Clues for cache hunting

gflores71 said:
I guess the halo effect some are mentioning??

I suppose Anything is Possable.

I Gotta Admit it Sounds Far Fetched, at that Depth & in the Circumstances you Describe,
? ? ? ? ? ?HOWEVER
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I am not so Closed Minded,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?to say it's Impossable.

I guess it will be hard to know why, but from my experience the concentration of mineral has to be very large or the object has to be bigger than a fist for a two box to pick up, however the loop also did pick up a signal, maybe just the ground that was surrounding the container for many many years contained rust??

Anyone looking to experience the outdoors and exciting searches can come along, next summer, I will be looking for Jesuit treasures at sites that we have already located, plenty of room in our houses in different locations, will not need to spend any money except for your ticket to Bolivia, as always finds are divided in equal portions with the people participating in the search team. Digging is performed by payed employees.

When spain was still in control of much of south america, the Jesuits had many gold mines throughout and actually used the spanish army to guard their trips out of the mining areas to avoid being robbed, however they would cover the gold balls, yes round items with wax, so that not even the army knew what they were transporting.
Later the king of spain found this out, and had all the Jesuits persued out of the colonies, that is why there are many treasures and also abandoned mines.
and yes there is literature to back that up, including mention of locations, however the names of many have changed, but are easily found with research.

Anyone looking to experience the outdoors and exciting searches can come along, next summer, I will be looking for Jesuit treasures at sites that we have already located, plenty of room in our houses in different locations, will not need to spend any money except for your ticket to Bolivia, as always finds are divided in equal portions with the people participating in the search team.? Digging is performed by payed employees.

Q) HOLA Florres, I will be still heavily involved in the final recovery/excavation work on TAYOPA - Jesuit mine complex - is it possiible to have a rain check on the Bolivia trip ??

When spain was still in control of much of south america, the Jesuits had many gold mines throughout and actually used the spanish army to guard their trips out of the mining areas to avoid being robbed, however they would cover the gold balls, yes round items with wax, so that not even the army knew what they were transporting.
Later the king of spain found this out, and had all the Jesuits persued out of the colonies, that is why there are many treasures and also abandoned mines.
and yes there is literature to back that up, including mention of locations, however the names of many have changed, but are easily found with research.

A) I agree I have years in research on this. Actually they were expelled by the KING for hoarding/mining Gold to finance a takeover of the Americas in colaboration with the Dutch. This was admitted to by Rome to a friend that had a special audience with the Jesuits.


A) As for the houses having thick adobe walls, yes, the ones in my house are approx, 4 1/2 ft thick. In fact in the kitchen we cut into them to insert the stove and a cabinet. Naturally we had to support the overhead


Q&A) On the ashes, they told me that it was done to effectively absorb these gases as they are given out. I have always intended to assay some of them in the Atomic Absorbation instrument to see if any Au or Ag was really present, but.

You still haven''t interpreted that bit of the l document? jejeje

Jose de la Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths

Jose de La Mancha

You can go anytime you want I will probably spend most of the summer there, but I will also be doing some fishing for peacock bass in my ranch in the tropics
I have also located a Gold mine that was worked by the Vi Rey from peru with 200 slaves, and I found it because of a book of the 1800's that talked about a treasure of raw gold that was left behind during the revolution, and buried at the entrance of the mine in bronze containers, but that site will require machinery.? The name of the area was changed 3 times to present and the distance from the comunity described is correct.? There is plenty of sites to search.

HI CARL, glad to see you again.

Gold is inert. It does not emit a gas, regardless of how long it's been buried.

A&Q )? Hmm, Dependng upon the soil chemical/electrical? condition.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

When someone makes an assertive claim, the court of science places the burden on them to provide proof of the claim. It is not up to a skeptic to prove it wrong.

A) I agree and it also applies to any statements by science/engineers? to "prove" that what they say does not exist, doesn't.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As Jim has asked several times, can anyone, anywhere, provide scientific evidence that buried gold or silver produces a gas? Please don't say "I've seen it;" lots of people have seen lots of things, and have been totally wrong about what they believe they saw.

A) I would love to see a valid study done by scientists/enginerrs? proving beyond a doubt, that it is impossible.

Jose de a mancha? ( Itilt windmills ) & Shibboleths

- Carl


A) Obviously it would depend upon how much metal would have to be converted to form enough gas to be visible.? Equally obvious,? eventually all would be changed into another form.? The question on how long this would take? depends upon the chemical surroundings, and the metal in question..

