Can the Omega 8000 keep up with the Etrac?

I have both and I like both. If you do casual coinshooting and some relic hunting and your ground isn't highly mineralized, or medium mineralized... get the Omega, be sure to get all three coils.

Where the E-TRAC stomps the Omega, in my ground and in my opinion, is at finding masked targets that other detectors miss... those targets that should not be there. The E-TRAC will, if correctly set up, find targets that other machines miss. I almost always use the "relic" pattern and ferrous/ 2-tones. It runs very quiet that way and will ignore iron and hit colocated non-ferrous. It may be a one way hit but it will hit and the CO number will be reliable, even in iron.

The Omega is a coin magnet but I wouldn't choose it to hunt for old coins at "hunted out" sites. For hunting newer coins at a park, school, or Churchyard... it is very good but with higher sens it makes a good bit more noise than the ET if the ET is set properly.

The E-TRAC's only competition is the White's V3i as far a geeneral use detectors go. If you are only hunting gold you should get a dedicated gold machine, if you hunt surf you should get an underwater machine... ut the ET is, IMO, the best general use detector with the V3i close on it's heels... it is just that the E-TRAC is much easier to learn and use... and I have never had a problem with the weight or balance. I am 58yrs lod and have a bad back too!



Have you tried the F-75 LTD yet? Interested in hearing your opinion. Allot better than the old f-75. LOVE the boost mode for tall grass!!

jbow said:
Where the E-TRAC stomps the Omega, in my ground and in my opinion, is at finding masked targets that other detectors miss... those targets that should not be there. The E-TRAC will, if correctly set up, find targets that other machines miss. I almost always use the "relic" pattern and ferrous/ 2-tones. It runs very quiet that way and will ignore iron and hit colocated non-ferrous. It may be a one way hit but it will hit and the CO number will be reliable, even in iron.
I have done a lot of research and have come to the same conclusion, and the reason I am purchasing one within the week.
jbow said:
The E-TRAC's only competition is the White's V3i as far a geeneral use detectors go. If you are only hunting gold you should get a dedicated gold machine, if you hunt surf you should get an underwater machine... ut the ET is, IMO, the best general use detector with the V3i close on it's heels... it is just that the E-TRAC is much easier to learn and use...
good post! I have been to over 5 forums and have gotten the same conclusion. If u don't like the Etrac you can get 90% of your money back... That's why is more difficult to find a used one... I know cause I've tried.

Depth is one area that most detectors are judged in. And probably the most important. But there are other considerations to take into account.

Stability - While the F75 LTD and a few other Fisher detectors go very deep they tend to sound like Ricky Ricardo on the bongos. Some people can't handle all that information coming through the headphones. This is a hobby and it needs to be enjoyed or the detector will sit in the closet.

Weight - We all know the detectors out there that weigh a ton. Some guys already serious arm and shoulder pain, or they will develop it swinging a heavy detector. This is a hobby and it needs to be enjoyed or the detector will sit in the closet.

Mineral Content in the soil - A detector that works well in one area sucks in another.

Price - Some people this matters. Getting along with the wife is important.

It comes down to research and comparison. There is no best detector.

You guys realize your comparing a 8000 ( middle of the road) machine to minelabs top end right?
To be fair you need to use the T2 SE or even better a F75 LTD. Don't forget a AT pro regardless of the price.
I have a etrac and have had all the explorers. AMAZING on silver but won't hit gold chains or small gold.
As was said, no perfect machine. You have to decide how or what you like to hunt or buy several machine for different apps.

Not even in the same class. The E-Trac wins hands down in my area. But as has already been mentioned you can't expect to compare a $500 detector to a $1200 detector.

.....that weight is power... they don't go deep because there take away the weight and the dept will go with it..

Well guys, my new Omega came today. I just want to say thanks one more time for all the advice ive recieved on here. Im looking forward to a great experiance and finding some really cool things. I wish the best for all of you, hopefully this year we will all find something incredible!

THanks Again,


Let us know how you like it!!

Enjoy your new Omega :thumbsup: I'm really a White's guy, but, I did swing the Minelab Safari for a while. It's basically the same thing as the Explorer's & Etrac's without all of the expensive "bells & whistles". You're just paying for the different name and the features. Anyway...

