Can someone please comment on their knowledge of the conncetion with..

Gee did I ever stoke the fire. That really wasn't my intention. Let's say I posted some of these records, which I will not do. What would happen? There are those who know that the KGC existed into the 1900's. There are those who will never believe, even if I did post the records. Some would say the records were fake. So what would it prove? All I would be doing is exposing a lot of old families and gee.....we would have more people than you could shake a stick wandering around and digging holes all over our property and others peoples property without their permission. People would be knocking on these old families doors asking a lot of questions and these old families wouldn't be too happy with me. Then we would have more of the old head stones stolen out of the old cemeteries. Some sorry *** * ***** stole my great grand fathers head stone about 5 years ago as well as a few others from that era.
One of the things that I have learned over the years is to be open minded. I started this learning process at NTSU in Denton. I have carried on this process through out my life and I am 60. If I were to find some buried treasure or KGC cache no one would ever know. There is so much goal, silver, and jewels buried around Texas and off the coast of Texas that it would boggle the mind. There is a reason no one goes after the ship wrecks off the Texas coast. The state of Texas will take all of what you find and you get nothing.....not even a finders fee. I believe it is like this for all Texas water ways.
So I'll close with this. May your metal detectors sing some very pleasant tones of gold. When you dig a hole fill it back in when you are finished and always get permission from the land owner.

"Burden of proof" and "Caveat emptor" are wise advice if you are buying something. When no one is selling anything you have the right to believe or disbelieve what is said. Many people posting on public forums don't give a rat's a$$ what people think about what they say.
Unfortunately some of the newer members do care.
I for one have the desire to hear what is being said and I will make up my own mind about the validity of it. I don't need anyone to try to influence my thinking and I resent the hell out of people that start blowing off and then we frequently never hear the end of the story.
It seems like some people are in a race to shut down any topic they don't agree with. That's a real shame and I pity those folks. siegfried schlagrule

I'm sorry if I got on my soapbox abit. It was not my intention to shut anybody up. I'm not certain if people realize how offensive books LIke the DaVinci Code and Holy Blood ,Holy Grail are to Roman Catholics,especially those who have taken the time to study the history of the origins and of the Church. You would be surprised about the BRAVO SIERRA being published about It (PLease dont get me started!)
As far as these books are concerned they are trying to sell something .
As Far as the KGC treasure I remain skeptical of Large caches, Knock yourself out looking for them and I like my crow fried if you find one. Ron

BigRon, People have a right to their religious beliefs. I won't debate them or fight them over it unless their religion permits child abuse or human sacrifice. It seems you are passionate about this topic. The people that I was refering to appear on every forum but they sing the same refrain. They do their best to stiffle discussion not promote discussion. Unlike you, they would not be caught dead worrying about whether or not they offended anyone. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

Hiding online is so easy today, that if one is careful, they could expose whatever cache they had found . . . without worry of being caught. One with knowledge of chained anonymous proxies, or even just the Vidalia bundle (free automated proxy chaining software) could remain anonymous --- even post pics.

Just create a second or third personna, post, and never come back. Really simple. This is common knowledge, nothing new. It DOES work.

No one has found a cache of the size the KGC are purported to have left behind. Why? You have to have the gold, silver, and jewels before you can hide em. They didn't have it, because the south was broke. I know about the outlaws, but the amounts stolen in roberies is not sufficient to build up billion or even million dollar caches.

Then the problem of figuring out a mapping system, and teaching all those (sometimes illiterate) outlaws to lay out clues based on a template. Relying on them to live in poverty while hiding all this illgotten booty for some future return of the south.

Doesn't add up.

Just my opinion, like everyone else, I got one about the KGC too.

I keep telling you that the KGC never existed but you just won't listen. The book writer has gotten everyone stirred up!

Oh -- I must not have expressed myself clearly. I appologize, because I really do believe that they existed. I do believe that they WANTED to do the things they are alleged to have done. They just didn't have the resources to accomplish that goal.

The KGC were organized enough to get the U.S. Secret Service upset in the 1860's and later due to their military organization. Both "The Great Conspiracy" by John A. Logan (1886) and "Treason History of the Order of Sons of Liberty, formerly Circle of Honor, Succeeded by Knights of the Golden Circle, afterward Order of American Knights" by Felix Stidger(1903), a former Secret Service agent and spy, document a lot of goings on and much organizational information based on investigations.

In Mr. Logans's book there is lots of discussion about the distribution of weapons to existing members, but the KGC ran into problems obtaining enough weapons to arm their existing membership. In fact, many did not get armed by the KGC because the KGC could not procure the weapons due to a lack of production capability by existing arms dealers. That rules out the huge weapons caches.

Mr. Stidger was a Secret Service agent who infiltrated the group and in 1864 had become the "Grand Secretary of State Order of Sons of Liberty, State of Kentucky". He, therefore, had a working knowledge of their goings on. Just getting started on this book, so I can't comment on it very much.

What I don't believe is that there was so much gold and silver available to them as to build up the amount of treasure some here assert existed. They couldn't even accumulate the weapons for the caches they are alleged to have hidden. The south was BROKE. I know what that is like, because I can't hide million or billion dollar caches either due to that one fact.

Small caches? Yes. I do believe that there were some SMALL caches, but nothing on the scale folks here speak of. The stories of HUGE caches just makes money for book sellers, scam artists (who sell templates, maps, and more), and the like.

