From the heart Oddrock you have what it takes. Not to worry there; I'm still behind the wheel and these passengers we roll with are just a bunch of sleepy heads who have yet to realize that we're already going 110 in the slow lane. It's plain painless.

Good Hunting Ahead in the Macro World.

Well, that's just swell Mr. Fork. Put the fatty down for just a minute and glance at the title of this forum catagory: 'The Lost Dutchman's Mine'. Within the catagory are more than 150 threads. Dirty began this one to discuss an aspect of the LDM - clues that HE has found. If YOU want to plaster YOUR ideas on the forum, YOU really ought to begin a thread of YOUR own. That way, YOU will have an opportunity to draw attention directly to YOURSELF without spoiling someone else's fun. We know that YOU feel that only YOU possess the terrible truths of hidden loot in the southwest.

Oddrock claims you're the 'real deal', have shown 'too much' and are being 'pushed into it'. Obviously, you aren't being 'pushed' - you are trying to jump into several threads on this forum. If you want to talk about your stuff, set up your own thread and present your case. I for one have been curious about your stuff in the past, but here's a tip - be specific and rational about what you say. Lose the veiled, 'I've got a secret' language: people won't pay attention, and attention seems to be what you want.

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Well, that's just swell Mr. Fork. Put the fatty down for just a minute and glance at the title if this forum catagory: 'The Lost Dutchman's Mine'. Within the catagory are more than 150 threads. Dirty began this one to discuss an aspect of the LDM - clues that HE has found. If YOU want to plaster YOUR ideas on the forum, YOU really ought to begin a thread of YOUR own. That way, YOU will have an opportunity to draw attention directly to YOURSELF without spoiling someone else's fun. We know that YOU feel that only YOU possess the terrible truths of hidden loot in the southwest.

Oddrock claims you're the 'real deal', have shown 'too much' and are being 'pushed into it'. Obviously, you aren't being 'pushed' - you are trying to jump into several threads on this forum. If you want to talk about your stuff, set up your own forum and present your case. I for one have been curious about your stuff in the past, but here's a tip - be specific and rational about what you say. Lose the veiled, 'I've got a secret' language: people won't pay attention, and attention seems to be what you want.

Very well said Springfield - my sentiments exactly! I often have a difficult time understanding why someone who has found such amazing, remarkable, fantastic things feels the need to come onto a public forum to make their claims without any verifiable proof - over the years, I've come to the conclusion that most of the time it's a result of either an ego that needs to be constantly stroked, or a superiority complex of some kind.


I believe it's pure boredom. That seems to be exactly how bb got started, but then he started believing he had actually figured something out.:dontknow:


Obviously "RIO" doesnt mean "Go start your own thread"? Or are you afraid only a few "odd" ducks will go look at your post? You've completely ruined my thread with your crap. You're an idiot. And I'll tell you to your face, should you ever have the "stones" to show it anywhere near the mountains. But we both know you won't. You're a computer tough guy. Plenty of your kind around. I have no respect for someone like you, because you don't respect anyone else's hard work and research. You just throw your garbage into everyone else's posts saying "Look at me, I know everything"...


Ok *****, but I put up pictures of those things, and all you've done is talk..... So you've been schooled by the Dirty Dutchman....


Twisted F.,

"now a mud puddle with no trees"

Pretty much a perfect description of what you have done to Travis' topic.

How come you don't write about the Adams Family no more?:dontknow:

Joe Ribaudo

If I did that you would have the step by step from the horse's mouth as his cache was on a distant stones throw away from the funnel. Hard to imagine that there is two parallel realms to do with the Adams thing. Similar timeline, similar clues, similar weather.....Similar

Double Dutch wants to get to the skinny just as bad as I did back in the day. He may be very close to something quite real to be imagined; something the Monks worked with, but it is not the Dutchman without the River near by. That's all that keeps coming back in all of this. The Peralta maps have the River running about. To be honest, all one really has to do to find an old Spanish/Mexican mine site is to seek out mine symbols found on today's topos. Chances are that if the mountain in question has any kind of a gold/silver dig from back when, the Mexicans found it first, and may have used the code to hide the mother lode right nearby in a neighboring tangle of sorts......There won't be much of any sign of it if there is. Put yourself in their shoes first. All the time in the world.

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Legends are as Legends do, this is what is suffering you.

As a newby I can't understand why some people interject threads trying to hijack them..Someone has a good thread going then BAM, it makes it very hard to follow!!!! I don't know anything about the LDM but I was enjoying this thread. Mod's need to do something about this kind of stuff ,on second thought if some would grow up it would help.....sorry DD hope you keep at it!!!!!


