Can someone please comment on their knowledge of the conncetion with..

Hi again Guy's: I would love to read everyones comments after reading ,,A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital,,,
Thank's SWR for Posting the Link!! ,I Couldn't get the link from<G>,have to pay & login there,,,,I hadn't got to read all of the diary ,,but, sure found it a interesting account of what was going on in the Civil war on the Confederate side, it looks like alot of money went down the drain,people suffered terribly,but,,out of the Eleven States in the south,, Were all eleven States really flat Broke? That involves alot of people/ Property,,millions & millions of Dollars!! It would seem that some of that Money went to other places other than the War effort,, I believe there probably are some buried/hidden Caches here & there. it is a interesting discussion either way!!

It is a single photo of a pair of white hands outlined in red.
I am pretty sure I know where the disk sits getting to it is the problem.
I will post them today if I have to go out in the snow and get a new one.

The last time I saw the sign the red was almost all washed off but the white outlines are still there.


Update here is the picture
Sorry it took so long


  • Red hands.webp
    Red hands.webp
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I just finished Reading "The Rebel and the Rose" by Wesley Millett and Gerald White .
They relate the events regarding the Confederate treasury's evacuation from Richmond and The man in charge of its safekeeping ,James A. Semple, paymaster of the Confederate Navy. Goes into accounting of the funds , Estimated at about $527,023.00 , various disbursments and several scenarios about what happened to the remainder. (Yes, some of it may have been buried.)
The KGC didn't rate mention. I'm sure it existed at one time and may even have buried some money but I think alot of it is wishful thinking. (Why send money to other countries when while the war is far from lost? Why risk running the blockade with more money than you keep on hand?)


;D This is ALSO an "interest area" for me... it is MY understanding, that the Rebs were trying to return "loaned" BRIT funds BACK to the BRITS, and "loaned" OTHER funds BACK to "hide", for ANOTHER day... LOTS of stuff, went NORTH to Canada ("YANK"/BRIT), where LOTS of Reb "operatives" fled AFTER the CW. LOTS of 'em PROBABLY became OUTLAWS of the Old West, heading towards Mexico, where a REBEL CONCAVE was. The "funds" were PROBABLY BRIT coins, Mexican/Spanish coins, etc. DUNNO. ???

Another thing came to mind.
The south had control of the New Orleans Mint but other than a few samples minted no coinage. The respective states, Confederate government and other banks and institutions issued paper money even as fractional currency(ie. 25 cent or 50 cent bills). This leads me to believe that gold and silver was scarce throuout the war.
Much of the business the south did during the war was done by means of Cotton, paper money, bonds and by loans. The sale of cotton that made it to Europe was handled by agents in Europe and no gold needed to cross the ocean in these transactions. The value of cotton was a main basis of the southern economy.
" The Rebel and The Rose" relates that much of the Confederate treasury was silver Mexican 8 reale pieces. After the flight from Richmond , President Davis used funds to pay many of the troops as they disbanded and to redeem Confederate paper money at at least one of his stops as he fled. the authors speculate that some of the coinage may have been Hidden at Danville. Still, The amount of Gold and silver in the treasury was less than $600,000.


Okay.... I'm going to have to jump back into this discussion.

To all of you who think you have "debunked" the existence of the Golden Circle treasures by stating that the South was relatively poor and did not have those amounts of treasure to be procured and hid.... you are truly showing your ignorance of HOW.... and WHEN.... and WHERE.... the KGC got its gold and silver from. This is a classic case of you being "In the right church and WRONG pew".

The treasures of the KGC were NOT taken out of the southern economy. They came from several different sources and well over 90% of them were procured and hidden AFTER the Civil War through the early 1900's and yes.... even up to the present time.

Here are a few of their sources:

1. The KGC procured Spanish treasure maps from the Vatican archives and a special depository of same beneath a large Catholic church in Mexico city and recovered quite a few of the major bullion deposits hidden by the Spanish in the southwestern states when the Indian uprising in the late 1600's forced them out of the territory.