I couldn't stand the Safari. As with most of the Minelab line, it is dreadfully heavy, nulls out badly in or around iron, has a painfully slow recovery speed and requires one to hunt at almost a snail's pace. Yes, Minelab's are great on silver and awesome beach machines. However, due to the weaknesses above, IMHO they are certainly NOT worth the $1,000+ price tag. $600 or $700 maybe. Even then, I still wouldn't go back to Minelab.

I have owned the Omega 8000 for about a month now. I can honestly say that it is the best detector I've ever swung - PERIOD - regardless of price, brand, hype, etc., etc., etc. I got the package with the 11" DD and the small sniper coil. The 11" is PHENOMENAL!! It only came off of my machine for the first time yesterday after 5 or 6 hunts since I wanted to test the 5". The 5" btw ROCKS in trashy areas like picnic areas, tot-lots and such.

The Omega can get 10" to 12" inches on coin sized objects with no problem using the 11". This detector is a hidden gem...ESPECIALLY for the insanely low price. Think about it...

Lightening fast recovery speed

Light as a feather

Uses one 9v battery

Notch mode

All metal mode

99 point target I.D.

Multi tone

Ground grab feature

VDI screen is beyond accurate

I can go on and on :laughing7: If the Omega can get 10" on coins for $600, one would think the Minelab's should get 20" considering they're basically double (if not more) the price. And we all know this isn't the case.

I have found either gold or silver on each of my last hunts. Yup, every one. All using the Omega. You made a wise move. Learn every nuance of the 8000. It's a deadly weapon in the right hands. Remember, more than anything else, what this hobby is REALLY about at the end of the day is; User Experience & Location NOT brand or price :thumbsup:

westerntreasurehunter said:
Well guys, my new Omega came today. I just want to say thanks one more time for all the advice ive recieved on here. Im looking forward to a great experiance and finding some really cool things. I wish the best for all of you, hopefully this year we will all find something incredible!

THanks Again,

Enjoy your omega it is a good detector........ You are getting a lot of information from detector snobbs here........ That think the more you pay the better it is not so.........

Keppy said:
westerntreasurehunter said:
Well guys, my new Omega came today. I just want to say thanks one more time for all the advice ive recieved on here. Im looking forward to a great experiance and finding some really cool things. I wish the best for all of you, hopefully this year we will all find something incredible!

THanks Again,

Enjoy your omega it is a good detector........ You are getting a lot of information from detector snobbs here........ That think the more you pay the better it is not so.........

Listen to Keppy, he speaks the truth young grasshopper :thumbsup: :sign13: :thumbsup: :sign13: :thumbsup: :sign13:

All detectors do the same thing - find metal . However, some are a bit deeper, some are quicker, some are heavier, some are better in trash, etc., etc., etc. But, at the end of the day, just like a car, the most important thing is being able to get from point A to point B.

We live in a capitalistic society. Everyone always wants the newest, the hottest, the prettiest - the "best". Well, rarely is there a "best". Surely though, detector manufacturers feed on this insatiable appetite. And who can blame them. They are in business to make money. So, they have to keep coming out with new "doo-dad's" & gimmicks to keep the waves of cash rolling in. They have to sell the sizzle :thumbsup:

Most detectors will find what you're looking for. Again, some are better than others at specific things, but, they all find metal.

Enjoy your new weapon. And remember, depth isn't the ONLY game in town... :icon_study: LOCATION & USER EXPERIENCE IS KEY :icon_study:

Kind of reminds me of those who say why pay a lot of money for a real Gibson Les Paul when you can buy a Epiphone for less than half the price. Sure you can play music with either and the Epiphone can sometimes sound pretty good, but you can still hear and feel the difference. Yup, you get what you pay for.

Digger said:
Kind of reminds me of those who say why pay a lot of money for a real Gibson Les Paul when you can buy a Epiphone for less than half the price. Sure you can play music with either and the Epiphone can sometimes sound pretty good, but you can still hear and feel the difference. Yup, you get what you pay for.

Digger, you happen to be correct. However, one has to ask themselves if it's worth it to pay the extra money for whatever the reason. For 99% of people, the epiphone would be MORE than adequate. It'll do the job. However, if one chooses to pay an extra $5,000 or $10,000 or whatever price for the Les Paul, that's their choice. Some people might think the epiphone sounds better. It's all relative & highly subjective is my point. Same as it is with detectors or anything else for that matter.

