Check your pepper spray!

Mona Lisa

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2005
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Great Falls, Montana
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White's DFX & a Sunray probe
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Relic Hunting
I was cross-country skiing a few years ago and was bitten several times by a dog. Since I was carrying pepper spray, I got it out, pushed the top, and nothing came out. It was too old, frozen, or something. So I bought a new one...that I've been carrying since.

I was deep in the woods with my dogs today and "ran into" a man out scouting for turkey. He really startled me since I never see anyone on my walks. We had a quick conversation. We both live on the same road, went to school together...etc.. But after he left I decided to check my spray, since I hadn't used it. Guess what...It didn't work.

I know many of you carry pepper spray, but don't assume your spray is going to work. Take it outside and check it....preferably not into a stiff head wind. ;D ;D I should have learned this lesson years ago and checked to make sure it was working properly. Guess what I going shopping for today?

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Even in "civilized" territory, we have a drastically increasing problem with coyotes and mountain lions (bears too, but not in our neighborhood ... yet).

I could carry a pistol, but don't want to risk having to surrender one of my prized posessions to some minion after the shooting is over. Instead, we have started carrying any of the following, depending on comfort level/skill of the family member (different story when I'm in the woods/desert, and there even a .45ACP isn't enough as far as I'm concerned):
- 5 to 6 foot long and 2" thick "snake/walking stick", aka cudgel; it's a lot to handle for a small person though.
- Trekking pole(s) (use the wrist strap, use quick jabs and go for the eyes; if the animal grabs it in its mouth, drive forward and this is where a second pole is handy; always be aggressive including yelling)
- Snake whip (Indiana Jones style), get one that's as long as you can handle comfortably (bull whips are tough for most folks to handle without hurting themselves, and tend to be short); snake whip handle doubles as a club.
- There's a brush knife/machete sold in outdoor magazines that has a wicked hooked end, lots of sharpened edges, and plenty of mass; needs a wrist lanyard though, and requires care just carrying it.

So far, most of the family likes the trekking poles.

I think I just realized whats up. Tell me if I'm right or wrong.
Because my post was directly below yours, you thought my statement was directed at you.
If that's the case. Then just so you'll know, It was not directed at you in any way shape or form or at any other single individual.
It was a statement meant in general to everyone and no one.
That it happened to be below your post was mere coincidence. Frankly I don't know that I even read your post.
I do think you could have given it some more thought before jumping to that conclussion. For some one that carrys a concealed gun on a daily basis, I don't think that's a good thing to be doing.
If I'm directing my post at an individual, the first thing you'll see is the persons name or handle right at the top.
Anyway thats the facts of the matter. Take it or leave it. HH

I have a permit and do carry my pistol every day. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
The only reason I carry it is for my protection and the protection of my loved ones. I hope that you never need yours and do not have
it. If some one wants to kill you and you can not protect your self you will be dead. Think it won't happen to me. Watch the news it
happens every day. You have your opinion on this subject and I have mine. Do not call legal law abiding firearm carring American citizens
Whacko's. He!! you were the one telling folks to go out and shoot some one so maybe you are the Wacko. Just my thoughts on this subject
you have yours.

I used to be part of the 99.9% of the populace RV spoke about.

I'm a pretty big guy and never thought I'd need it.

But I also fell into DFX's "Better to have and not need than need and not have." group.

Now I'm in the 00.1% and I take my right to carry much more seriously.

I hope nobody here ever has to pull the trigger... of course, I also hope nobody here is ever killed because they were walking around in the woods UNARMED either!

O K I can see where this is going no where fast. So this will be my last post on this subject.

#1 Show us all where I called legal law abiding citizens (gun carrying or not) whackos.
#2 You seem to have your own mental agenda because your last response did not contain one word in reference to my last post.
#3 In your responses I do not see the maturity that 33 years should have provided you.
#4 I pitty you for the self imposed paranoia you put your self through.
#5 I suspect that someday we will all be hearing about how you protected your family by shooting 5 dangerous patrons at a Mc Donalds.
#6 Where do you come up with this: Do not do this or Do not do that, stuff.
That in itself is Imature and whacko sounding.

RV Said.

" What we have here is a typical psychological human trait.
We have a gun and we will use it. Fantasy!!!
99.9% of the populace could not pull the trigger no matter what the situation. "

" The ones that doubt this, then please go out and shoot and kill someone at point blank range"

" So lets leave the whacko stuff to the whackos."

