I'm surprised at your statement Samuel! I
read the story and it's doesn't mention anyone digging, only has one minor reference to the FBI "Court approved activities" statement and only mentioned gold or treasure as the goal of the Finders Keepers.
There are no pictures of digging, digging equipment, the FBI, gold or anything but two porta potties and a tent a trailer and two unmarked vehicles. I'm puzzled how you got "pictures of the FBI looking for this treasure" when none of that is even mentioned in the article. Was there another article?
I'm really wondering if anyone here has any evidence the FBI was looking for treasure or gold or if anyone has any evidence the FBI did any digging. So far there is nothing but some people assuming the FBI is looking for treasure.
It's looking like Tedyoh is going to be eating crow pie alone. Having been there before I can tell you a big helping of humility will make that dirty bird go down easier.