Every Don being a Mason and a God fearing Catholic at Heart, was required by the code, to use this system in order that the Church and her agents in the field could connect at the farthest of outreach, even in the event of enraged war with the French or other intruders to the realm of the New World they feverishly spent several hundreds of years and major bank working to establish.
These particular mine sites were locations where Monasteries were presently on the drawing board and were to be built along with an heavily armed Fortresses. The floor plans are also incorporated within the map sets. The weigh bills were first constructed with these pieces of stone gathered together as a working puzzle and colorful record able to reveal all things hidden right under one's nose. The stones were then systematically scattered being placed right out in the open at exact quads from the Stone and Tree Win-rose monument. Some of the small stones were selected from the puzzle or collage, and placed in like positions around the richest of mines, each within one of the 8 treasure mine sites. Legends speak of 32 mines within the 8 separate sites. Some simply punch in along the same vein at different intervals. Knowing the shape of the stone worked floor plans, also allows one to see where it will and will not fit on the ground as a working stone foundation over top the mine or a spring or both; a major set of clues to be had in themselves.
Every vein which contains metallic ore worthy to the naked eye, was and still is marked off in the manner exhibited here. The only real reason your even seeing them is because there are just a few amongst you out in the real world who will in some mysterious spiritual manner, recognize them at first glance as tools go to work with in a sense similar to auto pilot as have I.
Anyone else will probably be kicking sex rocks around for the rest of their days ( A Sex rock is just another Fu#%ing Rock).
Call it a bread trail if you will; one that runs in all directions for hundreds of miles through the United States. You don't need tablets or maps unless ignorance prevails in your world. They are designed to bring about just what you are doing with the greatest of ease; you playing on yourself. Surely you are a gringo Sir. Surely we all have to start somewhere. It is very easy, but there is far far more going on here than meets the untrained and unsuspecting eye. Deception is as deception does; as we are each already well aware of, part of knowing where they exist, is knowing where they are not. It is surely a great comfort in avoiding all of what the monks intended to dish out to you in your own realms of madness. It is easy.
Do I hear any other suggestions on how to locate a tunnel of which is perfectly buried and landscaped with 150+ years of settled growth covering them? Why otherwise would one consider all of the trouble involving such difficult skilled works unless they were highly motivated? They had to walk everywhere for hundreds of miles besides and worry about water and their next meal continuously; you have me as a sitter of sorts and probably have roads leading in for your modern trucks and such. What's your excuse now sirs? Sly were they not?