It is my firm belief that the best anyone on an Internet forum WILL EVER get is second hand. I will tell you that I just flat out don't believe anyone smart enough to decrypt a treasure map or authentic treasure symbols would also be stupid enough to post what they found online. Not only would there likely be legal issues, there is no statute of limitations for the IRS to come after you for unpaid taxes on that treasure.
The two I know that have gone public are(were)so old, they didn't care any more. Ron Quinn inTucson who (along with his brother and two friends) found the 82 pounds of gold bars, and Tony Jolley, who helped Doc Noss rebury 110 of the approximately 300 gold bars the night before he was murdered by Charlie Ryan. Jolley found ten of the 110 bars he helped rebury. Willie Daughitt did tell his story on video, but since he says there are still between 1200-1500 forty pound bars in his cave (and probably five to six skeletons of people killed to keep his cave a secret) he would never give up the exact location. None of the finders of the others I know of would never give details or do any interviews "for the record".
Mike, Your answer is quite the same as the type answer offered up by the users of ... uh "un-conventional" TH'ing method: When a skeptic goes ask them: "Where is the proof of goodies found with this unconventional method ?" And the answer you're giving here , is exactly like theirs:
"We find the big ticket treasures all the time. However, we can't post any show & tells. Because we fear the IRS, thieves, claim-jumpers, etc.... " hmmmmm.
To which I counter by telling them that md'r's have ROUTINELY posted their show & tell ALL THE TIME.
Yes, even nice and valuable ones. A quick look at any md'ing finds forum, and you will see no shortage of md'ing proudly showing off their holes-in-one trophies. Heck, even some occasional caches found with detectors. Hence why not the practitioners of this ... uh... un-conventional method ?
To which they will say that any show & tell seen (even caches) on md'ing forums pale in comparison to the big-ticket items they are finding. But ...... rest assured, we find them. We just can't show you. Aarrgh. Do you see the impenetrable web of protection ?
Anyways Mike, in the scenario I spelled out for you, you will see they are cases where the person who's posted they "found" (past tense) a treasure, has NOT "found" a treasure. When the details finally come forward under pressure, it will be a case where they are on-the-verge. Honed down to a certain swamp bottom (now they just need dredge equipment). Or a certain meadow (now they just need a detector which goes 6 meters deep), etc.... Don't you see that they haven't "found" anything yet ? DESPITE that they are quite sincere, and always phrase it in the past-tense "found". I can cite links to posts of this psychology if you like.
Same for when someone talks of a treasure they know that was "found". Upon closer scrutiny, you often see that they are going off of statements they've heard around the campfire. They've never actually seen the treasure. And I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the person telling them the story has likewise not seen any treasure. Yet when the story gets passed through the chain, it's never something like "It is claimed that such & such". Or "supposedly such & such". But instead it is practically 1st person singular present tense "found". As if it's beyond question.
For example: The "82 pounds" and the "1500 gold bars" you allude to: I'll step out on a ledge here and venture a guess that you haven't actually seen any of these. Right ? NOT SAYING THAT MAKES IT *NECESSARILY* FALSE. But .... don't you see you can just be a link in the telephone game ? Have you done the math on the value of that much gold ??
Or, let's put it this way: If I told you: "
Hey Mike, I found 300 gold bars". And ... despite the fact that you read it here on T'net (or out of a supermarket tabloid), does that make it necessarily true ? No. And ironically, the persons telling these stories (like yourself in this case) are not necessarily lying. You are being quite sincere in passing along the "1500 gold bar story". And so too will the guy who reads your post, likewise pass on the story in the first-person present tense un-questioned-fact affirmative. Till finally, 20 yrs. from now, someone puts their foot down and says "says who ?" "Where's the proof?". And alas, the dodge moves (like yours here) come forward: "no proof needed. Too bad". Hmmmm