Clues for cache hunting

I have yet to see any colored lights, smoke, fog, steam, plasm? or any other such ethereal device emanate from or near an area I have found either a cache (silver and or gold coin whether found in wood or leather),? natural gold (either in nugget or ore) or around any area I have prospected for silver, platinum, uranium etc


A) I have been hunting caches in old Mexico for some years. I agree with Sr Flores on the fires. & gas. I personally have seen them. Originally I disbelieved that also, and dedicated a bit of my treasure hunting time and resources to proving to the locals that it was just a silly superstition. I had to back down after finding Metal - no, no gold.

I have talked to many successful hunters that found their treasures just that way, and I also lost 3 because some-one saw a fire and investigated before I moved sigh. Interesting stories here if interested.

As for the ants , yes they do generate enormous amounts of Methane - l la swamp fires - but these are the leaf cutting ants, not the normal ones found in in the US. They have enormous nests underground where they raise fungus for food.

I have no idea how many sites I have been taken to, most of which are easily explained by visual means , such as these ant nests, metallic veins, old dumps, some bones, etc.

They claim that the type of metal can be identified by the color?? White for iron, Blue for silver , gold for gold.

Question, is cyanide found in Nature? Yes I am well aware of the effects of Cyanide poisoning since I was too careless in milling. I am now very sensative to it, I can smell it up to 50 metrs away now, a sickly sweet smell.

Want to get into to it?? hehe/

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & SHIBBOLETHS.

Cyanide is in fact found in nature.

Goes by the symbol CN it can be found either in gas or crystalline forum, it can be an odorless gas and or it can smell like bitter almonds.

I have worked/THed in areas where the water has smelled like the aforementioned almonds and in areas where it smelled like garlic...............Arsenic (As) Arsenic is not a free element though.

But I am glad someone else has seen the subject of this topic. I guess I'll just have ta get me a passyport n venture to the land of flatulating ants, eat me a few peyote buttons, get out the ol detector n watch the pretty colors go dancin by. ;D ;D.

This is an interesting subject. And I'm not trying to rattle anyones cages but I have had plenty of gold, silver and other minerals pass through my house and garage.

I have had uranium ore eat the metal lid off of it's container n I still an't seen any pretty colors.

I have preformed hundreds of high temperature assays.

I have retorted many pounds of amalgam.

It just seems to me that by now, after forty five years in the mining, THing business, I should have seen something like what is being talked about here. N it an't like I don't pay attention to what be going on around me.

gflores71, Have you discovered any pre-columbian artifacts? ?You mentioned a mummy and clay pots? ?I love evidences of the past, especially significant south american civilizations! ?I would love to see any or all pictures you have of your trips and discoveries!

Having a trained treasure hunting dog sounds like it would be really great. ?With one drawback...if you let the dog dig the hole, you have a ripped out hole instead of cutting and replacing a plug, right? ?Or do they just sniff it out and you do the rest of the work, like if you were pheasant hunting? ?I honestly know nothing about treasure-sniffing dogs. ?I just have this mental image of holding a baggy of damp silver coins to the dog's nose, and sending it off sniffing the ground for traces of that smell. ?Am I even close? ?I wouldn't mind owning a few nifflers from harry potter either...(for those who haven't read the books, they're little mole-like creatures that seek out shiny treasure underground and give them to you.) ?They would be pretty handy! :D

Just a thought on how to wean your dog away from aluminum cans--I don't know if it would work, but I would think it'd be worth a try if you care: ?If it were me, I would solder a 9 volt battery to the inside of one and let your dog find it a few times. ?Maybe even a couple different cans for that matter. ?It would be enough to startle him, I would think, without doing any damage or making you the bad guy. ?I wouldn't think you could bury it though, because I think the current would be drained into the damp soil around it. ?Then in another place plant a silver quarter or something and have him sniff it out and get it, and immediately reward him with a treat and a pet and a "very good boy/girl!!" ?This, of course, wouldn't be an immediate change, but if you can condition him/her to recognizing silver-good -- aluminum-bad, then I would think that would be beneficial. ?Unless of course you don't mind him seeking out aluminum chew toys, then by all means, feel free to ignore me :)