Very enlightening post, but could you please supply some sort of data to back these claims? I have not been successful in finding any scientific research done to support (or debunk) your theory of ?metal morphosis? underground. Nor, could I find any toxicologists reports done on gold or silver buried underground.

ay? Interesting in that you answered your own question,s? ? ?"not been successful in finding any scientific? research done to "support or debunk"yur theory--.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

Surly phenomenon?s mentioned in this thread would have been studied, and reported somewhere?ya think? I mean?we?re talking treasure hunting, something that has been around for many years, it ain?t new.

Q) But who and why would science investigate this?? Only treasure hunters would be interested, and no-one takes "their word" for their results. Look no further than in here to see that.


Jose de La Mancha? ( I tilt windmills ) & shibboleths

There is a likely explanation, that does not involve a target halo.

- Carl

Q ) The well known wall/corner effect Carl? I do not remember the exact formulae or reason for this .

Jse de Ka ancha ( Itilt windmills ) & shibboleths

Hmm, Dependng upon the soil chemical/electrical? condition

Sorry, no conditions. Gold is chemically inactive. It is unaffected by moisture, oxygen, or ordinary acids. As Carl stated, ?Gold is inert?. ?You can twist, modify or simply LOL at these facts, but they are still just that?facts.

HH, Jim

A )Sheeesh, didn't you remind me that silver would react with cyanide found in nature?? So does Gold, a comon method of extraction no?. Also Gold has been extracted with Chlorine, Salt, and other Halides. All of which are found in abundance in Nature. Is it beyond the limits of belief that the proper conditions could occur naturally for gold conversion?

Incidentally, I have never found these condiitons where I have had fires shown to me hehehe.

The above is strictly for an argume--- err discussion.

Jose de La Mancha ( Iitlt indmills ) & Shibboleths

There's a possibility that your two box wasn't giving false signals or picking up rust... Think about it, what if there was something/s really huge, or in mass quantities that was buried deep beneath the earth thousands of years ago? The soil and rocks would be in place after an extensive period of time. just a thought

Sure, who would deny that silver or copper can oxidize? Gold? No way. Gold or silver emitting gases that can be visually seen, or that leave black and blue marks on rocks? I don't think so.

Evidence, please.

- Carl

Morning my friend Carl


Jose d eLa Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths

When Is this Subject Going to Go Back to

? ?Clues for cache hunting ?

When Someone Gives A Idea What to look for,? WHY IS IT NECESSARY,

To Know WHY it works ?

I Don't Need to Know WHY My Detector Works.

I Don't need to See Scientific Reports ?

I turn it on and at Works !


? ? IF Someone were to tell me they saw a GHOST for example.

I wouldn't Ask them for Scientific Reports on IF anyone researched Ghosts.

? I'd Just SMILE and MOVE ON with life

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LAST TIME BEFORE I START EDITING !

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Clues for cache hunting






And, I'll Stay out of it, Unless I get a REPORT TO MODERATOR.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?AS I COULDN'T CARE LESS WHY THINGS WORK.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JUST THAT THEY? DO
OR that someone BELIEVES it Does.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? THANK YOU

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?J E F F

? ? ? ? ?

Ok here is a rare clue for finding these caches. The iron pot of gold coins i posted had newspaper articles included. One stated that when the people came to this country they did not speak english very well. So they did not trust banks due to language barriers. This is one reason they protected their money and hid it for safe keeping. So how do you use this tidbit? Find when these people settled in your area and find locations that were there at the same time period. The ones in the article happened to be from Norway.

Jose de La Mancha

You can go anytime you want I will probably spend most of the summer there, but I will also be doing some fishing for peacock bass in my ranch in the tropics

A) Gracias Don Gilberto, ? ?but I see that you ?are a ?bit of a sadist, sniff. ?It has always been a boyhood dream of mine to fish for Peacock bass, Zungaros, Paiche & Piranna. ?oh well I can still dream, sigh.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have also located a Gold mine that was worked by the Vi Rey from Peru with 200 slaves, and I found it because of a book of the 1800's that talked about a treasure of raw gold that was left behind during the revolution, and buried at the entrance of the mine in bronze containers, but that site will require machinery.? The name of the area was changed 3 times to present and the distance from the comunity described is correct.? There is plenty of sites to search.

A) I love lost mines, I have 5 now, 3 are up for evaluation by geologists. ?TAYOPA will never be sold, it will remain mine and my families. ?It ?has too much of my time, memories and EGO involved, plus ?history ?to just sell it. ?The local Indians have come close to it's 5 deposits ?many times by these fires, but ?---hehe. they are still intact ?(many reasons for this sigh )

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills) & shibboleths

When Is this Subject Going to Go Back to

? ?Clues for cache hunting ?


