Don't know how I could make it any clearer, but I will explain my more time.
I have always believed that Jacob Waltz had a mine in the Superstitions. I also always believed it had, likely, been found and worked out. I pick and choose which parts to believe of the myriad legends about the mine that have circulated since Waltz's death. Those beliefs are based on around 54 years of research and boots on the ground experience.
If I say something derogatory about someone else, I put my full name at the bottom of the post. I can assure you that the person I am talking about reads every post I make. That person has never challenged what I write, on the sites or in person, when we have met face to face at the Rendezvous.
Like almost every assertion I make, he knows I have the documented proof to back up what I say. If I didn't, I wouldn't write it in the first place. How does he know I have the proof

? Simple, I e-mailed it to him. I used to consider him a good friend. When I realized he had been lying to me.....for years, I knew it was a one sided friendship.
I am interested in what you write, much like my usual interest in what bb had to write. I don't feel the need to apologize or make excused for that interest in this subject. It's a 54-year old habit. I am very far from knowing everything about the LDM legend, but believe I am far ahead of most newbies.
I may be wrong, but I believe I said you don't seem like a newbie. It was an opinion based on how you came on to the topic. As an opinion, it's open to being mistaken. Sorry you took it so personal. You seemed like a nice kid, which is why I tried to help you, where I could.
I have no intention of getting into a pissing match with you, so it would be better if you ignore my opinions, especially when they are about people I know very well.
Take care,
Joe Ribaudo