- #181
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I wonder if that was the same yahoos that tried it at skinwalker ranch. the drones dropped out of the sky there too.How about that Orlando xmas show? So it begins ....
As crazy as this seems I would not be surprised drone light shows will one day replace fireworks all together.How about that Orlando xmas show? So it begins ....
The drones did it! Just like “the gun did it!” Who was at the controls of those drones? How about names and pics of the operators? Is this whole drone thing in NJ just the governments plan to get drones banned? Maybe the government is totally freaking out at what’s happening with drones in combat in Ukraine? It might be time to buy a new Mavic with a camera before I can’t.🤔How about that Orlando xmas show? So it begins ....
Crypto is the ultimate wealth grab (real tangible wealth),, simple as that. People exchanging things of actual value against a virtual coin.....People are gullible and stupid. Governments, religions and corporations use that to their advantage to manipulate the masses in order to increase their power and wealth. The rise of social media has made it much easier for them to run their scams. Government issued crypto currencies will be the next big fleecing opportunity.
That's a deep philosophical hole right there. But you're not wrong.Time is not important in a Space that's forever.
Imagine a Alien Life Billions of Years Old.
That set out in a Space Craft the Size of Texas a Billion Years ago
Hi. Yeah I listened to a talk with some scientists in it and the distances as you say are mind blowing. That too and to get here at 3 times the speed of light would take thousands of years. Then there is the space matter, right down to specks. Hitting a speck at 1 light speed would be like crashing into several atomic bombs. Then there is the need to have radar capable of seeing these specks hundreds of light years away so as to have time to avoid them. That's impossible, and thats just 1 speck! During that distance there will be innumerable others all needing to be detected by radar and avoided. Imagine turning at several times the speed of light just once, youd be mush on the wall. All the physics say its all impossible. To propel an object the size of a tennis ball at the speed of light would take massive unimaginable amounts of power, then as it approaches the same amount of power is needed to stop there, then that same amount of power to return, and that same amount to stop again.I am so skeptical at this point that even if an actual alien space craft landed in my front yard and little grey aliens came into my house and did whatever they do, that I would go to my grave convinced they were not real but I was just caught up in a mass hallucination. Why? The distances in space between us and other star systems, is almost beyond comprehension. The odds of there being other intelligent life out there is indeed GREAT! And there are so many trillions of planets out there, there has to be other life. But unless someone has figured out how to bend space/time, travel between stars, never mind travel between galaxies, is also almost beyond comprehension. And if some advanced civilization has figured that out, why would they care about this inconsequential rock we live on when there are trillions of other planets with millions of civilizations much more advanced than us ?