When Someone Gives A Idea What to look for,? WHY IS IT NECESSARY,

To Know WHY it works ?

a) AGREED, IF IT WORKS SO WHAT? USE IT. but that is human nature to question.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths

? ? ? ? ?

Clues for Cache Hunting:

When digging a really big target be sure to wear a really good gas mask :) The best for shooting paint on cars is good.

(Thats of course if you ever have a big target; an especially if working on it in a cave or tunnel like Gilbert has already said:

(Of course most don't believe in targets in the Philippines :) , but, if you came here you would and could then learn the above from one of the Koreans or the Japanese working when unable to use a back-hoe.)

Gas, gas from a Large gold target long term buried in the ground that doesn't even have a box. Gold only, and my Hi to all.

:( Do Not! Allow ANYONE! to rely on a gas mask! :-\
There are :-\ Poison Gases :-\ out there!
In some of those caves and mines!
No! Regular gas mask filter, will filter these out!
;D AND! You get to pick the one that has/hasnt ! ;D
I happen to know, what I am talking about!
Two teenage boys were killed in a cave in Carlsbad NM. due to poison gas!
It got them BEFORE! they could react and get out! :-\
It's "Odorless" !
I happen to have 20 yrs (of my 30 yrs) experience/training, as a U.S. Military NBC Officer!
(NBC= Nuke, Bio, Chem)
Ever wonder why the old timers would take a "Canary" into the mine/cave when they were working?
When the Canary stopped signing ??? ...they were out the door :-\ before the last note died away! :P
OH! Yes! :)
:D AND! Don't light a match to find out! ???

interesting stuff Gilbert. You said, 'old caches were hidden many times under or around brick ovens, or in old kitchen rooms' and I believe that to be true. Once when searching for a cache, I found the outline of a rectangular box 12" X 8" in the dirt inside a bake house brick oven floor. Someone had obviously beat me to it.

You also said, 'you may encounter a thin layer of carbon ashes while digging for treasure, that was part of the ritual of burial by many people exactly why they did it I am not sure, but as mentioned above they sometimes also left two small bottles with alcoholic beverages.'. I have seen this myself on a very old colonial property inside a barn foundation where the detector picked up the coal cinders. Again I found the small bottles and a layer of ashes but no treasure. Assume original trover recovered whatever was there but missed the two bottles or maybe the two bottles were his treasure...*L* j/k

I don't know about the gas effect but do believe in the halo effect. Perhaps you need a specific type of vision or psychic ability but I wouldn't personally rule this effect out.

I believe that an iron pot can be old enough and thin enough to totally disintegrate in the ground but leave the iron deposits behind in soil. You remove whatever is there and still get a signal because metal is actually still there to be detected. We all had this happen MD'ing for coins. You dig a hole and recover an iron object and you still get a signal but nothing is there.

Couple things I'll add - always check fireplace flues for hidden ledges. Check out any flagstones esp. right by back doors. Much less helpful but privy diggers know this - people used to place valuables in a jar and hang by a string into the outhouse hole. String breaks and down goes jar into the pit. and yes I've dug out one privy - finds were not worth the labor. *L*

One more? - post hole banks. People used to remove a fence post aand bury their loot and then replace post. It would be 3rd one in from end etc. Easy access and not so easy for the criminal to find.
Well keep the good ideas coming! HH!

I have not read this whole thread, so I do not know if anyone posted this, but the deal about poisonous gases was started because people wanted evereyone else to stay away from treasure that they wanted to dig up.
Of course, you really do have to be careful about poisonous gases in and around mines, etc.

I've heard a lot of subjects talked to death, but this one is going way beyond. In order to stop beating a dead horse let me take you back to the original subject of clues for cache hunting and maybe we can learn something else.

I have been looking for this major treasure cache and with a variety of clues they have led me to a certain location in the hills. Using my Gemini III, I gridded off an area and worked it until I was sure there was only one identifiable spot where my Gemini III sounded off. I squared this area off to about a 2'X3' plot. In addition, a number of pointer stones point to this location

Now let me describe the area. It is on a ridge, within a circle of live trees about 15' in diameter. In the center is a dead tree, dead probably close to a 100 years, which is the location of the Gemini sounding off. I decided to dig on the down hill side of the tree and went down about six feet. There are no roots remaining beyond 18" from the trunk horizontally, and probably six inches vertically. This indicates the tree may have been dead previously, dug up, and placed over the hole to hide any signs of digging. The ground around the tree is layered with stones all as the same level of the surrounding soils.