I agree. I can see small group or individual members trying to hang on after the structured organization collapses. Also there may have been a good deal of bluffing to begin with, the secrecy and ritual could serve to intimidate or impress outsiders, suggesting a larger and more potent force than actually existed.
I also found more info in a book titled "The Army of the Pacific, 1860-1866" by Aurora Hunt, reprinted in the "frontier Classics Series" by Stackpole Books. This author describes the KGC and another offshoot group, their oath, some recognition signals and the effort to infiltrate them by the Federal Army during the war.
The KGC was able to field combat units during the war but the campaigns turned out to be disasters, they failed at all of their other goals why should they be expected to have succeeded at hiding millions of dollars of gold.

Actually, the Secret Service estimated their forces at about 320,000. They were just so undisciplined that it didn't matter. And when they promised support, they didn't come through . . . leaving the confederate general without the support needed to complete the mission.

To read about them, they were heavy on organization, and making obligations, but without the "guts" to follow through.

BTW, both of the books cited earlier are downloadable from Google books.

I'll get ya'll started on some names of the original organizers of the KGC
First is Senator Preston Smith Brooks
Google the name and read his story
P.S. Brooks is an ancestor of mine.

Next, go to the Desoto County Florida genweb site
check for the Confedrate veterans Org they had there
look for the photos of some of their meetings
what you will see are some of the actual KGC players.

General Quitman was another KGC headman.

Check Brooks county genweb for some more KGC names.
P.S. Brooks Nephew was a Con Vet.
You'll find a writeup on him at the Genweb site for brooks county.

Next, was William Snow of Pensyvania
He was an undercover spy for the KGC
My GG Grandfather

These are the actors of the legacy.
here are some last names to look for

Cleburne as well as Clayburn



I wasn't saying that the organization did not exist, nor is anyone else saying that . . . as far as I know.

What I am saying is simple: Broke people and countries cannot hide wealth they do not posses.

Did the KGC exist? Definitely.

Did they hide Billions or even Millions of dollars in treasure? They could not. They didn't have it to begin with.

Who was in the KGC? Many, Many southerners, and some northerners.

Did the U.S. government acknowledge their existance? Yes.

However, the fact remains that they did not have the gold and weapons to bury. They were only able to arm about half of their troops. If you don't arm your soldiers, they can't fight to protect your wealth . . . so you arm them as quickly as possible. If the money runs out, you got problems. The money ran out.

You'll probably find a few caches with KGC signs and symbols. All relatively small, probably from bank robberies or the like. Nothing like a billion dollar cache. It isn't possible.

Morning my Friend SWR: You said-->

" it is a testament to man’s ability to believe anything for a chance of such a vast fortune."

Yes, upon this the entire lottery system is based. Pssst --Wanna buy a sure winning ticket?

Don Jose de La Mancha

" Yo! Rebel - KGC here: I just wanted to add (in case you didn't already know...)
RED HAND... "PAINTED" Red Hand sign... drawing, impression, etc. means DANGRER!!! POSSIBLY BOOBY-TRAPPED... we are watching you... "

What does a "Shadow of a Sentinal" look like, and what does it mean.

;D Victorio, if you are asking... what a Sentinel/Shadow looks like... what does it mean...?Like a CamoDude at Area 51 in Nevada, I recken... "THEY" can see/watch you, BUT! Being VERY stealthy, and HIGHLY TRAINED, you will not see "THEM". Are "THEY" modern day private/public military? Are "THEY" SPOOKS/SPIRITS of the "DEAD"... I have heard BOTH! Haunted? MAYBE... who knows... ;)

If this red hand saying held any truth at all then I would be in trouble. I know where a red hand is that you can see from a quarter mile away, and as many times as I have been in this area I have never once had anyone watching me. I have hunted on many of the same places that others claim after being on they got nasty phone calls in the middle of the night warning them to stay away. Not once have I had such a call myself and my number is in the book. Then again I always get permission before hunting a place.

Yo! ;D 8) Victorio, you MAY find THIS web-site helpful... :) The "Red Hand" is simply a "hand-print" painted red... it MAY be just a SCARE AWAY TACTIC... on the "other hand" (pun intended :D...), good "warning sign" to know... ;) 8)

I have always given my name etc to any land owner whose property I am allowed to hunt.
I have many photos of red hands. Sometimes two at once at the same location.
I guess I am lucky as well.

Let me dig through my stuff and I will post a photo of them. may take a little while so bear with me.


Hi Guys: Diary of a Confederate Clerk is a interesting read, Jeff Davis Personal Clerk that opened his mail,, This Clerk was a interesting fellow, he spoke of the CSA Sending Millions of Dollars oversea's,England,France,I think theres mention of Brazil also,, one part in there concerning a $15,000,000.00 transaction, he spoke of arms being sent in from over seas,, talked about inflation alot,but, It did not appear that the CSA was Even near to being Broke, maybe these Larger Caches were hidden Early On in the War,even in other Countries,, I read where alot of the Diehard Confederates moved to Brazil after the war & lived thier lifes out there. Im not a Pro at this stuff but have read some on it ,,but, Not in any of the Books mentioned here,, The Stuff Ive read came from the Library of Congress, Civi War History at,, By the Way John A. Logan was from my area, 19 miles North of here,, Ive read about him,, From what ive read alot of his Soldiers were killed in the Battles he fought, But he is considered a hero in this area. As Ive said imnot a Pro at this ,,just telling some info Ive seen here & there, So be easy on me,im not trying to disagree with anyone here. ;D One person that knows alot of history on this told me that the South knew at the beginning that they would lose the War,so they stashed alot of thier Wealth in other Countries & in the Ground,,Something to think about anyways.

Would be interested in reading that book. Where may I find a copy?

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