2. The KGC also through these maps found MANY of the still workable gold and silver mines of the Spaniards and put them back into production producing their own bullion that NEVER saw entrance into the public economy.

3. The KGC after the war attacked trains and stagecoaches carrying shipments of gold, both coin and bullion that were A. owned by the Northern bankers or B. Insured by the Northern bankers. Many of these thefts were hushed up as Jay Gould and the other bankers did not want the public to know how big their losses were.

4. The KGC took a fair portion of these pilfered riches and INVESTED them in railroads, freight companies, ships & etc. thus using those fortunes to make MORE fortunes.... fortunes that were later carefully and slowly converted into coin and bullion and then hidden in their depositories.

5. WHY is it that it is so hard for so many to grasp the fact that the KGC was in the TREASURE HUNTING business as well as the mining and treasure STEALING business and that they were in a war against the NORTHERN BANKERS???

There are more sources than these for the riches they procured and hid but this is enough to stir up old "Shallow Water Recovery" to try to convince you that I don't know what I am talking about. If you will notice SWR's comments on just about any topic there is a very definite pattern to them... he wants all of you to believe that that are no big supercaches of treasure whether the originators be the KGC, "Yamasheeta", the Templars or whoever. Hmmm... looks like you have a hidden agenda, SWR.
WHO are you really working for.... the gummint... the Templars... the Masons??? Surely you are not just simply ignorant of the TRUTH... not an intelligent, "reasoning" person like yourself!

Old Dog knows that what I wrote above is true, don't you, OD? I have been to quite a few KGC treasure sites, including one where a TH'er was killed by an exploding black powder booby trap as he dug (Yes... his body is still in there along with the 10 million in gold he was after). In fact, I have gone way beyond the KGC and been to the sites of some of the incredible treasures of the masters of the KGC, the Knights Templars. It is like a friend of mine who was very high up in the intelligence community of the United States told me before he was murdered to keep him quiet.... "THE TRUTH IS NOT ONLY STRANGER THAN YOU IMAGINE.... IT IS STRANGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!".

Oh... and one more thing... this is for you "agents of influence" associated with the hiders of these treasures.... you lost a VERY big cache late last year and you are going to lose another one in the next few months". And don't waste your time harassing me because you will lose this second cache whether or not I happen to be alive to see it happen. I'm just a privileged observer to these projects... not the sponsor of them. The best irony of all is that the resources obtained will provide the extensive funds necessary to begin opening other much larger and better secured caches.

The problem with the really big caches is that so much work was done to conceal them that it literally takes millions of dollars to covertly open one and remove and utilize its contents in such a way as to avoid unwanted "official" or "bad guy" attention. These caches are so big that an extensive totally secret "depository" must be prepared in advance to receive all that bullion until it can be turned into cash or other negotiable assetts. Anybody out there actually think that you just drive up to your local bank with a few rent-a-trucks full of gold bars and deposit it all into their vault and your bank account?
If you do then its time to stop taking that Prozac... or whatever it is that's clouding your thinking.

You see... folks, what the "bad guys" with their great swelling egos never imagined when they built the secret societies dedicated to evil purposes is that there could also be a great secret society of "good guys" to oppose them and... after letting them lay up and secure all these ill-gotten treasures
over the centuries would simply move in, at the proper time, on a scale that they never even imagined and take them away BEFORE they could be used for their intended purposes. A purpose, I might add that would be ultimately devastating to men and women who love freedom. The KGC is now a "broken circle".

Okay... thats enough said to stir up the pot and get me once again branded as a crazy.

Standing by for your astute and timely comments.


Beale ,
Where can I find this official record?

A Lot of material to sort through on Official records. If the 2.3 Million was sent to the CSA treasury it was likely used where paper currency was not accepted (They spent it abroad.) I'm not saying that there is no part of the CSA treasure but I doubt that It is as large as hoped for and suspect that the KGC's role is exaggerated. The 2008 "Official Red Book of Coin Values" suggests that only about 1000 coins were struck, a test run, but never circulated.