As far as some people being able to see lights or fumes or whatever, and others's entirely possible. ?(stay with me here) ?Not everyone's eyes are exactly the same, as well as the chemical composition of the brain. ?Some people claim they can see a person's "aura". ?Different kinds of light bring out things you can't usually see (natural light, florescent light, black light, ultra-violet light, infrared, gamma rays, etc.) ?I would think that even phases of the moon could alter your perception, if we're going by light waves being altered by gravitation. ?Here's a great site that explains different forms of light and how they effect everything: ?Nebulas, and gasses in the universe absorb light instead of passing it. ?The same should be every bit as true on earth. ?As out there as it sometimes seems, the more you learn, the more you understand, the more everything becomes surprisingly simple! ?Here's a for instance that's fairly relevent: ?If I walk past the living room and the television is on (blank, black screen--looks the same as if it's off when it's on stand-by), I can hear that extremely high pitched--and very annoying, I might add--tone it makes...whereas, my dad cannot and thinks I'm crazy. ?I hope someone can understand where I'm going with all this. ?I have trouble dictating the thoughts that go through my head sometimes. :) ?Just remember, because fumes are coming out of the ground, it could very well be a leaky gas line. :D

Proof you say, there are several posts in this thread by different people claiming these methods have lead to discoveries. Maybe a closed mind finds no gold! ;)

SWR said:
Fires, colored gasses...good grief. Does anyone have the first lick of proof that these things exist, other than ?he said/she said??? I would be willing to wager, the answer is NO


Is there a LICK of proof, they DON'T Exist ?

? I would THINK since some Gasses can Ignite, And since a flame changes Color Depending on Content of what ever is Burning, I would be Willing to Wager it's Got some Scientific Explanation.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JUST MY "Uneducated" OPINION? 8)

? ?This dosn't sound like "HOCUS POCUS", or something that has to be "Believed in"? to me.

? ?The Subject here is "Clues for cache hunting", NOT "Pseudoscience running amuck!!", Which wouldn't be allowed anyway, As it has Nothing at all to do with Treasure Hunting, and would be considerd a "PUT DOWN" on certain members, to make FOOLS of them, I am Editing it.
I don't know HOW that came up, Must of been the TWILIGHT ZONE.

? ? DO-Do-Do-Do


? ?Before it happens,

If ANYONE starts a post on TreasureNet, to? run down any Members Beliefs, or "LACK OF" I will Remove it.

jeff of pa said:
SWR said:
Fires, colored gasses...good grief. Does anyone have the first lick of proof that these things exist, other than ?he said/she said?? I would be willing to wager, the answer is NO


Is there a LICK of proof, they DON'T Exist ?

I would THINK since some Gasses can Ignite, And since a flame changes Color Depending on Content of what ever is Burning, I would be Willing to Wager it's Got some Scientific Explanation.
JUST MY "Uneducated" OPINION 8)

This dosn't sound like "HOCUS POCUS", or something that has to be "Believed in" to me.

The Subject here is "Clues for cache hunting", NOT "Pseudoscience running amuck!!", Which wouldn't be allowed anyway, As it has Nothing at all to do with Treasure Hunting, and would be considerd a "PUT DOWN" on certain members, to make FOOLS of them, I am Editing it.
I don't know HOW that came up, Must of been the TWILIGHT ZONE.



Before it happens,

If ANYONE starts a post on TreasureNet, to run down any Members Beliefs, or "LACK OF" I will Remove it.

Good for you Jeff....................

However If a post gets nothing but oohhh's an ahhh's and the occasional "Ohh I've seen that too" especially on a subject like this then it has to be an objective discussion, to be good a discussion, for those of us who have been THing for years and who have not been privileged to have seen such wonders.

Like in your post where you indicate "gasses can ignite" of course certain gasses can ignite, but they need an ignition source to do so. In that case I want to know how they ignite. What is the cause of said ignition.

I want to now this and if anyone can point this out to me then all well and good.

I will have learned something.

