kcm. I am not here to argue but to point out the issues with the mine on Homestake. I have first hand knowledge of the mine. Have you been there? Do you even know the claim we are talking about?
My intention was to educate him based on what he posted. His time frame and his ideas of what he wanted to do. How long do you think it would take to set up a hydraulic conveyor? One that can change length as he works the tunnel? The best option would be a conveyor that can be made longer as he works. Or do you honestly think that a conveyor taking up about half the floor space or more going the whole length of the tunnel is the way to go even though he'll have to dig under the supports and the moving belt as he works to remove the paydirt on the floor? Also, since the conveyor would close off the opening how would he get in and out of the tunnel? What kind of conveyor is there that can be easily moved out of the way every time he needs and quickly in case of emergency?
Just so you know what we are talking about, here is a link to the claim listing.
Historic Gold Flint Gold Mine. A 20 acre lode Mining Claim for Sale Presented by Gold Rush Expeditions.
Looks like he bought it for $28k. He is gonna be pissed when he can't get the gold out in a few weeks, and what he can get out won't pay for the claim. I doubt he'll even get an ounce out. That 'cabin' is at the bottom of the valley. There is another on the side of the mountain that is in much better shape with a big sign saying to keep out! I have pictures I took this fall when I was up there. Also looks like the bears like that better built cabin.
Take a close look at the pictures of the hole. The weeds and bushes around that hole are not very big and that hole to get in the mine is very small. The green weed/bush on the side is about the size of a persons head. If you look closely you'll see a part of a garden hose on the ground in front. That should give you some perspective. Once you read the description and look closely at the pictures you'll understand better what I am talking about. You can still search and find the listing when the previous claim owner bought it and paid only $4k. It took him about 3 years but he did make a nice profit. $8k a year to hold onto the claims. A sucker is born every minute but it takes time for them to find the seller.
Also, look close at the pic of the gold in the pan. That gold is tiny maybe minus 50 or 100 mesh and there really isn't much of it. That pic is a close up and is blown up to make it look like a lot. That flypoop gold wasn't just a shovel full of dirt from the floor it was a whole lot more. It was classified material. All that is shown in the pan is not gold. Much of it is silver. Homestake is not a gold producer. It is a copper and silver producer and some other minerals such as Smoky Quartz.
Anyway, hope you are able to help him. Obviously what I know is wrong. Not going to waste anymore time on this thread as it is obvious that my knowledge of the claim, mine and access is of no value. Doesn't pay to help anyone on this whole site.
Too bad I won't be here during the summer. I would love to see the look on his face when he gets to Homestake and finds out the truth. It would make a great reality show episode!