Can someone please comment on their knowledge of the conncetion with..

president garfield was assassinated also .his name and his murderer both showed up in a set of files i have been searching through concerning a possible kgc stash here in mass. dr guiteau spelling could be wrong was the assassins reletive. i think he was assassinated near buffalo ny. doesnt mean much but i think it should be looked at. since national treasure 2 has surfaced


"---you can read it for FREE at: "
NOT quite! Ask for Name and Password....hmmmm maybe NAME: JesseJames Password: KGCforever ????

NE way: "Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. "


"Flight Into Oblivion" came in the mail on Monday. It's great!!! I can hardly put it down. I found "A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital" volume 2 at the local library. It starts August 1863 so it's great for now. Again, thanks for the recommendations.



Your are more than welcome. Glad you are enjoying the book. What makes it fascinating is the fact that the accounts were taken, for the most part, from the people who were there.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

I just read through this fascinating thread and think it needs to be brought back into our discussion on this forum. There is a lot of good information in these messages as well as a few posts by the naysayers. I haven't seen several of these posters on here recently and maybe this will inspire them to re-enter our discussions and share their immense knowledge about the Knights of the Golden Circle.
~Texas Jay

Thanks for bringing this thread to our attention Jay. I was just reading today about the Rothschilds and how they "took over" the money end for the Catholic Church in 1823 (just as they did for almost every rich country). It is estimated that the Rothschilds have between $500 Trillion and $600 Trillion of Net Worth. One other interesting point I read was that they keep there HUGE Gold reserves in...........................a VAULT! :wink:

I can't find the website now, but here is an interesting read on the Rothschilds that seems to conform with everything else I have read about them on other sites.

I would venture a guess that no matter what group or groups are behind these vaults or depositories, the Rothschilds are behind them in some manner (probably financially).

As a recently started KGC researcher, I am getting mixed opinions about them. It seems that Pike was in the know and associated with the NWO, Rothschilds, and killing Presidents and other Politicos trying to get in the way of the Rothschilds and their takeover of the US Monetary Policy (Federal Reserve). However, in JJ Was One of His Names, JJ states his distrust of these bankers and Bolshevists and states this was one reason for the depositories - to save from relying on outside funding for the second Civil War (which never happened of course, so JJ could have been lying and knew the truth all along)??? Pike could have had them all (KGC Inner Circle) fooled into the second Civil War reason for these stashes (even JJ) - who knows?

Let me explain who I am referring to when I say "naysayers". I'm talking directly about those kinds of "mainstream" critics who were dogging Mel Fisher before he made the discovery and recovery of the world's greatest "lost treasure" when he found the Atocha. They were calling him "crazy", "a dreamer", and a "fraud". After he recovered a large amount of the Atocha's treasure, some is still being recovered to this day, he successfully fought the State of Florida over possession of it. Well, Fisher won and the treasure went to him and those who had faith and the good common sense to realize that the documents in Seville were not fantasies or conspiracies. For those who try to hurry us up, let me remind you that it took Mel Fisher nearly 20 years to touch a single gold coin, gold bar, emerald, or huge gold chain from that treasure galleon. He just refused to give up on something he KNEW was there. It cost him the lives of some of his family but still he persevered. Oh yes, SWR, when you get around to reading "Rebel Gold", look for the photograph of where Mel Fisher's company dug for KGC treasure in Arkansas after the Atocha discovery. SWR, you'd have done well had you signed on to Fisher's crew instead of criticizing his efforts as you do ours.
~Texas Jay

How long did you hide under a rock once Fisher recovered the treasure of the Atocha? ???
~Texas Jay

I hope you get more entertainment from this, SWR, than Carl Breihan did. Breihan was also a confused naysayer but he should have paid more attention when choosing comparison photographs between "J. Frank Dalton" and a young Jesse W. James. If you know anything about comparing photographs, enlarge this photo and take a close look at the features: the nose, the way the hair is combed, the eyes and the blemishes around them, the ears, the same scar at the left side of the mouths of each man, and the long "ridge" running from the left sideburn area along the jaw line. I suppose you will claim that Dalton had a lot of plastic surgery to get these identical facial similarities with the young Jesse Woodson James. :laughing9:
~Texas Jay


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Dear group;
First, anyone who thinks that Leonardo Da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper" gives clues to some sort of crytic meaning is very sadly mistaken. Here's a fact that the author of The Da Vinci Code forgot to mention:

The Last Supper was completed by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1498 AD and yet, less than 60 years later the paint was deemed as totally ruined, due to Da Vinci having painting it on a dry w2all instead of on wet plaster. Big OOPS! In fact, it's well documented that the painting had become so deteriorated that the figures were completely unrecognizable.