Looks like to me you were calling anyone who would carry a gun to protect there self a wacko.
I can assure you I am not. You have to go through training classes and a back ground check with the feds
to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I am OK it is you I am a bit worried about. Think it over get your
training and be able to protect your self if you need to. If you don't pray me or some other gun carring American
may be their and willing to protect you. Peace and good luck.

RVbetter, I am not going to attack your comments and I dont want you to take this the wrong way because I dont like to argue or make people mad, however I do like to DEBATE and my definition of debating is in a respecful manner, listen to others point of views and maybe even learn something or get a new outlook and of course share my point of views, now with that said...

I have been around guns all my life, I keep a gun in my vehicle or on me most of them time (I am a federal employee and of course when I am on the base I can not have a gun) I have NEVER threatened anyone with a gun, I have never shown anyone my gun out of anger and VERY few people know I carry a gun at all, I know some people wonder why I would ever carry a gun considering I am 6ft 4 350 lbs, without going into detail I will tell you there have been 3 situations in my life where I would have been much better off with a gun, 2 of those situations I was young and did not have a gun and I am lucky to still be here, the third time I had a gun and I am certain if it wouldnt have been out in plain view on my side there could have been big trouble (I was in the woods looking for deer sheds)

I would also like to add I think that the comment about only 1% of people would ever use there weapon is wrong, there are a lot of level headed NORMAL people like me out there that NEVER want to kill or harm anyone in any way BUT if our lives or or our familys lifes are in mortal danger there would absolutely be no hesitation to shoot somebody and I will even go as far to say if i ever pull my gun someone is dying, I only say that because IF I ever had to pull my weapon, it is going to be a life and death situation and I am going to try and kill the person who is either trying to kill me or family.

We have all seen shows and movies where they say once you have killed a man your never the same again and I believe that somewhat, I NEVER want to take a life NEVER but I was watching a documentery once that just floored me because all our lives we have heard that same line over and over, once you kill a man your never the same, anyhow they were interviewing this lady who had killed a man breaking into her house and they asked her how did killing a man change her, her comment was it did not change me or ever bother me, I was woke up to the sound of someone in my house, I called the police, went to investigate and she ended up face to face to a man with a gun and luckily she was able to kill him before he could kill her.

It is a crazy world we live in and I wish I didnt have to carry a gun because we were all safe but now we know thats never going to happen, they let rapists, murders and child molestors back on the street every day, this world is only getting more dangerous.

I say forget the pepper spray and just carry a big sand scoop or shovel, if you have any problems just pop the trouble maker on the head

I don't carry a weapon in my daily life. Getting a concealed carry permit in the People's Republic of California is harder than finding someone with a full set of teeth at a Willie Nelson Concert! ;D

When I go into one of our beautiful California State Parks, I used to never carry a weapon, as discharging a weapon in a state park is a felony (I think, but I know it's illegal). I'll tell you the true story of what happened out there. When I told the story before (in 17 tons of gold in NM), I kind of left out a couple of parts.

One morning while examining a shaft I uncovered in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, I was walking along the side of the mountain, looking for other possible shaft sites or signs. If you look on a map, you will notice that Anza-Borrego is not too far from the border. Many coyotes use the area to run illegal immigrants and drug mules through. I had never had a problem before that day. Luckily, because I was going into BLM Territory, I had brought along my 12 gauge, but had left it in the truck.

A ways off behind me, I heard whistling like a bird. Any body who had spent much time around Mexicans knows what kind of whistling I'm talking about. They not only use it for alerts, but they can actually communicate with whistles. I find it amazing (I can't whistle very well).

Then, the whistling started coming from more than one location. I was starting to get nervous. I made my way back to the Suburban, pretending I hadn't noticed anything. I leaned in the back, and pulled the 12 gauge out of the sleeve. I chambered a round as quietly as I could, and slid another one in the tube. While I was leaning into the back of the truck, I heard the unmistakable sound of a slide being pulled back on a pistol.

I jumped behind the truck, and started cutting brush with double aught buckshot in the direction of the sound. I left two rounds unfired, jumped into the truck and drove off.

ICE Agents said there was a bunch of bad guys that used my canyon to run their mules, since the ICE Guys don't go into the State Park. They said they never heard of any bodies being found out there, but they warned me about going it alone anywhere near the border in desert areas unarmed. They said a little closer to the border there had been several people carjacked by illegals looking for a free ride Norte, and many people robbed all the time.

I never go out unarmed any more.


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