I have seen glowing fungus on a log, at night, in a woods, is that the same thing? Does that mean there was a treasure cache hidden within the log?

Cyanide is in fact found in nature.?

Goes by the symbol CN it can be found? either in gas or crystalline forum, it can be an odorless gas and or it can smell like bitter almonds.

I have worked/THed in areas where the water has smelled like the aforementioned almonds and in areas where it smelled like garlic...............Arsenic (As)? Arsenic is not a free element though.

But I am glad someone else has seen the subject of this topic.? ?I guess I'll just have ta get me a passyport n venture to the land of flatulating ants,? eat me a few peyote buttons, get out the ol detector n watch the pretty colors go dancin by. ;D ;D.

This is an interesting subject.? And I'm not trying to rattle anyones cages but I have had plenty of? gold, silver and other minerals? pass through my house and garage.?

I have had uranium ore eat the metal lid off of it's container n I still an't seen any pretty colors.

I have preformed hundreds of high temperature assays.

I? have retorted many pounds of amalgam.

It just seems to me? that by now, after? forty five years in the mining, THing business,? I? should have seen something like what is being talked about here.? N it an't like I don't pay attention to what be going on around me.

Las Vegas Bob said:
If a post gets nothing but oohhh's an ahhh's and the occasional "Ohh I've seen that too" especially on a subject like this then it has to be an objective discussion,? to be good a discussion,? for those of us who have been THing for years and who have not been privileged to have seen such wonders.

I agree with this BOB.

? HOWEVER when a Title of a Post, Suggests Right off

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?"THIS IS A POST TO INSULT THE PERSON"

OR appears to be an Attack on People who Think Different, (Have Unusual Beliefs)
I worry Where the Post is going to go.

IF You can Prove The Subject False, That's fine.
JUST Don't Attack the Person who Said it.

? Yours & Realde's by the way are Opinions Without Judgment Snuck in, Which is No Problem.

By the Way, I'v never seen such Lights Either, But Then I'v never come across a Cache of Silver that's been there for years, at night.

? Can certain Gasses be Ignited By Lightning, Or Chance Mixture of Other Gasses Blowing in ? Or Heat ? can certain lights be seen Fruther, More Easily, In Fog ?

Oh ok, I was wondering what you were talking about. I guess i just didn't see whoever's post that was before it was deleted.

Cyanide is in fact found in nature.?

I have no idea what happened ot mu origonal post, but will repeat it.

Goes by the symbol CN it can be found? either in gas or crystalline forum, it can be an odorless gas and or it can smell like bitter almonds

A) ?it is not true that it is odorless, after being sensatized to Cn, ? I can now smell an open canister up to 50 meters. I have won many a bet on this, I also can smell where Cn has been used in an operation''.

when it smells like bitter almonds, it is HydroCyanic aicd, Quite deadly, used for executions.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have worked/THed in areas where the water has smelled like the aforementioned almonds and in areas where it smelled like garlic...............Arsenic (As)? Arsenic is not a free element though.

A) ?I also had As poisoning, ?assaying 33% ?As. ? I was a bit careless after a while and ---. ?I had to cure myself with massive doses of Vit "C". since ttere was no Lewisite available in Mexico at that time, only in the San diego region. ?The Vit "C" apparently acts as a Chelating agent.Works for all heavy metals.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It just seems to me? that by now, after? forty five years in the mining, THing business,? I? should have seen something like what is being talked about here.? N it an't like I don't pay attention to what be going on around me.

A) ?True, but what isn't mentioned is the terrain and weather. ?It isn't likely to happen in Nevada. ?It requires a combination of adobe soil and dry weather most of the .year. ?Apparenty the compacted adobe acts as a trap for any decomposing metal's gases, then when the first rains arrive, they loosen the soil enough to allow the gas to escape, ?hence the fire. ?It is NOT a daily occurence, but only a once a year thing.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

p.s. Please don't ask me about decomposing Au, I haven't the faintest idea, just that one of my firends is now rich having found a box full of Au Escudos by following up a fire.

Jose de La mancha ?( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths.

