the answer was clear and direct ,but no one other then the person that found the mine would know and under stand the true nature of Waltz mine . and no one but that person that found the real mine would know what Waltz knew and be able to put the puzzle back together correctly and find waltz Map . yes he had a map and i found it that's why i know the answer because the map told me the correct answer ...Waltz mine speaks for it self i need not say anything . ... i am old man that spent his foolish life looking for a Hoya and found it only to watch nature destroy it and laugh in my face ,but i under stood the joke well and lived to tell the tail ... legends never die they just fade away in time or do they .. i am going no where ,life is a riddle and we are here to answer that riddle . Waltz was a brilliant man ,he knew when his life was worthless and he kept to his path he held fast to what he had and died with his red hands full and his map hidden away safe where only one person could find it .. the one that found his real mine .... your talking to me now ! no speech . no greedy jokes or never ending puzzles , just the truth and some day you know how the book ends . till then i ride mike custom Harley because that's who i am a Shaman that just loves his freedom and no legend will let take my soul .. freedom has always been my goal and a safe place to call home and that's where and what i have in my pocket let the legend rest in peace for Waltz was its maker and i was only the winner of the riddle he played ... yes the mine is real as is my apple trees and my home where i rest my head dreaming of the time i once stood looking at the LDM ! i will always dream of going back , but once you have seen it you will never forget the richest gold mine ever found ..! for Waltz i say to you .. tell me which cache Waltz took and why and you will know more then anyone other then my self at my death bed ....
Hello BB,
It tough to have a conversation with you.

I have to smile because, if you want folk to take your claims seriously, you might need to give folk a reason to. Just being honest.
For you to be as passionate about your find as you seem to be, I have no doubt you saw some stuff to lead you to believe it. However, for anybody now days to catch even a small amount of your passion, you do need to give them reason.
You have been talking about a lot of things, but nothing for anyone to really engage on a conversational level. It’s like you just want to tell us stories, and how you know the real stories 😁
I will share something that you may or may not accept.
Waltz was dying, and not telling riddles to Homes or Julia; he was trying to give them directions.
So those clues are not riddles, but directions for getting through a maze of canyons and ridges and all sorts of rock formations.🧐🤓
And almost none of it had names for location references….
I think Waltz did pretty good

If those directions don’t go to your location, well you might have a great find, but just not Waltz’s ravine.
In all honesty, I’m only attempting to have a conversation with you.
Sincerely, Idahodutch