First, Speed limit is 75 or 80 on interstates - it varies, 65 or 70 on two lane roads and 65 at night on all roads. All the idiots from other states driving through when the limit was reasonable and prudent forced the current speed limits. The idiots driving from other states don't care at all about Montana or Montanan's.
No drinking and driving here either. Duh. Grow up people. Only someone that is a living brain donor would do that.
As for the question asked. BLM does have authority over the land if it is BLM land. Land belonging to BLM is completely controlled by them. Don't listen to those who don't live in Montana. The BLM DOES own land here in Montana. Some areas are very sensitive because of what was done before. Be careful buying mines in Montana. You could get stuck with a huge cleanup bill even if you didn't contribute to the problem. In addition, you will have the state agencies to deal with. They are currently very anti-mining.
If the land is Forest service land the BLM can get involved but normally you have to deal with the forest service and they aren't very friendly in most of the forests. Again for any water use you have to deal with both the federal agency and the state.
Don't be stupid and disrespect Montana. The agencies aren't the worst of what you will have to deal with. Montanan's won't stand for jerks coming in from out of state and destroying the state. Most of Montana is rural and everyone carries at least one gun. They will use them and the judges live here too and will side with the residents. Montanan's care about their state and don't like outsiders to come in thinking they can do anything they want and get away with it. If you want to act like irresponsible jerks do it where you live. Stay away from Montana.
On the other hand, if you can be an intelligent responsible person and can show it in how you treat the state and it's people you will be welcomed.
Boblemon, You seem to be responsible for asking a serious question and wanting to do things right. Don't listen to those morons that posted all that crap about Montana. they are idiots and don't give a damn about anyone or anything, obviously. They give mining a bad name.
I personally am good friends with the the person at the BLM that deals with the press here in Montana. If you want answers I can get you in touch with him and if he doesn't have them he'll get them for you or direct you to the proper person.
Keep in mind the idiots that posted the disinformation about Montana above are the reason mining here is so difficult. As an outsider it will be harder for you than it would a resident. Not because you wouldn't do the right things but because of the jerks that came before you like those who posted above.
BTW, which mines did you buy and if you aren't willing to tell that where are they? I may know the answer to what you would be up against. Montana has a lot of mining history but also a lot of huge problems because of the mining. Some areas are very sensitive and the agencies who control them can be very against anything new happening especially if you are talking about moving ground that has potentially hazardous chemicals in it.
Message me if you want to talk privately about this. I am willing to help you get going. I won't be here in the summer though. I have claims in the Yukon that I mine so I will be gone all summer but I can help you while I am here and am willing to meet and talk with who ever at the agencies. I have also worked with the state legislature and know most of the legislators. They can sometimes help move things along with the state agencies. But if they can't, don't count on the liberal progressive governor to help!