Weigh Bills are and have always been the product of staunch hardcore Catholic Christians. Learning how they thought and still think should be the first alternative for a Spanish mine hunter who has tried everything else in an effort to figure out the thought processes entwined into their graphic examples of coded triangulation. They lived by this long developed code, knowing that it was their best shot at surviving such an excursion into the wilderness with any chance of making it home again in one piece. A life long form of boot camp if you will; soldiers thinking as one unit under fire.
The Mexicans have grown and smoked cannabis for centuries just like their Spanish forefathers and until the Vietnam war, were the sole providers to a long established and hungry populous. If you have ever worked so hard as to need some sort of relief to comfort your body and soul from day to day, there is no substitute in nature. If you prefer the highly toxic liver destroying poisons that Dupont and others have put on the shelf for your illusionary convenience, that is your dilemma to deal with. You should all know better but you don't because you don't think enough to work it out and make things right through the very limited life span shared by you and yours. Your sleeping brain cells will never awaken without it. Hashed THC, is the finest food for thought and your brain seeks it out continuously in the same manner as it does very small daily amounts of alcohol to produce the ammonia it requires to function normally. I might suggest a regular healthy diet of both.
On other matters, I don't care what you think about me, I don't care whether or not you believe my testimony or not. You may be the one who is on some trip if you think you are speaking for everyone else here; a little knowledge will go a long ways in the hands of someone who despises deception. Your ability to figure this out, is your scope alone in the end.
My motive has always been to end the mystery so that my brothers out there won't be wandering around in the wasteland like dust in the wind. At the same time, I have done all in my power as to protect these digs from those who have no business being there in the first place. Like I mentioned before, all of the gold is God's and that is not going to change ever. Did the Peraltas make it to Paradise in their deaths? Who of us knows, but the fact still remains that these mines are all watched over by beings who do not hold the flesh and they are easily able to deprive you of your life at will.
Would you like me to jabber some more for you? How did the Dutchman put it; Blah,Blah,Blah? I have found that learning to think before you open your mouth can help out a great deal, especially when you don't have a clue as to what your talking about as yet, but practise makes perfect; even in assumption.
I very simply and kindly said that the Dutchman has been found and even gave you a load of privileged information, should you feel the real need to satisfy the hunter in you and to seek it out for yourself. There are many dos and do nots out there in the wilderness; nothing has changed from the old world other than the fact that you are one living and not a victim of the desert. That is all sir, honestly yours, Twisted