First, a doorway was cut into the painting in 1652 AD and then later it was bricked over, and if one looks closely at the restored painting, one may still see the outline an the irregular shaped arch in the bottom center of the painting.

Next, a curtain was hung over the painting to protect it and what this actually did was to trap mositure thus allowing the painting to deteriorate all the faster. Also, every time the curtain was pulled back it removed the already loosened and flaking paint.

The painting was first restored in 1721 AD and the results were a complete fiasco. It was completed by Michealanglo Bellotti and he used oil paints to fill in the missing sections and then he varnished the entire work.

Another restoration was attempted in 1770 AD by Giuseppi Mazza and his original intention was to completely and totally restore the work. He had COMPLETELY REPAINTED 9 of the 13 faces in the painting when he was halted due to public outrage.

Afterwards the painting was further vandalized in 1796 AD by French soldiers and then again in WWII when vibrations from nearby bombs cracked the surface of the painting.

By 1977 AD the painting was so badly deteriorated that it was almost unrecognizable when efforts were undertook to have it restored yet again. This time the restoration used all of the most modern techniques and materials and this is what we see today.

And now, my question is, how could Leonardo Da Vinci have incorporated crytic meanings into The Last Supper, such as the face of Mary Magdalene, when that's not how he painted the painting IN THE FIRST PLACE! That was one of the faces which was completely redone by Michealanglo Bellotti in 1752 AD!!!

In fact, less than 10% of Da Vinci's original work remains, if that much. Therefore, the entire book is nothing but an elaborate hoax, meant to play on the gullibility and the innocence of mankind. If one wishes to see what the ACTUAL painting looked like when Da Vinci originally painted it, then one needs to travel to the Abbey of Tongerlo in Belgium. There exists an almost lifesized oil on canvas painting of what Da Vinci's Last Supper looked like before it was touched by restorers. And no, it does not look anything like the description given in Dan Brown's book.
Your friend;

Starr's DNA test taken from a tooth that wasn't even in the grave proved nothing except that it was one big scam.
~Texas Jay

Fascinating thread for sure and I have a few more to go but I was struck by this specific comment and had to chime in.

Old dog, I believe it was, made the statement about having been to one site where someone was killed and left in the hole - and was called out for making it up.

My question is more practical. If you have factual knowledge someone was killed and still there, why were the authorities not called? Whoever the guy was, I'm sure he had family...and treasure tales or not, law enforcement should've been notified and whoever else related to the site. I can't imagine knowing someone is killed by some sort of treasure trap and was just left there. The idea that "they" decided to leave him there goes against the reality of law enforcement procedure, no matter the country, and that it was omitted entirely (dogs don't bark, etc) would make me highly suspicious of this dubious tale.

It's more than just "bad partner" - it's criminal. And it should be reported regardless of treasure.

Okay, finishing the topic...had to get that off my chest.

I've lived in Leadville Co for about 14 years. Having some firsthand knowledge about the Halfmoon Gulch area and the layout, I wonder about possible JJ and BCassidy myths/rumors/tall tales. Ive actually been way up there camping, and discovered i was being spied/watched/observed, whilst camping overnight with a small campfire, by an anonymous person in black military fatigues! Needless to say that freaked us out and we split! I've become fascinated by Colorado's lost treasure stories in the recent years, and discovering that Halfmoon Gulch may hold some possible finds. There's tons of area to cover up in there, on the Elbert, and Massive side. I pan recreationally, and can tell ya, even the litter in the easily reached areas has antique value! Lol, vintage logo gas cans and old glass bottles, for starters. If you have the inclination to head on up there, most years you won't get full snowmelt till June. Currently, May 29, 2013, you can't access the upper areas. Soon though. Make absolutely sure you are completely prepared! (possible overnight) If you have a high clearance 4x4 or atv/utv, you may be able to cross the half moon creek at the first crossing. Its a moderately challenging jeep road crossing way up the gulch, if you get there early. VERY IMPORTANT: creek will be crossable early in the day, but rises later in the day as snow melt and subsurface ice melt. By the afternoon at full runoff, the creek becomes uncrossable with almost any vehicle. Many an unplanned overnight trip has occurred this way. Overnight the runoff slows down and half moon creek is crossable again in the morning. I live within a few miles of HMG, and would recommend OHV's for this area. The local law enforcement is pretty tolerant of OHV use on county roads, just stay off the highway.

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