

"I know of several authors who are making a living writing books for the ignorant; nothing in them is much real and most of it is built on the stories from other books rather than direct descendants I have been so fortunate as to hear from myself. All of the Gold is God's sir."

Are we back to the George Mason Adams fantasy again? I hope you have boned-up on the family history this time.

All things of this earth were put here for man's use. IMHO, God has no use for such things.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Couldn't resist this one;

I know that you are on the level as best you can be, as your posts reveal, but the Bible clearly states that all of the Gold is God's including everything else that he created like the seed bearing herbs that most of you seem to be ignorant of.

Smoke is for prayer; go to a high place......enter thy closet, reference to spirit, sacred, unique above all other plant forms, medicine, brain food, finest of rope and sail and the list goes on. Thank Dupont (nylon, and Budweiser (dumb, dangerous worthless drunks) for being the clowns that keep the magic illegal. The spirit of our forefathers and the freedoms they fought and died for are a thing of the past. You can feel it in the wilderness and it's last breaths as you return back to town. Treasure hunting will be outlawed soon enough so get yours while you can and don't forget the green thumb that was once so common in a day when all that mattered was that you loved your neighbour enough to tell him so.

If you were a genuine stoner, you wouldn't be wasting your time on this forum - you'd be out in the hills living what you preach. Since you aren't, you aren't. Reminds me of Haight Ashbury 1968.

Even against my will does the Good Shepard watch over me; coming from the rough to become a gem amongst men. To be tried in the fire as fine gold, so thou may wear white raiment...... To be sheltered under the care of a mother bird's wing; faith and the daily consumption of 40 years in the shrubbery. Beginning to see your point of view. Did you know that one cannot even receive the priesthood of their Hebrew Forefathers until they are worthy by first growing their hair and beard out for 6 full years without a single cut? Supposed to happen to all males at age 12 sir.

I know first hand as to how society views someone with hair down to their waste; I was 17 years old as such when Zeppelin was at it's height. Polishing takes time you know. We smoked the best of everything the soldiers brought back from Vietnam while in our teens.

What would you do if you found the lost Dutchman? Shout your mouth off? Maybe shoot yourself after the government took it away from you? Is this a multiple choice fantasy?

This mine came calling after me. The people who insisted that I go along with them for the first trip, all got the crap scared out of them by real visible ghosts witnessed by all at the same time. I walked straight to the location of the mine after studying the tablets, once the others were out of the picture. The overall experience came across as sort of an echo into the future, as it happened some 30 years ago. The treasure appears to have a mind all in its own; kind of like lethal spirits on guard.

Believe it when I tell you that they are real. I have seen one crook after the other, try and get the best of me over it. What happens instead is that they find themselves running off and getting bent over in an unspeakable manner, as their fits of uncontrollable lust and greed transforms them from out of their little closet of dreams.

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Even against my will does the Good Shepard watch over me; coming from the rough to become a gem amongst men. To be tried in the fire as fine gold, so thou may wear white raiment...... To be sheltered under the care of a mother bird's wing; faith and the daily consumption of 40 years in the shrubbery. Beginning to see your point of view. Did you know that one cannot even receive the priesthood of their Hebrew Forefathers until they are worthy by first growing their hair and beard out for 6 full years without a single cut? Supposed to happen to all males at age 12 sir.

I know first hand as to how society views someone with hair down to their waste; I was 17 years old as such when Zeppelin was at it's height. Polishing takes time you know. We smoked the best of everything the soldiers brought back from Vietnam while in our teens.

What would you do if you found the lost Dutchman? Shout your mouth off? Maybe shoot yourself after the government took it away from you? Is this a multiple choice fantasy?

This mine came calling after me. The people who insisted that I go along with them for the first trip, all got the crap scared out of them by real visible ghosts witnessed by all at the same time. I walked straight to the location of the mine after studying the tablets, once the others were out of the picture. The overall experience came across as sort of an echo into the future, as it happened some 30 years ago. The treasure appears to have a mind all in its own; kind of like lethal spirits on guard.

Believe it when I tell you that they are real. I have seen one crook after the other, try and get the best of me over it. What happens instead is that they find themselves running off and getting bent over in an unspeakable manner, as their fits of uncontrollable lust and greed transforms them from out of their little closet of dreams.
Mr Fork, if you don't mind, you can keep your religious and ghost stories to yourself. These are not insights from cannibis - they are only rationalizations for its continued use. Those are subjects I can talk about, but they do nothing to support your LDM theories here. Frankly, based on what you have provided here, you are merely one of thousands who claims to have found the holy grail but have nothing to support your claims except your 'knowing'. The photos show nothing. Maybe you are right on target. Most likely you are only a stoner who has vivid fantasies. Nothing wrong with that, but nobody has shown an interest here - and if not here, where?

