Dirty Dutchman
Sr. Member
- #121
Thread Owner
I first found a trough between a 1 foot wide rock wall and a taller bed rock wall with a gap between them of about 11 inches. The trough is 4 feet long and I'd say 18 inches deep. The brim of the wall rises up out of the ground an inch for a flat stone slab to lay on. The two cone shaped stacks of dressed rose quartz were shaped like the hat of the witch figure on the tablets. These stacks were about 8 feet apart as I remember, with the trough off to the side, yet in between their span. It was all so awesome that it scared me considerably as the experience felt like I had gone back in time with everything so untouched and intact like yesterday. I grabbed one palm sized stone from the pile closest to the cache site and left. Some of the family caught wind of it and the piles mysteriously were gone without a trace; Damn. Who can say?
The position of the two piles were corners 2 and 3 to enable one to shoot quads across them thus pointing out the location of the disguised portal. The caches I have walked over have all been in the same vein as the mine beyond.
Twisted Dork,
You didn't walk over any cache. At least not Waltz' or the Peraltas. The cache Waltz refers to is inside the covered, 12 foot deep shaft that leads to the lengthy vent that crops out at the bottom of the wash (just like the REAL picture I posted earlier). Remember, Waltz said you can't find the mine without finding the cache and vise versa.... SIMPLE STORY!
Stop trying to make it "mystical" dude....LOL
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