It looks like my post got a little out of hand, that was not the intention, but anyways, like I mentioned before this are my experiences and I dont expect anyone else to agree.?

as mentioned above, about needing something to ignite the gas: remember that burning is just an oxidation process of a substance, in a similar way certain chemicals or gases will oxidize just by being in contact with oxygen, the result being light. Remember chemistry class when you had to burn different chemicals like copper etc in liquid compounds and the color of the flame would be different according to the chemical being burned?? I have not proven the existence of the gases, but know that about half the finds in south america have been related to visual clues like that. I guess to be able to see such a thing you would need to live out in the country side away from lights like the natives do and the only light is from oil lamps and the stars.

Dont just focus on ants and lights, there is more to it in this thread

Good Luck everyone

but know that about half the finds in south america have been related to visual clues like that.?
Dont just focus on ants and lights, there is more to it in this thread

A) see above post!!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Good Luck everyone

A ) Good Luck?? Is that a good bye? ?If you intend to be a Good surgeon, never give up or back away from an operation, no matter how difficult it may appear. ?I did, to enter the USAF Flight training instead of finishing medschool. ?VIVA la Batalla! ?Enjoy the fight or whatever. Actually mutual education mi amigo.

You have started a thread which I also mentioned over a year ago, but no=one was curious enough to question it then.. ? I am glad that you brought it to light. ?More important, I would very much enjoy hearing of any stories or data that you may wish to post. We all have much to learn.

Jose de La Mancha ?( I tilt windmills ) ?& ?Shibboleths.

The short answer is ?YES!? It can be scientifically proven that processed gold and/or silver that is in direct contact with earth/soil/terra firma WILL NOT give off any gas, fumes OR fir

Q & A) So much for science. There are are any number of people wandering around down here that have recovered metal, mines. veins, treasures , from the earth just by fires (actually luminous gases) this disproves the study hehehe. I personally know various, 3 recovered treasures that were on my list before I moved. Sniff.


he source (gold/silver) would deplete itself and eventually disintegrate, as it would be the fuel for the gas, fumes or fire. Dropping an Alka-Seltzer in water would be an example of what would happen to the cache, it would eventually disappear.

A) Obviously it would depend upon how much metal would have to be converted to form enough gas to be visible. Equally obvious, eventually all would be changed into another form. The question on how long this would take depends upon the chemical surroundings, and the metal in question..

HH, Jim

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & shibboleths.

jeff of pa said:
If ANYONE starts a post on TreasureNet, to? run down any Members Beliefs, or "LACK OF" I will Remove it.

Thanks, Jeff. It's a shame someone has to play "Mother" and remind people of their manners. BTW, I really enjoy the forum, and thanks again for keeping it civil.

It's understood, A subject like this will get Questions.

You'r ALL good People.

Let's Just say I don't want to see it go the way of another subject on TreasureNet, Which I don't want to Discuss here.

Please, Just Try your Best to Keep it Civil, (NO JUDGING ANYONE for their Belief or Skepticism) Thats all? ;) IF necessary, Use the Emotions, Because Sometimes The Written Word can Be Misunderstood.

? ? ?Jeff


From Here On Please Get Back to the Subject, So Fruther Deleting Or Edits are Unecessary? 8)

? ? Thanks Again
? ? ? ? ?J E F F

The Subject
? ? ?
? ? "Clues for cache hunting"

People Who Suggest Clues for Cache Hunting, OR People who Consider clues for Cache Hunting.

A) Obviously it would depend upon how much metal would have to be converted to form enough gas to be visible.? Equally obvious,? eventually all would be changed into another form.? The question on how long this would take? depends upon the chemical surroundings, and the metal in question..

Very enlightening post, but could you please supply some sort of data to back these claims? I have not been successful in finding any scientific research done to support (or debunk) your theory of ?metal morphosis? underground. Nor, could I find any toxicologists reports done on gold or silver buried underground.

Surly phenomenon?s mentioned in this thread would have been studied, and reported somewhere?ya think? I mean?we?re talking treasure hunting, something that has been around for many years, it ain?t new.