Weigh Bills are and have always been the product of staunch hardcore Catholic Christians. Learning how they thought and still think should be the first alternative for a Spanish mine hunter who has tried everything else in an effort to figure out the thought processes entwined into their graphic examples of coded triangulation. They lived by this long developed code, knowing that it was their best shot at surviving such an excursion into the wilderness with any chance of making it home again in one piece. A life long form of boot camp if you will; soldiers thinking as one unit under fire.

The Mexicans have grown and smoked cannabis for centuries just like their Spanish forefathers and until the Vietnam war, were the sole providers to a long established and hungry populous. If you have ever worked so hard as to need some sort of relief to comfort your body and soul from day to day, there is no substitute in nature. If you prefer the highly toxic liver destroying poisons that Dupont and others have put on the shelf for your illusionary convenience, that is your dilemma to deal with. You should all know better but you don't because you don't think enough to work it out and make things right through the very limited life span shared by you and yours. Your sleeping brain cells will never awaken without it. Hashed THC, is the finest food for thought and your brain seeks it out continuously in the same manner as it does very small daily amounts of alcohol to produce the ammonia it requires to function normally. I might suggest a regular healthy diet of both.

On other matters, I don't care what you think about me, I don't care whether or not you believe my testimony or not. You may be the one who is on some trip if you think you are speaking for everyone else here; a little knowledge will go a long ways in the hands of someone who despises deception. Your ability to figure this out, is your scope alone in the end.

My motive has always been to end the mystery so that my brothers out there won't be wandering around in the wasteland like dust in the wind. At the same time, I have done all in my power as to protect these digs from those who have no business being there in the first place. Like I mentioned before, all of the gold is God's and that is not going to change ever. Did the Peraltas make it to Paradise in their deaths? Who of us knows, but the fact still remains that these mines are all watched over by beings who do not hold the flesh and they are easily able to deprive you of your life at will.

Would you like me to jabber some more for you? How did the Dutchman put it; Blah,Blah,Blah? I have found that learning to think before you open your mouth can help out a great deal, especially when you don't have a clue as to what your talking about as yet, but practise makes perfect; even in assumption.

I very simply and kindly said that the Dutchman has been found and even gave you a load of privileged information, should you feel the real need to satisfy the hunter in you and to seek it out for yourself. There are many dos and do nots out there in the wilderness; nothing has changed from the old world other than the fact that you are one living and not a victim of the desert. That is all sir, honestly yours, Twisted

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omg!! - one flew over the cuckoo's nest ...

I'm sure that some sort of bright worldly Obama like future, awaits all of those who refuse to think for themselves :BangHead: :icon_scratch::BangHead::icon_scratch::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

The very ghosts that guard the mines, are the same ones that keep you from seeing the childlike mentality of which the tablets are carved from. No one can take away a gift ruled by God.:coffee2:

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Ya, I'm sure that general attitude will dominate the atmosphere at judgement. Please, don't let me get in the way of your journey into the wilderness of false fruits. Let us pray or is that prey? You don't need any help here; you obviously already have it all figured out. Majority rules right? Therefore the tablets must surely be a hoax. History has shown us that the spirit only allows one cracker's soul at a time to get at the mine, that is if there is a mine. In this case, gold ore runs down hill too.

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Dear Dirty Dutchman, I have been studying the Peralta Stones and believe I have found the location. I have some vacation time coming and was planning on venturing to Phoenix to check out my theory.I don`t know anything about the area and have never looked for lost gold mines before.I need some help just getting there and back. I was thinking of hiking in alone,but it would be wise to recrute some assistance. I figure one day getting there,one day to recon,one day out. Short and sweet. Some horses would make it easy and faster.If interested let me know....Alot of the clues that you posted look promising but I believe you are in the wrong location. Thanks, Chuck

Dear Dirty Dutchman, I have been studying the Peralta Stones and believe I have found the location. I have some vacation time coming and was planning on venturing to Phoenix to check out my theory.I don`t know anything about the area and have never looked for lost gold mines before.I need some help just getting there and back. I was thinking of hiking in alone,but it would be wise to recrute some assistance. I figure one day getting there,one day to recon,one day out. Short and sweet. Some horses would make it easy and faster.If interested let me know....Alot of the clues that you posted look promising but I believe you are in the wrong location. Thanks, Chuck


If you are looking for help from me, it's probably best not to end your request with a statement about my area being incorrect. YOU'RE the one asking for help, not me....
I'm confident enough in my area, and experienced enough, to not need any assistance in the mountains.

