Think if did that you'd be following the stone maps, but on the weavers needle of bluff springs. The stone maps takes u into "horse country". Like where your going with this. Remember he told Julia he would like to the mntn where it was. From the south. How many options are there. In the search area. I can only probably 3 dif mntns come to mind. One isn't in the search area of my pic.
You are wanting to bring the stone maps in to Waltz’s clues, but dollars to donuts, Waltz never heard of the stone maps.
He had directions for the monumented trail, and just followed it right to the mine. Those are the directions he was having Julia memorize.
I don’t think Julia ever really was able to follow those directions.
It was a different time. Maps were not anywhere at detailed as we have today. She would have to actually do the hiking to sort through it, where you can just look at google earth.
The path seems too easy, and just leads to where almost everybody was looking.
Waltz said he buried his mine, and left no trace of it. Nothing
He sealed the mine over using logs crisscrossed, then put a cache of dug out gold ore on top of that. Then he covered over it all to conceal all of it.
The only way to find it is to first find the hidden camp.
The mine Waltz was giving to Julia, is not more than 200’ directly across the canyon from the mine.
You, or anyone …. Need to find the hidden camp for two reasons.
The first is so where you know where to hold one end of the measuring tape. The other is less known, but I will share.
“Directly across the canyon” can be confusing. Hind sight is 2020 they say. Directly across means …. Same elevation.
If measuring across the creek to other side…. You greatly exceed the 200’ before reaching ground again.
It is not across other side of creek.
Another little thing to elaborate ….
Shhhhh (don’t tell anyone)
1. Mine opens north or northwest
2. Hidden camp is open on north side.
Both are on same side of creek 👍🤓
You want to know what I’m getting at …. Just talking clues… the real ones 😎