Check your pepper spray!

Mona Lisa

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2005
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Great Falls, Montana
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White's DFX & a Sunray probe
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I was cross-country skiing a few years ago and was bitten several times by a dog. Since I was carrying pepper spray, I got it out, pushed the top, and nothing came out. It was too old, frozen, or something. So I bought a new one...that I've been carrying since.

I was deep in the woods with my dogs today and "ran into" a man out scouting for turkey. He really startled me since I never see anyone on my walks. We had a quick conversation. We both live on the same road, went to school together...etc.. But after he left I decided to check my spray, since I hadn't used it. Guess what...It didn't work.

I know many of you carry pepper spray, but don't assume your spray is going to work. Take it outside and check it....preferably not into a stiff head wind. ;D ;D I should have learned this lesson years ago and checked to make sure it was working properly. Guess what I going shopping for today?

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lol clayton :D

Unfortunately Stun guns are illegal in Ma just like everything else....but who cares ::)

I'v been stuned by a 400,000 Volt one before, they pack quite a punch ;D

I noticed alot of things that are made for self defense only, such as brass nuckles, switchblades, stun guns, etc.. are illegal, why is that? do we have no right to defend ourselves?

by the way- the other day I was cleaning out a bunch of old camping gear and found an old can of dog pepper spray stuff and sprayed it in the trash and it was still good :o

I always try and go on my outings prepared...first aid kit and such...self common enemy...but you people are scaring me :-[

Seriously though, I do pack a piece loaded with snake shot for that rattler who needs to sound off a little sooner and just a bit louder than a train whistle when I'm out relic hunting, would rather chase them away from that "precious" than killing them, other than that, I feel lucky that I have not had to feel as if I needed extra protection...other than my razor sharp gardening trowel some people refer to as a dagger. ;D

I agree that a person needs to be prepared when out alone in a bad area, or incase a bad situation arises. And I think pepper spray and even a stun gun is a good Idea.
Even though I'm for the right to own guns. I'm not so sure it's the right choice for defense in some situations. If your out some where and some one attacks you or you feel is about to attack you, and you pull out your gun. At that moment your either very afraid or very angry or both. Neither one makes for a steady hand or shot.
If you shoot and take the persons life. Then you had better have some rock solid witnesses for your defense. And had better hope you didn't act prematurely. Or you could lose some of your life in prison.
And if you shoot and miss, I have no doubt that the person (assuming he doesn't have a gun) will run away. But what do you do about that little girl you just killed a block away?

If you are approached by anyone and your out in the boonies or alone in a wooded area, how knows if you are going to come out alive. It is best to be prepared than not to be. Bear Spray is good, but a 9 mm. is better for people. Natch you'll only pull it out if you think your life is in danger. As for that lil girl a mile away, just don't miss. It's much better to look intimidating.

You have to shake your pepper spray can first. Try it. It will work.

Diamond Jim is right. You gotta walk the the walk. I lived in Long Beach California for 17 years, crackheads & hardcore gang bangers on every corner. Walking down the street as you pass someone, I learned early on that you gotta make eye contact & stare em down til they walk by you, make em wonder if you are gonna jump them & take their wallet. Beleive me, it works. Same thing with dogs, show no fear & never back peddle or you are asking for a nibble. A big shiny knife helps as well.

Good post, Mona Lisa.

I'll pass this on to my wife.

If you know a cop you can get the real stuff (teargas). This is what my wife carries. She's taken it on plane trips and never been questioned about it.

Trust me, those teargas jobs are the next best thing to a Sig.

The trouble with a piece is most Americans today with no background in Vietnam or war couldn't off somebody. And for others, even if they did they'd be destroyed emotionally for the rest of their lives.

I'd look for a cop buddy and get him to order a nice teargas.

One more thing, my elderly father-in-law was walking in a park in Muskegon, Michigan and several kids where going to beat him up and steal his wallet. One person in the group happened to be his grandchild and she ran and warned him to leave.

It's a whole lot worse out there than people think.

"One more thing, my elderly father-in-law was walking in a park in Muskegon, Michigan and several kids where going to beat him up and steal his wallet. One person in the group happened to be his grandchild and she ran and warned him to leave."

Someone's parents should have beat them more.  Then she wouldn't be out with this kind of crowd.

Beat them often, and beat them at an early age!

(DISCLAIMER... by "beat" I mean punish in a legal fashion. There is a difference between a beating and abuse... at least in my book.) 

DigEmAll said:
Beat them often, and beat them at an early age!

(DISCLAIMER... by "beat" I mean punish in a legal fashion. There is a difference between a beating and abuse... at least in my book.)

Well put!

China, Japan, Near East, etc., are hoping the U.S. maintains it's current foolish direction. The Roman Empire all over again... :'(

Lisa! take a few classes and get a GUN! that is ALWAYS the best protection if you are compfortable with it and practice, put yourself in situations in your mind and stay prepared! with pepper spray, ecspecially outside you are as likely to get yourself with it as much as an attacker! It was also mentioned earlier that someone on drugs or high tolerance is effected very little by spray!