So you can figure out where Hoffa is buried, the location of the Knights Templar Treasure, and the final resting place of the Roswell Alien bodies..... But you can't figure out how to start your own thread....?

Come on dude, this had nothing to do with my topic. I think you're holding the bong hit too long.....


HAHA I love this post travis totally awesome! Ya in your first post you respectively asked people to hold the bullshit at bay so you could post your findings. I dont believe in any of that bullshit twisted stoner is posting , all i want to continue reading is your story. what else did you find have you been able to find the mine yet? I dont understand how this post went off topic so fast I was and am extremely interested in hearing your story and seeing YOUR pictures not some stupid rocks and oragami from some hippie. So ignore this guy and continue with your stuff as I am sure im not the only one interested in reading about YOUR topic. Thanks!

Loved your part in the feature film.

You will in no doubt think ill of this one but this is the real needle from the original Spanish Legend of "The Ship Weaver's Needle"


They used nautical measure up to the base of most mountains as though Lake Bonneville still existed here. The main water mark surrounding the mountains your sites are on, are generally the map base or shoreline or going ashore point and where to chart inland from, as an island.

Lighting Ridge, Ut. There's Lions in there............

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While visiting family in Florida, logged on to find your interesting post. Have been reading your thread with great interest. I think you are definitely on to something here. The Google image you posted (#26) was quickly found (about 15 minutes) and having used the program for a couple of hours to view the site from many angles and altitudes, I can see why Waltz said you have to enter from the east. I am still wondering how he got his 'animals' to the grassy area above the mine unless he approached from the east (just as he did when going to the mine) then retreated back the way he came to get down to the level of the mine. I am also puzzeled by the fry pan placement clue "on the middle peak" as there is a larger peak behind the middle one and possibly a fourth peak. The truth can only be told by 'boots on the ground' as is mentioned so many times on this site.

Sure would be great if Google had better accuracy showing elevations and profiles.

Am returning to Phoenix next week but you needn't worry about me 'snooping around your search area' especially at this time of year.

You might want to find out how to lock your thread until you have all the postings you want to include before taking comments as you well know about the guys with nothing else to do while enjoying their 'fatties.'

For those of us who have retired to the 'armchair' due to poor health, or just too out of shape to make the hike, it's a good read.

Good luck in your search... keep us posted.
Ken 'dustcap' Chichester

This was a fascinating thread Travis. I'd love to see it continued. There are always going to be haters and jackholes. I'd urge you to ignore the riffraff and continue the thread.

Na, that's just Leonard posing as we enter one of the main chambers of the Peralta's most Northerly mines (He'll like that one). The mine was located in the 70's but soon killed the finder in a collapse. The tunnel sections shown above are remnants of their work by early methods. Probably went lost after the massacre of 1857 on Chicken Creek as there is little evidence of their presence after this timeline. Digs there were charted in the 1770's. Peralta knew his maps and soon located numerous mines that were handed down to him as the finder, through the last of Jesuit sources. 1 of 8 places.

It's no joke guys. If one will take the time to look over all of the paper and stone maps left to us from old, they must admit that the mine in question is in no doubt along the Salt River, or maybe their just plain lost at this time. "3 days ride from Phoenix" or "Three days ride towards the rising sun" from hieroglyphic canyon. Your supposed to be looking for "The Priest who stands by the River" (a massive Cactus, standing all alone with arms out stretched). The old military trail is much older and longer than portrayed. It followed the Salt and dumped out on the trail to Show Low.

The Adams story was handed down and describes in perfect detail, the approach and various landmarks that do not exist anywhere else other than the canyon where the funnel and vault are located. His instructions were step by step. He found the cache below where the water from Fresco Spring ran over some rocks and dropped down below some 80 feet into a deep gully filled with sand and gold nuggets torn from the rock in chunks of transparent rose quartz. I found two, 3 foot high piles of dressed pink quartz the size of redwood chips, gathered from the walls of the funnel and stacked up down in the bottom of the canyon as they stood on either side of cache site #1. In 1883/84, it took the old guy 5 trips with several horses to get all of the ore back to town. We have diaries that tell of them handling the gold themselves, after he returned to the ranch in Show Low. His last trip included an Apache arrow in his belly.

Twisted Fork, I would like to know more about the "Priest who stands by the river". Not the cactus, but if one found another version say next to a large knife stone? A stone with a diamond on it.

For what it's worth, I would hope you continue your discussion here, but if you decide to go somewhere else with it, at least provide a link or something to wherever you continue it.

