I am wondering if Daniel Bush had search for this treasure. Good hunting and good luck.
I would think that looping thru northern pa would be a logical choice since Lee's army was advancing into southen pa.
...give me a break,the feds were digging on protected lands because of the (stink)of a treasure hunter,this hole argument is a joke
On the internet tonight, I saw a story from the Washing Post showing pictures of the FBI looking for this treasure. If you do research on buried treasures on government lands, local, county, and federal lands, you are in a heap of problems trying to get permission to recovered treasures. Finders Keepers cannot dig up treasures and I am not sure if they have a contract with the owner, the state. I am sure that this group will get nothing for their hard work. While I am honest, I would think very serious about letting any government know about any treasures on any government lands. Too much harassment and waste of time in recovering treasures. Of course, I would pay state and federal income taxes.
“In our first 2 years of business we located 3 of the largest lost treasure sites in Pa.“
So, is it four or two now?
... BUT he must have found something earlier to present to the courts to get an order to dig.
Nice try Bro.....i never said they found anything....note the word "may" in the title. As much as it burns my azz to admit this, you guys who play it safe by playing the odds on nothing will be found (in the millions of dollars anyway) are probably right, that's what "go with the flow/frightened (for whatever physiological reason)" do, they stick with the odds....good safe bet so they don't look foolish and can gloat later on how smart they are or were on this topic, but the real winners take chances in life.
Bottom line chances are nothing will be found, BUT he must have found something earlier to present to the courts to get an order to dig.
but that's really just childish name calling.go with the flow/frightened (for whatever physiological reason)" do, they stick with the odds....good safe bet so they don't look foolish and can gloat later on how smart they are or were on this topic
《Yawn》 Look all you want but I never said "Gold HAS been found" or anything along those lines....yet you are soooo sure this is Legend is all make believe....whatever happened in your life that was so dramatic I'm here for you.....PM me your number (anyone of the Negative Nancy's not only on this post but all others where your gang discredit people doing research as idiots), and I'll call you...ill try to help you all.No courts involved and no evidence of an order to dig or even evidence anything was dug for that matter. You just made that up.
I appreciate the attempt to denigrate unbelievers with
but that's really just childish name calling.
Which of course just like the rest of this thread will lead to your crow pie.
I don't blame you for ducking and weaving on this Tedyoh - that crow pie is nasty stuff. I could sprinkle some logic or common sense on there for you but it's your pie and I suspect anything that smells of fact would just make your dessert even more repulsive to you.
I'm guessing you will be wishing you had stuck to something more palatable and civilized like - "gee I think I may disagree with you" but you chose crow pie so I'll try not to smile while you eat your prize.
You could have just kept this a civilized discussion and left the name calling out.