Cases Where Citizens Repealed Attackers With A Firearm

ok how about this more people were punched kicked or strangle to death then were killed by long guns in 2011

2011 murders USA FBI DATA Table 20

[TABLE="width: 665"]
[TD]Knives or
[TD]Hands, fists,
feet, etc.[/TD]
Thanks for the chart.

It has been failed to mention that there are 2 groups of people that don't own fire arms. 1. The people that want government to do everything from health care to taking care of them when they are being robbed either in their homes or when they are out. It ends up being the police officers fault when they, the police, are 10 to 20 minutes away and can't get there in time to stop it. The other group is the criminals that are robbing the person that wants the government to do everything. The criminal doesn't own a gun because he isn't about to register what he or she is using to rob the person that thinks that guns are necessary in life preservation. I thank God that my father was a sinceable sharecroppers son from the 1930s that bought my mother a 1914 Smith and Wesson 32/20, when I was a kid, because we had a pepping tom and taught her how to us it in the backyard. As a result the pipping tom when heard the report of the 32/20, that lived down the street didn't come back. People that do register their fire arms end up on the wrong end of this equation because the fact that they are on the books makes them the target of the people that want the government to do everything and as the result are getting robbed. I for plan on keeping my Remington 1100 12ga. and my Taurus 24/7 OSS Tactical in 45 ACP. The one that accosts my wife will have to silence the 45 to do it!!

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It has been failed to mention that there are 2 groups of people that don't own fire arms. 1. The people that want government to do everything from health care to taking care of them when they are being robbed either in their homes or when they are out. It ends up being the police officers fault when they, the police, are 10 to 20 minutes away and can't get there in time to stop it. The other group is the criminals that are robbing the person that wants the government to do everything. The criminal doesn't own a gun because he isn't about to register what he or she is using to rob the person that thinks that guns are necessary in life preservation. I thank God that my father was a sinceable sharecroppers son from the 1930s that bought my mother a 1914 Smith and Wesson 32/20, when I was a kid, because we had a pepping tom and taught her how to us it in the backyard. As a result the pipping tom when heard the report of the 32/20, that lived down the street didn't come back. People that do register their fire arms end up on the wrong end of this equation because the fact that they are on the books makes them the target of the people that want the government to do everything and as the result are getting robbed. I for plan on keeping my Remington 1100 12ga. and my Taurus 24/7 OSS Tactical in 45 ACP. The one that accosts my wife will have to silence the 45 to do it!!

Miller I also have a Remington 1100 12ga semi-auto shootgun, it is a sweet shotgun too....:icon_thumright:

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Shhhhh, I don't want the global warming crowd to jump on me too......LOL

Speaking of which...get that chainsaw ready, when the flood comes we gonna be rich!

It is funny how quickly some people turn to name calling in a discussion. Same type of people generally believe that all issues are black and white and do jot recognize the fact that others can have their own valid opinions. They believe in fact that their opinion is actually the "correct answer". Best.

You guys misunderstand Dieselram. He is passionate but no fool. I like to read his posts as if he was a buddy of mine sharing a pint at the pub. Dieselram knows that I tend more towards the liberal side. He also knows that I have no desire to take away guns; he understands my trepidation but disagrees. I seriously doubt he thinks I am mentally deficient...but you never know. ;)

When I talk with my more conservative leaning friends they will make similar comments about liberals, but every one of them would trust me with their life...and me the same. It doesn't get personal until somebody makes a comparison to Hitler...then it goes too far.


Boy talk about cherry picking your data. Long guns only?? And what is your point?? That if more people die in a different way than its ok if a fewer number die from guns?? What number of dead innocent people from gun violence would you consider an acceptable number?

The point he is making, is that there is a push to ban "assault" rifles, when murder by ALL rifles is very small compared to other methods. Likewise, "assault" rifles are a small percent of all rifles.

Speaking of which...get that chainsaw ready, when the flood comes we gonna be rich!
The chainsaw is all sharpened up and running! LOL! :laughing7:
I am already counting the millions coming our way!:thumbsup:


Yeah.....I've got a soft spot for diesel must be like a strange bedfellows

I wish he'd cue me up for a song though.....I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms.

Regards + HH


Thank you Crispin, for sure you are not mentally deficient!

Thank you Crispin, for sure you are not mentally deficient!
No diesel but I'm old, ugly, opinionated, and free and proud of it. maybe a little mentally deficient as well but that's ok we'll get along and survive.

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Yeah.....I've got a soft spot for diesel must be like a strange bedfellows

I wish he'd cue me up for a song though.....I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms.

Regards + HH

Come to mention it Bill, it is a great time for a song! I kind of feel the same about you Bill, but I have to be know how rumors get started!!!LOL!:laughing7:

No diesel but I'm old, ugly, opinionated, and free and proud of it. maybe a little mentally deficient as well but that's ok we'll get along and survive.
Hey Miller, those all sound like good points to me! Welcome aboard!:occasion14:


Here's a song that should do the trick in a pinch..

Come to mention it Bill, it is a great time for a song! I kind of feel the same about you Bill, but I have to be know how rumors get started!!!LOL!:laughing7:

Yuh us country boys will survive.

Boy talk about cherry picking your data. Long guns only?? And what is your point?? That if more people die in a different way than its ok if a fewer number die from guns?? What number of dead innocent people from gun violence would you consider an acceptable number?
i am not "cherry picking" my data what i am doing is pointing out that the government and the anti gun groups are targeting the wrong weapons and people.
hand guns are one of the most regulated firearms in America and yet they account for more deaths each year the rifles
the government has all ready tried gun control on long rifles and it made no difference at all
so why have a law that does not help stop crime
for example in new york it is illegal to have a pistol grip on a rifle
a pistol grip does not increase accuracy or rate of fire it's for looks only so why ban them
we have to many laws that infringe on a persons rights for no reason when what we need is laws that protect the innocent and punish the criminals
i am for background checks as long as the government does not place a a exorbitant fee on the process
(an example of this is in New York it cost close to $500 just to apply for a pistol permit)

Gold Maven said:
The point he is making, is that there is a push to ban "assault" rifles, when murder by ALL rifles is very small compared to other methods. Likewise, "assault" rifles are a small percent of all rifles.

Boy that makes me feel just great that murder by rifles is very small. What is an acceptable level if murder in your opinion?

Ask the people murdered in Chicago and Washington DC, they have total gun control and lead the nation in murder rates...

Liberals want to give up their rights have at it, but keep their hands off our rights they have no right to give up ours......

Liberals want to give up their rights have at it, but keep their hands off our rights they have no right to give up ours......

What the heck country are we talking about anyway :icon_scratch:

For arguments sake, let's say this whole 2nd amendment thing came to a popular vote in the US, and it was voted by a majority, a majority I mind you, and it was decided to repeal the 2nd amendment. What do you do? Go to war against the majority?

It would not matter if 75% voted to give them up it would be an illegal vote we are not a democracy, America is a Constitutional Republic, Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

I was willing to take a chance to die in SE Asia to give them freedom and rights, so yes I am ready to die in my back yard to fight for our rights and freedoms here and for my grandkids rights and freedoms...

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It would not matter if 75% voted to give them up it would be an illegal vote we are not a democracy, America is a Constitutional Republic, Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

I was willing to take a chance to die in SE Asia to give them freedom and rights, so yes I am ready to die in my back yard to fight for our rights and freedoms here and for my grandkids rights and freedoms...
I agree completely TH, unfortunately some just can't understand the whole concept of THE BILL OF RIGHTS!

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