Q & A ) Good morning, Yes I agree, but apparently it hasn't. But then many things that do happen haven't been studied scientifically. Most studies also require financing and a justified interest. Science states flatly that cyanide is odorless, yet I personally have won many bets disproving this.

I studied the para-normal extensively for over 10 years, many things that I encountered or found were intermittent, but nevertheless true. Science just isn't constructed mentally or psychicly to handle intermittant psychic factors.

While fires are not psychic, they fall into the intermittant or specialized conditions. No scientist can justify spending over a year to see if a reported fire is visible to him, nor have any attempted to do the same in a lab, if even possible.

I used an Atomic Absobition instrument for assaying. The gases given out by the tested element are invisible to the human senses, but they do exist or the instrument couldn't possibly work.

i am quite wiling to introduce you to various people that have found things by fires, just come down here Unfortnately anything that I say in here is strictly anecdotal...

I am encloseing a section of an actual letter written by a Jesuit in 1767 regarding fires. I will let our friend Sr Flores translate it for you - sneaky way to keep him acitve in here ehe.

"Doscientos argumentos a modo de llamas de fuego verde, sin tallar, perfectas y grandes como nueces (iris del diaiblo las llaman el buen abate) esperan en Cartqgena de Indios bajo custodia del Padre Jose Luis Tolosa, qee es joven y muy fiar."

Jose de La Mancha ( I tilt windmills ) & Shibboleths.

Continuing with "clues for cache hunting"

you may encounter a thin layer of carbon ashes while digging for treasure, that was part of the ritual of burial by many people exactly why they did it I am not sure, but as mentioned above they sometimes also left two small bottles with alcoholic beverages.

On one ocation I dugg an area of a 200 year old house inside a room that had the original floor and the floor was kind of sunk in , in a corner, the two box did capture a signal , as we were diggiing we noticed some of the bricks in that area of the floor were cracked.
we did find loose dirt, mixed layers and small bottles containing alcohol, however this were relatively new. ?However no treasure.

we came to the conclusion that the sunken floor and cracked bricks were caused by the last person who rented the place, who left before his lease was over, and that explained the newer alcohol bottles as well, he moved away to a different city and aparently was doing much better economically.

I still dont know why the two box still gave a good signal, whatever was there before was only at about 70 cm depth.

Unfortnately anything that I say in here is? strictly anecdotal...


This is obvious, and I agree with you 100%? ?:)


A) I see that we agree on some? things, incuding anything that? "anyone"? says in here is anectdotal.? ?Since science cannot prove that fires (luminous gases) "do not exist", any quotation from them (?) would also be a form of the same. -- hehhehe.

:>D? ? ? (sticking out my tougue at? you my friend? JIM) snicker? hehehe.

Seriously, it would be nice if it could be wrapped? up so easily.? I was flyiing in the USAF when science proved that aricraft could not fly faster than sound,? ?period.? ? ?Sheehs, we all know how that turned out.? There are countless things similar to this.

My offer to introduce you to various people that have found thngs strictly by these luminous gases holds.? ?They will even take you out to investigate the latest sighting and let you use your detctor, or whatever.? ? Come on down and join the ranks of the believers that have actually experienced it.? Unless you have investigated it yourself, in the areas where it happened, you cannot say that it didn't happen based upon anothers imagined proof.

Don Gilberto, you have evaded the translatioin.

Jose de La Manchs? ( I tilt windills ) & Shibboleths


Wow wow wee, have I been gone awhile or what?, Men and ladies, just so you know, all older larger things that have been buried in the ground awhile give off gases that can be see at times.

Weather you believe it or not 99% of the Philippine population of age 16,17, and higher males, know (the great unedgucated island people right? No.), 'know', have seen these gases. (Usually they will be seen during new moon after a light rain... Or like gilbert says, new moon and even the dry season is the best thing if and when you can find it. ~ Diffirent colors flickering from a spot in the ground and you can see and watch them even from far.

Some of these are natural gases excaping from the earth; (I'm sure someones heard of 'Natural Gas'), others are from objects still in the ground; and to be as nice as I can, it does not matter weather you believe it or not, it is true. And Gilbert and I don't even know each other. Thank you.

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