I would venture to say that 99.9% of us involved in treasure hunting are amateurs/hobbyists. Few of us (if any) are paying the mortgage from this. Heck, even the electricity bill :laughing7: So, why go nuts buying the most expensive detector? For an extra inch?? For the hype??? Which leads me to this point...

Everyone is always raving about Minelab's. I've actually used one, so, I'm speaking from firsthand experience. IMO, most of it is hype. Sizzle. Yes, it IS great on deep coins & silver. It's also excellent on the beach. However, there are many drawbacks as well. So, it evens out. There are MANY other brands of detectors that can get the same (if not more) depth. Regardless of price. What coil are you using? What type of soil are you hunting in?? What type of targets are you seeking??? What type of experience do you have??? Where are you hunting??? This all factors into the overall affect of a detectors performance. Think about this for a second...

If I manufactured cars and knew I made the safest car (and it was tested & verified), surely I would come right out and guarantee that my car is the safest on the market. If I made the sharpest television (and it was tested & verified) I would come right out and blare it to the world. To my knowledge, Minelab has so such guarantee or even hard physical proof that the Minelab's go deeper. Why? Because again, there are too many variables. If they could indeed definitively tell the market that there brand is the deepest, all the other manufacturers would be out of business. This hasn't happened as of yet :thumbsup:

The poster who started the thread said he was brand new to metal detecting. Matter of fact, he also said he never even touched a detector before. So, jumping in and buying a $1,000+ machine might not be reasonable. I've always loved the piano. Surely though, if I were to pick it up as a hobby, I'm not going to go out and purchase a Steinway baby grand. Why? A cheaper piano will do basically the same thing. Again, one might sound differently, another might have better strings, etc. But, there is no "best" :sign13:

P.S. - A good buddy of mine bought a $65,000 Mercedes three years ago. He's had more problems with the thing than I can share here. Another friend of mine has had a Honda Civic (the top-rated car in the U.S.) for the past 11 years. He bought it new for a third of the price of the Mercedes. Never had one iota of a hassle with the car and it's even going on 200,000 miles. So, let's not even get into the expensive = better argument :thumbsup:

I would venture to say that 99.9% of us involved in treasure hunting are amateurs/hobbyists. Few of us (if any) are paying the mortgage from this. Heck, even the electricity bill So, why go nuts buying the most expensive detector? For an extra inch?? For the hype???

I understand completely. Heck, I own 2 Squiers(the Epiphone of Fender) 2 Ibanezs and not a single Gibson or Fender. I will say this much. You notice the professionals use Gibsons or Fenders and not the cheaper makes. Of course they can afford the most expensive, or the cheapest, which ever they feel works best for them. I just happen to think it is a lot the same with metal detectors.

If most people were offered a detector of their choice for free, I believe most would pick one of the higher end machines.

Digger said:
I would venture to say that 99.9% of us involved in treasure hunting are amateurs/hobbyists. Few of us (if any) are paying the mortgage from this. Heck, even the electricity bill So, why go nuts buying the most expensive detector? For an extra inch?? For the hype???

I understand completely. Heck, I own 2 Squiers(the Epiphone of Fender) 2 Ibanezs and not a single Gibson or Fender. I will say this much. You notice the professionals use Gibsons or Fenders and not the cheaper makes. Of course they can afford the most expensive, or the cheapest, which ever they feel works best for them. I just happen to think it is a lot the same with metal detectors.

If most people were offered a detector of their choice for free, I believe most would pick one of the higher end machines.

Of course they would. But it still doesn't mean the more expensive one is "best" or even deepest. WAYYYYYYYY too many variables to take into consideration. Common sense would dictate that people should buy the machine that most suits their needs within their budget.

I've been a member of this site for a while now. After reading what seems like a million posts in that time, it honestly seems like most of the finds are found in the 6" to 8" range. So, depth doesn't seem to be the most important factor in a detector then. By far, I would say a machine that deals well in trashy areas trumps one that gets better depth. Most sites are trashy. If a detector cannot handle this, depth becomes irrelevant. Point is...

There is NO detector with the greatest depth - too many variables. However, it still wouldn't matter even if there was since there's so many other important needs. I can go buy a cell phone today that plays video games, movies, accesses email and on and on and on. However, if it drops call, what good is it?!

