Ok, let’s make it really easy here.
The tributary you have to take will lead you the vicinity.
Let’s go back to Holmes for a minute …. We’re headed along the military trail, and have to go left of the trail, when you see rock man.
Boulder canyon, particularly when hiking south through it, and after Battleship mountain a ways, after today’s 2nd water dumps into it, …… my personal belief is that we would be on THE military trail Waltz spoke of.
Just a little further, and the trail turns to the south……
Going south on the military trail, then going off to the left, means the 1st tributary from the monumented trail, is to the EAST.
Youreally should take time to look at google earth and see for yourself.
Needle canyon is the turnoff….. now heading up canyon.
BOTH directions have us heading east from Boulder canyon….. are you with me so far?
If you are wanting to look at a different clue …… how about the one that goes ..
if you pass the little red hills, you’ve gone too far….. and in my scenario, we would be hiking eastward and before reaching marsh valley, we would pass the little red hills.
So looks like there should be an area that would fit the layout needed for all the things described..
A rock man so go east there, or head east in up needle creek. Julia’s directions end.
Check, check.
Water tanks below, potholes, a long ridge, with a saddle. Going through the saddle to the low ridge … check, check, check, check.
At highest point of low ridge, look to the north and 4 peaks looks like one peak.
The hidden camp is in the canyon brlow. Check.
The mine is not more than 200’ directly across the canyon. Check.
There is a very big gold deposit there.
A place for animals to graze above. Check
The clues tell the story …. If at the right place or not.
The list of clues that fit are legion, for they are many. 😎
Gold has been found up on Peters Mesa,
So maybe that’s your calling. But if you want the Dutchman, you got to match up the clues 🥸