I dont think just anyone should go out and buy and carry a gun, it is as dangerous to you as an attacker if your not compfortable, trained and confident with your weapon but it is well worth investing the time and money on gun for that sense of security and always as a last resort, someday it could save you or your family.

Just wanted to touch base about an issue here.

People that carry weapons, regardless of the type but especially true with pistols, REALLY NEED to practice weapon retention!!!

Get someone bigger and stronger to take it away from you. Do this over and over and over again, until they can't take it from you. If you have a pistol and the bad guy takes it away from you, you are screwed!


Pistol does no good if the bad guy has it!

My goodness: I am (was so) excited about getting out and Md
around the railroad tracks...thick woods . Now I do not
know hmmmmm.

There are just plain mean people ... :o maybe I had better rethink this
on what to take with me other than body guard.

I am a female 5 feet 2 inches and 120 lbs...sure could not
beat anybody up.
Thanks for all the info will still go but protected in some way.


DIVING DOC.... that is a pea shooter! right size for a woman? I have seen a LOT of women shooting 9mm's and 45's without ANY problem, I think if your going to carry something like that it should be for back-up ONLY!

I bought a kel-tec 9mm back when they first came out, i think they are around 250.00?? holds 10 rounds and is VERY easy to hide and not very heavy, and has been a great little dependable gun but I only carry that when I cant carry my .45, if I am in the woods I carry my .45 with 3 clips.

diving doc said:
This is just about the right size for a woman to conceal easily without carrying a purse. But before you carry get the proper training and license and mentally condition yourself to be prepared use it if (God Forbid) you have to. Doc

Thats a nice little 22. I carry the same one only mine is 22 LR. alot smaller. I bobbed the hammer a little so it comes out of my pocket without snagging. It really is a last resort wepon, not something you want to get into a gun battle with! My first line of defense is to not get into situations where you will have to use it.

I carry a 45 have not ever had a problem with it working when I need it to. Pepper spray is usless in my opinion. Throw it away it wil just make the person or dog mad.

What we have here is a typical psychological human trait.
We have a gun and we will use it. Fantasy!!!
99.9% of the populace could not pull the trigger no matter what the situation.
Gun or not, their more likely to threaten and run.

Similar to; At night you can think of all the ways your going to beat up the Bully the next time you see him. But the next time you run into him. DO YOU?

The ones that doubt this, then please go out and shoot and kill someone at point blank range, and report back to us and tell us how wrong I was. And how easy it was to pull the trigger.
Listen There's a great group of people on here and we all have alot of fun finding and sharing the finds we made. So lets leave the whacko stuff to the whackos. HH

rvbvetter said:
What we have here is a typical psychological human trait.
We have a gun and we will use it. Fantasy!!!
99.9% of the populace could not pull the trigger no matter what the situation.
Gun or not, their more likely to threaten and run.

Similar to; At night you can think of all the ways your going to beat up the Bully the next time you see him. But the next time you run into him. DO YOU?

The ones that doubt this, then please go out and shoot and kill someone at point blank range, and report back to us and tell us how wrong I was. And how easy it was to pull the trigger.
Listen There's a great group of people on here and we all have alot of fun finding and sharing the finds we made. So lets leave the whacko stuff to the whackos. HH

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Be carefull. Using pepper spray on a person may be consider an assult with a weapon by the law. Especially if they didn't break any laws. I just carry my digging tool. It's real thick metal - one good hard slap in the fore head or kneecap will stop just about anybody or anything except maybe a bear and in that case maybe the stench from the pile in my pants will scare it away [haha].

I have and do carry a 45 auto I shoot around 50 to 100 Rounds a week.
I have a concealed carry permit and carry it every day. If some one came at me in a life threatening manner
I would shoot and kill them in a second. I would not want to but it is better them than me. If this makes me a
wacko then sign me up. This is not Fantasy it is fact. I feel every law abiding citizen should have a gun and
be trained to use it. The crime rate would drop 80% in a few months. If you are a crook and you know every
one is armed you are not as likely to rob some one. Think before you speak. If you are not intelligent enough to
own and learn to operate a firearm then I feel sorry for you and your family when or if you need to protect your self.


First off, Your entitled to your opinion, as I am mine.
Secondly; You seem to have the notion that I don't have a gun or know how to use one. ( I'll leave your intelligence comment out of this) Or that I might be anti gun. None of which are accurate.
I do own a revolver. I took gun safety as a kid. And have owned a number of guns in my lifetime as well as hunted for many years. So I'm not anti gun.
Because you disagree with what I had to say, doesn't mean that the wheels weren't turning in my head when I wrote and posted the piece. It just means I wasn't using the wheels in your head to compose it.
Lastly, Why do you carry a gun on your person every day?
Are you in law enforcement?
Do you feel some ones out to get you?
Or do you just work for the Post Office? HH

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