wreckdiver1715 said:
Its not like they are going to put anything they find into there pockets...
Right ! But maybe here; Read page 79. Six foot pit the size of a hogs head the shipwreck Spaniards buried treasure from treasure ships wreck there . This was in 1500's! So there
Is buried treasure here! But , where? :
...southwestern extremity of the cape...". Where would be southwest? Extremity goes east.
Is this island of
Sorrope not the same as the
Surruque village ? I know where that is. There are two ghost towns in this vicinity, one near Ormand Beach,
Nocorro. And one further south,
Soccorro. Now since a soccorro is and aid and or supply station,
Pentagram "house of safety treasure symbol", would it not be a place to secure treasure too? It seems to me it would be.
December 1st., 1941: Archaeologists were not successful in finding a fort which housed 2,000,(two thousand), soilders on the East coast of Florida. So where is
Fort Sorroquez? The Asian Morning Dove does not hoot "sorroque", Hitchiti were family parent tribe of the ; Sorroque, Tiacuma, and Tekoite. "We come from where the sun comes from", the meaning of Hitchiti. Tiacuma,Old meaning for the state of florida, "wind,or water, or , dirt on the skin". "Tekoite" is what the Florida Finch Bird chirps. Thus thier names and meanings. Tekoite is also an Iraqi tribe from the Bible, 2 Sam. 23 vs. 26.. Noah was Iraqi, and could talk to the animals. Anyway, it was the land of the Riseing Sun that took out Pearl Harbor 6 days later. *Girga"shy"its were Iraqi too,("Vigilante", magic), "they lost a significant battle and come back totaly victoriuos, Bible.(
NOT "Terroists" ),! Tekoite made tiki's that they dipped in either enemy or animal blood preserved the wood, and they gave as gifts. According to Bible, you are not suppose to meddle with the Persian Babylonian war, "give a gift and walk away". What more
perfect than a tiki from the Tekoite to the Tekoite!?
So now we go to the Year 1689 when Sorroquez was founded and then was burnt down by Tekoite.
Where is it?
It would be an interesting find today,Too late for the incident of Pearl Harbor, but to
Intelligently offer the Nation of Iraq an appropriate
gift and explanation.

*word is G-i-r-g-a-s-h-i-t-e-s.
You have hurricane seasons of course that wreck ships here. You have wartime submarines that prowled and sunk ships out of port Canaveral. Then you have the north easter winds that blow across these sandbar flats, known as "
The Bulls " in February and March. I worked as a part time mate and deck hand on the
Miss Cape Canaveral in 1983. There were times it did not go out because of the huge waves caused by these winds. Small vessels could capsize out here and get drowned if stuck on ground.
Shallow water .