Cases Where Citizens Repealed Attackers With A Firearm

Spart, you like to joke about everything that is fine, I dont joke about our freedoms or our rights........ When the poop hits the fan it will affect everyone, not just those of us who resist........

You think it's a joke, then think again.. I'm giving you HARD, COLD FACTS, so deal with that. Notice there are no smiley icons so you get my drift.

I have to laugh because too many here are strictly emotional, and put zero rational thinking into their responses. It seems many are making up stories, or theories on the fly. I hate to break it to you, that doesn't work in the real world. I'm sticking with the FACT, that the Supreme Court has the final word.

Still doubt me, then look it up.

Joke all you want, all your posts are jokes.................I am not making anything up........

First, did I say that you made anything up? NO!!!! All my posts are jokes? Then I suggest you read up a little more on the Supreme Court, before you infer my facts are not the truth.

You think it's a joke, then think again.. I'm giving you HARD, COLD FACTS, so deal with that. Notice there are no smiley icons so you get my drift.

I have to laugh because too many here are strictly emotional, and put zero rational thinking into their responses. It seems many are making up stories, or theories on the fly. I hate to break it to you, that doesn't work in the real world. I'm sticking with the FACT, that the Supreme Court has the final word.

Still doubt me, then look it up.

Spart, you say "many put zero rational thinking into their post 's " Wow! Just cause you are for taking away the second (at least that is how your posts sound) doesn't mean you should put those with opposing views down....At this point in time the govt. Has taken so much away from us Americans that the only thing we have left is whats left of our rights, why would you want to give those up? I will tell you this, once the govt. Has the guns and us citizens don't the rest of our rights are gone forever. Name one govt. In history that was not power hungry? I bet you can't......

Diesel, you really have no clue about whom I may be talking about, if anyone. I made a general statement.

Besides, I have yet to see one actually do a little homework about who really really pulls the strings as far as the constitution goes. Believe it, or not, you're whole constitution is in the hands of 9 Supreme Court Justices, even a jury have 12 members.

If you still don't believe me, then just keep repeating Treasure_Hunter's mantra "All of your posts are a joke". After you repeat it, and believe it, sad to say you will still be wrong. Then again, maybe you can convince some others out here otherwise.

I have posed several questions, some may have been in a humorous manner, but yet none could reply. Know why? Because you will be defeating your own purposes.

Just show me where I'm wrong on the Supreme Court issue and I will admit I erred, unlike many others that wouldn't.

What would I do if the government banned all firearms?

Become an instant criminal, I guess.

Would I get in a fire-fight with local authorities when they came to confiscate?

No, that would be a pointless way to die.

I would do other mischievous things, like burn the court house, etc.

Or I could do something like this,


So if Supreme Court rules free speech does not include the internet you just roll over and except it? Supreme Court can throw us into a civil war just as easily as a president can....

Basic principles of the Bill of Rights are unnegotiable to millions of us. Why do you think hundreds and hundreds of law enforcement have come out and declared they will not support, enforce or allow federal authorities to violate Constitution, dozens of states are in the process of passing laws making it illegal and nullifying any federal law that violates Constitution. When in our history since 1861 has that happened?

A revolution has already begun, only question is if it will be settled with out bloodshed. I know what side I am on....

Gold, all I can say is that at least you think and have a plan

Spart, your statement was clearly directed at those who disagree.....I am fine with your opinion, however it is just like my feelings ...just an opinion. I did not say you are wrong about the supreme court. That is why obama is stacking it in his favor. But that being said, if the pass a antigun ruling doesn't make the ruling constitutional but rather political. Shall not be infringed is cut and dry. I don't need some liberal judges telling me, or you if the second is valid. It is and always will be. Period. I think you are missing everyones point.

Boy that makes me feel just great that murder by rifles is very small. What is an acceptable level if murder in your opinion?
there is no acceptable levels of murder; none; zero
so lets outlaw all knifes over 1/2 inch, cars,bricks clubs ect....
were do you draw the line
i know you draw the line any were it would effect what you like

there is no acceptable levels of murder; none; zero
so lets outlaw all knifes over 1/2 inch, cars,bricks clubs ect....
were do you draw the line
i know you draw the line any were it would effect what you like

Well said!

there is no acceptable levels of murder; none; zero
so lets outlaw all knifes over 1/2 inch, cars,bricks clubs ect....
were do you draw the line
i know you draw the line any were it would effect what you like

There is a huge difference between guns vs. cars/bricks. The single, solitary purpose of a gun is to KILL. It has no other function. Yes, it is there for protection, yes, it is there to uphold the other amendments; however, it does that by killing or the threat to kill.

The main purpose of a car is transportation. The main purpose of a brick is to support structures. Can you kill with them? Of course. You can kill with anything...

You cannot ride your gun to work in the morning. You cannot build a house out of guns (well, you could, but the Big Bad Obama would huff and puff, and blow your house down.)

You want to ban kniVes and clubs...go ahead. Nothing in the BoR about banning those. Personally, I think that would be a mistake.

Please stop extrapolating on this argument. It has no merit, it is circular, and by definition of itself, it is infalliable. It does not add information of further discussion. It simply distracts from the important issues at hand.


I have a question,how many Supreme Court Judges are ELECTED instead of APPOINTED?

Crispin said:
There is a huge difference between guns vs. cars/bricks. The single, solitary purpose of a gun is to KILL. It has no other function. Yes, it is there for protection, yes, it is there to uphold the other amendments; however, it does that by killing or the threat to kill.

The main purpose of a car is transportation. The main purpose of a brick is to support structures. Can you kill with them? Of course. You can kill with anything...

You cannot ride your gun to work in the morning. You cannot build a house out of guns (well, you could, but the Big Bad Obama would huff and puff, and blow your house down.)

You want to ban kniVes and clubs...go ahead. Nothing in the BoR about banning those. Personally, I think that would be a mistake.

Please stop extrapolating on this argument. It has no merit, it is circular, and by definition of itself, it is infalliable. It does not add information of further discussion. It simply distracts from the important issues at hand.


Don't confuse people with rules of logic!!

worldtalker said:
I have a question,how many Supreme Court Judges are ELECTED instead of APPOINTED?

Come on talker that's civics 101 - i hope you know the basics of how our 3 branches work?

Rebel, just to clear up any misunderstanding from my post, it was not directed at any members....period. If I had than it would be name calling. Sorry if you took it any other way.
How are the liberal members of the group supposed to take it?

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