Now, if you want to drop the "I know more than you know" crap, then send me a private message with YOUR email, and I'll contact you privately. I will never take a horse in there again. I can hike twice as fast as going on horseback, plus it's too hard on them. So if you're not in shape to hike, don't bother contacting me, I'm not a babysitter.

If you do go in alone, jut make sure you know the water holes, and the times of the year that they are reliable.

Good luck

Ah com'mon,

He is really paying you a complement and inviting you on a new adventure. Your not even sure you have found the mine yet yourself so what's with all of the attitude? Your mountain isn't going anywhere. Maybe he has found it? Com'mon

Thanks for the support Twisted Fork. I `ve been studying the maps all day and I`m covinced that I`m on to something. I try looking at it the way that someone would if actualy there. I found more clues, like the knife,the X`s and 3`s, the F and 8 and arrows and some more stuff. I even posted the exact coordinants on desert usa but after talking to a friend that asked me why I did that I deleted it. I figured that I might as well share what I found to someone that might be interested because I didn`t think at the time that I would be able to drive all the way out there and back whithout some major ordeal happening. But then I figure you only live once and you might as well grab your nuts and go for it.

I've learned to look at it as a window in time. There is a feeling that goes with heading out there when things are right. Chasing the butterfly per-say, often leads to stumbling blocks along the way. It's a good idea to have two vehicles and three tall cans of fix a flat on hand each; check your spares for air!!!!!!! 5 gallons of water per person per each two days. 5 pack of lighters and well, you guys know one cannot be too well prepared when it comes to safety. Keep your feet safe always. Take your time out there and get lots of pictures. Put having an enjoyable time first, rather than determining that you will come home with a ton of gold. I'm sure your window awaits you and the memories that go with it.

Thanks for the support Twisted Fork. I `ve been studying the maps all day and I`m covinced that I`m on to something. I try looking at it the way that someone would if actualy there. I found more clues, like the knife,the X`s and 3`s, the F and 8 and arrows and some more stuff. I even posted the exact coordinants on desert usa but after talking to a friend that asked me why I did that I deleted it. I figured that I might as well share what I found to someone that might be interested because I didn`t think at the time that I would be able to drive all the way out there and back whithout some major ordeal happening. But then I figure you only live once and you might as well grab your nuts and go for it.


If you're thanking Twisted Dork, you can forget getting an email from me Monday. This dude has a Phd in Douchebaggery, and I want no part of anyone that takes this clown seriously.

Good luck on your search.

Thanks for considering anyway. I`ll post some pictures and let everybody know where its at and how I found it when I get back. If I get back. Thanks,Chuck

Wow..........DD makes me feel like I should never reveal pictures from the inside the mine; they would be burying suicide victims for a week. Here is a real guide.


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Wow..........DD makes me feel like I should never reveal pictures from the inside the mine; they would be burying suicide victims for a week. Here is a real guide.

View attachment 649962

Wow!! A "Real" Arizona tour guide...... With a non Arizona phone number .... What an idiot...Hahahaha


What? are you a cave man? Many people use out of state cell phones.

Why not get back to discussing the search in the area you are working with? Folks would like to know more without any slander going back and fourth OK? Photos are priceless.

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Gentlemen IMHO I am a newb to the site so be not offended as i hope to step on no toes. I believe in many possibilities to Any question. Dirty Dutch may have a solution or not. Oro will always be proof. As for twisted views Open eyes to the unseeable are something few have. For a area that has no gold there seem to be many gold mines in the area. There is much more to this whole story then meets the eye. From Vegas to there the desert is full of markers. Reading them is another thing. Interpretation a interesting one. Seeing in person will change your views. I walked in a area this last Saturday an was changed in ways that are hard to explain. Met Tom the night before, who took Jim's place when he passed. Long story guardian angel imho. Made almost a fatal mistake the next day but is not my time to go. Oro yet to find. Twisted again IMHO we are all part of what is considered God. So we also own the gold. Took many pics of markers but was not in the area where I have put the peraltas or the dutchmen's. If you keep your eyes open to more then one possibility, you might just be able to find that which is what you are seeking. I have used google earth to find so much. Some I saw when the boots hit the trail. Some I took pics of, some not. Chose life instead. You have't lived till you have cheated the grim reaper seeking his gold.
Again just another that is seeking. Possible thought could water flowing over gold have meant using a stream with bedrock bowls carved in used to sluice the crushed rock? Something I saw on my trip. Hope I didn't stray to much. I have enjoyed reading both perspectives.

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