I see 2 different sides to this Travis - while I understand your point about keeping the thread on topic, you have to face the fact that this is a pretty large website that's not easy to control, and I would guess a large portion of topics eventually morph into side discussions and other things that stray from the original topic at hand - some more than others. Practically it seems as though it would be almost impossible to moderate and monitor all the different threads and continually keep them on topic.

On the other hand, once it's pointed out that something strays from the main topic, and the originator of that topic brings it to the attention of the moderating staff in the hopes that it can be brought back on topic, it seems as though that should be done.

Most of the time, when things get too far off topic, I just put the offending people on "ignore" myself so I don't have to deal with them, but that's just me :).


"The Adams story was handed down and describes in perfect detail, the approach and various landmarks that do not exist anywhere else other than the canyon where the funnel and vault are located. His instructions were step by step. He found the cache below where the water from Fresco Spring ran over some rocks and dropped down below some 80 feet into a deep gully filled with sand and gold nuggets torn from the rock in chunks of transparent rose quartz. I found two, 3 foot high piles of dressed pink quartz the size of redwood chips, gathered from the walls of the funnel and stacked up down in the bottom of the canyon as they stood on either side of cache site #1. In 1883/84, it took the old guy 5 trips with several horses to get all of the ore back to town. We have diaries that tell of them handling the gold themselves, after he returned to the ranch in Show Low. His last trip included an Apache arrow in his belly."

Can you tell us why you are the only one in the family that knows about this story? When you write "We have diaries".......who is we?

Joe Ribaudo

Twisted Fork, I would like to know more about the "Priest who stands by the river". Not the cactus, but if one found another version say next to a large knife stone? A stone with a diamond on it.

Sounds like an Apex for sure. One large triangle covering some distance first as one first enters the area (outfield triangle). From that Apex, one shoots to find any other Apex that each single tunnel on the mountain(s) is tied to. You might first try standing at your cactus marker and aiming your compass at 185 degrees on the dial. See if you don't run across a vein or pass through two similarly structured markers, one on either side of your course as you go thus leading to a cache. If there is mineral colours in and around your cactus stone, you may already be at a mine apex. If the diamond is chiselled on the stone, it would sound more like a large outfield triangle. This spear point if alone, may be off to the side a ways from a mine Apex as well.

Without going to out of context with DD's stuff here, I gather that the Priest comes from an old old story about a Monk of legend and his agents of whom first charted the New World. I found several glyphs of a turtle and a barefoot print with 4 toes that come from the area trails. First a warning that the gold is near a crossing with loggerhead turtles, but in the same his referral is to a row of toes at the base of a mountain.

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"The Adams story was handed down and describes in perfect detail, the approach and various landmarks that do not exist anywhere else other than the canyon where the funnel and vault are located. His instructions were step by step. He found the cache below where the water from Fresco Spring ran over some rocks and dropped down below some 80 feet into a deep gully filled with sand and gold nuggets torn from the rock in chunks of transparent rose quartz. I found two, 3 foot high piles of dressed pink quartz the size of redwood chips, gathered from the walls of the funnel and stacked up down in the bottom of the canyon as they stood on either side of cache site #1. In 1883/84, it took the old guy 5 trips with several horses to get all of the ore back to town. We have diaries that tell of them handling the gold themselves, after he returned to the ranch in Show Low. His last trip included an Apache arrow in his belly."

Can you tell us why you are the only one in the family that knows about this story? When you write "We have diaries".......who is we?

Joe Ribaudo

Their all dead. My Dad's sister was the last to have any reach at them in her husbands ancestry but she is gone now too and Mormons are definitely not my cup of Dunkin' Donuts. I was a unaccepted long hair when they were still living; is it not amusing in how the spirits out there scared the crap out of them to the extent of them claming up and never returning to the site again?

Their first dowser told them to stay clear of me, even though I was coming up with one solution after the other. The maps opened right up to me as did the quiet voice that goes along with some individuals in the flesh. The whole Adams thing is so bizarre wherein it would appear that the same legendary experience was happening to two separate Adams, in two different areas with the same terrain at hand. Only one is tied to the Peraltas and the Salt River.

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Dirty Dutchman do you have any new pics?

The only thing that differs with this thread from any other is the fact that we are all contributing in the search for lost Spanish Mines. If you were working with maps of antiquity, you probably would not be searching where you are in the first place so please clue me in on what your really after here? Folks are looking for that mine all over the West. I know of people who will argue with you all day long in their view that the lost Dutchman is really in Utah; they will also tell you that Utah of all places is the Holy land when in reality they are as far away from the real one as they can get. Ring any bells?

Try this one on for size..............treasm10.webp


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