This hole I dug is 180 degrees around the tree out to about 3 feet on the south half of the tree.

That was where I left off on my last trip.

The possible problem is this. Being tired, hungry, and out of time, this is what I did before I left the last time. I turned on my Gemini III again and went all around my dead tree. Not even an inkling of a sound! I took the Gemini III down into the hole and it starts squealing like a stuck pig. I go back out of the hole, and not a sound.

What happened? Is there no gold there? Is there gold there? Does the hole in the ground dissipate any additional signals coming to the surface, and do telltale signals all go out through the hole?

The reason for not digging the other side of the whole was a lack of time, the thought that if I dug on the side was that I could get to the treasure quicker by not digging on the high side of the hill; I could possible by pass or spot any booby traps, and the thought that if there are any dead bodies over the treasure I would bypass digging all of it up. By the way the soil is nearly all caliche and rocky. So far, I have discerned no soil layering down to six feet accept at two points. The top inch which is typical organic and dirt layered by wind, and just as I was getting ready to leave I went from white dirt to what looked like what could eventually turn into yellow soil or sand.

Any ideas what is going on here with the Gemini III, and whether this sounds like something is about ready to pop? Since this is the clues for cache hunting section maybe someone has some experience with what is happening?

gflores71 said:
hello everyone, my name is Gilbert and I am new to this forum, I have been using metal detectors for the past 15 yrs, my passion is cache hunting, all of which I do in south america.? I have not had enough time lately to do but only a little hunting since I am finishing my surgery training here in TN, but come July 06 I will head back down to do some serious searching.

I have not reviewed all the threads, but here are my two cents:

caches acumulate gas with time, wich is released during dry season when the ground has cracks in it, if this is out in the open , you will see a light blueish in the middle with white in the outside, this is the way that natives in South america find them, they stay up in august (winter) and wait at night where they suspect or someone has reported seeing before, this is also timed with the moon cycle as it affects this in a similar way as waves in the ocean.

old caches were hidden many times under or around brick ovens, or in old kitchen rooms, since the previous generations were aware that they will let off gas (that oxidizes with oxygen to give off light) so that if any one happened to see it they would think someone was cooking or baking.

if a cache is near? a rock or under a large rock, with time it will mark the rock, similar to the mark left behing by a candle if you let it burn agains a solid surface, the middle is light blue and outside black, and cannot be scratched off,(caused by gases that escape periodically) if you ever get to see that you will not forget it and will not need to turn on your detector if you ever encounter this again, at that point all you will need is digging equipment.

refering to the cave thread, make sure you have gas masks prior to digging inside a cave, and always have a dog with you, since they will detect the gas way before you will, even with all that care digging in a cave would be last on my list.? Try putting away a few silver coins in a ziplock bag with a wet paper towel, and open it a few months later, very peculiar smell, almost nauseating, someone mentioned to me that a component of oxidation is silver cyanide, but not sure only now of people having serios complications including death, that includes my great uncle.

if looking for deep treasure remember that once you dig a large hole, your detectors dont perform the same, so prior to start digging , measure lenghts with intensity of signal ( in all metal mode ) start when it is at max and stop when that signal starts to drop, repeat that in two directions, and also give your self a limit of how far you are willing to dig, because once you dig a deep hole your detector may not help to verify and you will be tempted to leave the job half way done.

if your loop detector detects something that seems good and large, verify with a two box, if the two box does not scream, then you are dealing with something small and superficial or mineral, now the oposite maneuver can be promising, however despite what reports and websites say , the detection? depth for a gallon size object is about the same between a two box and a loop detector that is used well, yes sounds weird but I have proven it over and over again, but I find a proper use for both.

Count on half the depth penetration of a detector for gold contents compared to say....copper alloys.

as for the previously dug areas, you can not tell by how soft the dirt is , it can be soft or hard.? pay more attention to the layers and how they have been interrupted with different color chunks in the wrong place or layers of rocks that dont match the sorroundings

most personal caches average of 50 cm deep, Inca treasures about 4 meters + deep

I am a little tired and have to go to the work early, hope this was of some interest, I will add some more experiences some other time

Gilbert I just read your post found it very interesting as for I have found a site that kinda looks a lot what you spoke of in your post I am going back there this week for a closer look see Buck

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