Detector is important, but, user experience & hunting location will win out almost every time :thumbsup:

Digger said:
I would venture to say that 99.9% of us involved in treasure hunting are amateurs/hobbyists. Few of us (if any) are paying the mortgage from this. Heck, even the electricity bill So, why go nuts buying the most expensive detector? For an extra inch?? For the hype???

I understand completely. Heck, I own 2 Squiers(the Epiphone of Fender) 2 Ibanezs and not a single Gibson or Fender. I will say this much. You notice the professionals use Gibsons or Fenders and not the cheaper makes. Of course they can afford the most expensive, or the cheapest, which ever they feel works best for them. I just happen to think it is a lot the same with metal detectors.

If most people were offered a detector of their choice for free, I believe most would pick one of the higher end machines.
I would say that the Gibson Fender pay the pros to use there instruments... Like sports players wear nike or what ever they get big bucks to use those products..........I have another point that i am around cars now i am at Lexus and Audi & Caddy ........ And Dodge & Hyundia.....And none of these so called luxury cars are any better than the Dodge Hyundia ford chevy.... They have the same problems... And a lot of the so called luxury car parts go bad before the poor mans americian car.... it's all EGO............ Same with detectors ..Watches.. ect. ect... You have a big ego or want bragging rights you buy the one That cost the most.....Then say look what i have..

Willee said:
Bill_S said:
In my opinion the E-trac is not worth $800 dollars more than the Omega. The omega is probably one of the most overlooked metal detectors right now. It will go just about as deep as the E-trac in my soil.

As will many other detectors ... "just about" is a very vague term.

A Kia is "just about" as good as a Cadillac.
Willee .. After i have been around cars for so long i would say a Kia , Hyundai , Jeep Dodge Ford ect ect.................... Is better than your Caddy , Audi , Lexus......... And that is no ..BS... That is the truth..........

Well I would say the for super stars like Slash(Gun's & Roses) or Kieth Richards(Rolling Stones) probably get offered freebies to promote theirs guitars, but I don't see this on stage. They play what they want to play.

Like has already been suggested the reality is if you were approached and offered a free ACE 250 or E-Trac to use as your main detector I'm sure we all know the outcome despite what some are claiming. I don't see the problem other than a few who seem to think a $200 detector should perform as well as any $1,500 detector. Really kind of naive in my opinion. In pretty much any other situation more money will certainly buy you a better product, not always mind you, but the vast majority of the time, yet for some reason it doesn't apply with metal detectors.

Oddly I just got back from buying a new electric razor and was faced with the same scenario.

I wanted the best shaver for the least amount of money. My choices were a few little known brands from around $12 up to a Norelco for $108. Quite a spread in price not unlike buying a detector. Of course as much as I'd like to believe the $12 shaver would be as good as the $108 razer it would be unrealistic, but what about those mid-ranged($49) name brands? What I would expect is that the $49 Norelco probably shaves just about as good as the $108 one, but just has less features like a nice beard trimmer. If I have no need for such a feature then the $49 would probably do me just about as good as the $108 razor. If the beard trimmer is a feature I need then I would be justified to spend the $108.

For the record I bought the $49 one.

Digger said:
Well I would say the for super stars like Slash(Gun's & Roses) or Kieth Richards(Rolling Stones) probably get offered freebies to promote theirs guitars, but I don't see this on stage. They play what they want to play.

Like has already been suggested the reality is if you were approached and offered a free ACE 250 or E-Trac to use as your main detector I'm sure we all know the outcome despite what some are claiming. I don't see the problem other than a few who seem to think a $200 detector should perform as well as any $1,500 detector. Really kind of naive in my opinion. In pretty much any other situation more money will certainly buy you a better product, not always mind you, but the vast majority of the time, yet for some reason it doesn't apply with metal detectors.

Oddly I just got back from buying a new electric razor and was faced with the same scenario.

I wanted the best shaver for the least amount of money. My choices were a few little known brands from around $12 up to a Norelco for $108. Quite a spread in price not unlike buying a detector. Of course as much as I'd like to believe the $12 shaver would be as good as the $108 razer it would be unrealistic, but what about those mid-ranged($49) name brands? What I would expect is that the $49 Norelco probably shaves just about as good as the $108 one, but just has less features like a nice beard trimmer. If I have no need for such a feature then the $49 would probably do me just about as good as the $108 razor. If the beard trimmer is a feature I need then I would be justified to spend the $108.

For the record I bought the $49 one.
Smart man.. :icon_thumleft:

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