat multi billion dollars defense industries aviation and naval forces. even submarines that cost billions of dollars to build and develop. and yet drone show a much cheaper option and economies of scale.

Future warts are going to be fought with drones in land or sea sky. US military knows this next generation air will not eve have pilot. even future submarines and ships.

So for them these sightings are smoke screen for evolving realities of changing far of war.


Time and space are definitely locked together. First, I’d like to know your definition of “time”?
lol yes both space and time are forever ! however if you don't understand what I was trying to say, you deliberately won't understand my answer and you just want to have a philosophical discussion/argument. sorry :laughing9: not gonna bite! Would Hurt my Brain:coffee2:

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Time and space are definitely locked together. First, I’d like to know your definition of “time”?
ToddsPoint: I'll bite. I believe "time" is invisible and can be anything you want it to be. Time as humans perceive it is nothing but a tool in the measurement of something. In other words it's a man made tool that ONLY applies to us and has no meaning outside of our conscious understanding. Our conscious understanding and meaning of time is based on light/darkness and seasons in relationship with the orbit of our planet around our sun. Again, a human made measuring tool. It only applies to "us".

"Time and space are definitely locked together.".... Maybe, possible or it just helps humans rationalize what we know, think or don't know.

Other intelligent life: I believe that's a given. But I use the word intelligent to apply to other beings not humans. We are arrogant as a species and assume any other life form visiting us would want to interact or contact with us humans. Maybe they would...? But it's arrogant to assume I believe. But we're (humans) the only one's voting on that subject (intelligence). I'd bet it would be applied to us by any visitors also. And rightfully so. I bet in the scope of things we know very little about the vastness of space or how to travel within it. Hell were still in fossil fuel mode.

Well not Complaining :tongue3: But Back on the Original Subject of the Drones and orbs at least for this post.

What Ever is Happening, If it's Home Grown from this planet,
I don't think they will take it past the 20th of January.

I say it will come to a Head Or End by then.

I Don't believe it has Anything to do with a search for a Dirty Bomb. If it was They would come up with a Good Excuse for doing a complete 24/7 search , ( impotrtant Missing Person, or Item for Instance )not frighten the timid population out there that are seeing them nightly and are afraid of aliens or thinking, china, iran, dirty bomb etc

ToddsPoint: I'll bite. I believe "time" is invisible and can be anything you want it to be. Time as humans perceive it is nothing but a tool in the measurement of something. In other words it's a man made tool that ONLY applies to us and has no meaning outside of our conscious understanding. Our conscious understanding and meaning of time is based on light/darkness and seasons in relationship with the orbit of our planet around our sun. Again, a human made measuring tool. It only applies to "us".

"Time and space are definitely locked together.".... Maybe, possible or it just helps humans rationalize what we know, think or don't know.

You’re correct.👍🏻 Einstein gave a simplified explanation of time. “Time is what the clock on the wall says.” I think he wasn’t wanting to try to explain “time” to a layman. A more scientific definition would be… “Time is the measurement of the movement of objects in space.” And then you get into “apparent solar time”, and “sidereal time”. (“star time”) It really gets interesting when you add in the speed of light and it’s relationship with time and objects moving that fast. I love reading about astrophysics but it goes right over my head really fast. I wish I was smarter.🤷🏼

Maybe this will help some.

The Drone Mystery and Alien Technology​


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I believe today all the small drones spotted over the U.S. are 100% human launched. This includes vehicle sized drones also. Why all the lights on them if you didn't want them to be seen...? They could be "secret" Government drones, commercial drones or just plain privately owned drones. Everybody is getting in on the act including people making click bait videos and posting them to be spread by others. And it's made easier with the use of AI now.

I don't see what's so hard about bringing down a few of them. And again maybe that's happened. How hard would or can it be to send up a drone(s) to do just that. And maybe that's happened also.

But I agree on or after Jan. 20th we'll see the beginning of the end compared to what's been going on. OR.... we'll have an explanation if Govt is behind it. And if there from "out of this world" the 20th won't mean a damn thing. And... if one is brought down from out of this world the cover up will begin unless someone other than a Govt. worker finds, documents and shares it with the world.

That's my personal take on it at this moment.

ToddPoints: "I love reading about astrophysics but it goes right over my head really fast. I wish I was smarter.🤷🏼"

I love that kind of stuff also sir. And I always wish I was smarter also.... YOUR NOT ALONE. I check in daily to get all NASA news.

They just be returning for an escapee


What i know about time is....The whole thing is a waste of time.....all of it.

Hell I am retired. I am not into time anymore? time has no meaning for me now.

Everything runs on jungle time. later today maybe tomorrow maybe next week maybe next month?

Stuff it I will have brew:coffee2:


UFO's Are Dripping MOLTEN METAL​


New Jersey drone is chased by military jet​

Must be in Slow Motion :o Especially on the 2nd Pass !
they both seem to be Driving Slow :o


original Prediction Between Dec 3rd and 4th:icon_thumright:

At least they Didn't Predict the End of the World This time :laughing9:

This Airport Situation Just Got Crazier

Video Titled

This Airport Situation Is Crazy...

We are living in a twilight zone episode.

I am originally from PA myself. East of Allentown.

for anyone who is as Intersted as am :tongue3:
most of the video is about the drones, their noise and
videos from nj, london, and brazil.

the Alien thingy from Germany from 10 years ago is Laughable

My girl's brother who lives in Williams Township PA snapped several good photos of an orb hovering over his farm property for over 2 hours. All the neighbors were outside pointing and talking about it. Here is one he sent us. This was about a week ago.

My girl's brother who lives in Williams Township PA snapped several good photos of an orb hovering over his farm property for over 2 hours. All the neighbors were outside pointing and talking about it. Here is one he sent us. This was about a week ago.
View attachment 2185479
Just the glare off Roy Orbison's specticals on the PBS fund raising vid.

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