I have read most of what is going on with the Danville thing,
From what I understand these guys have been doing this your way and following the rules.

Can't dig it up applies here.
Simply because they are following The rules as you would have them do.
What gives?

OldPro, you stated;
"I have been to quite a few KGC treasure sites, including one where a TH'er was killed by an exploding black powder booby trap as he dug (Yes... his body is still in there along with the 10 million in gold he was after)."

Were you actually there when this man died? If so, that makes you a very bad partner in my book. If you weren't, then how do you actually know that an explosion took place and a man was killed and left in the hole? Did you dig to find out? If you didn't then you are just spreading more rumors which is how the stories of the alleged KGC mega-bucks depositories started thanks to Orvus Howk.

You make several statements but don't offer any actual proof of what you say, just like all of the other KGC experts. "The KGC procured Spanish treasure maps from the Vatican archives and a special depository of same beneath a large Catholic church in Mexico city and recovered quite a few of the major bullion deposits hidden by the Spanish in the southwestern states when the Indian uprising in the late 1600's forced them out of the territory." Got any proof? Any at all? What's your source for the existence of the Spanish maps and that the KGC "procured" them?

More rumors made up to perpetuate a story that has no actual facts to back it up.

SWR said:
alec said:
OldPro, you stated;
"I have been to quite a few KGC treasure sites, including one where a TH'er was killed by an exploding black powder booby trap as he dug (Yes... his body is still in there along with the 10 million in gold he was after)."

Were you actually there when this man died? If so, that makes you a very bad partner in my book. If you weren't, then how do you actually know that an explosion took place and a man was killed and left in the hole? Did you dig to find out? If you didn't then you are just spreading more rumors which is how the stories of the alleged KGC mega-bucks depositories started thanks to Orvus Howk.

You make several statements but don't offer any actual proof of what you say, just like all of the other KGC experts. "The KGC procured Spanish treasure maps from the Vatican archives and a special depository of same beneath a large Catholic church in Mexico city and recovered quite a few of the major bullion deposits hidden by the Spanish in the southwestern states when the Indian uprising in the late 1600's forced them out of the territory." Got any proof? Any at all? What's your source for the existence of the Spanish maps and that the KGC "procured" them?

More rumors made up to perpetuate a story that has no actual facts to back it up.

Good call. I have concluded that the only thing tooting that one’s horn is their own hot air. Incredible amounts of BS…too much for me to handle. ::)

And he bashed people who takes Prozac in his response. I think he needs to pop a couple pills. Why do you Anoldpro come on here every few months just to insult people and the best I can tell is to also make fun of my fellow members and never have a speck of anything to back up a word you say? Is your homelife that bad you must come on here to get rid of your frustrations by verbally bashing folks who are just trying to have a nice friendly discussion? Then you run off for a month or so (and we are all praying you will not come back) then return to stick your nose in once again just far enough to make a fool out of yourself. Your far from Anoldpro its more like Anold_______ fill in the blank my fellow members!

SWR said:
alec said:
OldPro, you stated;
"I have been to quite a few KGC treasure sites, including one where a TH'er was killed by an exploding black powder booby trap as he dug (Yes... his body is still in there along with the 10 million in gold he was after)."

Were you actually there when this man died? If so, that makes you a very bad partner in my book. If you weren't, then how do you actually know that an explosion took place and a man was killed and left in the hole? Did you dig to find out? If you didn't then you are just spreading more rumors which is how the stories of the alleged KGC mega-bucks depositories started thanks to Orvus Howk.

You make several statements but don't offer any actual proof of what you say, just like all of the other KGC experts. "The KGC procured Spanish treasure maps from the Vatican archives and a special depository of same beneath a large Catholic church in Mexico city and recovered quite a few of the major bullion deposits hidden by the Spanish in the southwestern states when the Indian uprising in the late 1600's forced them out of the territory." Got any proof? Any at all? What's your source for the existence of the Spanish maps and that the KGC "procured" them?

More rumors made up to perpetuate a story that has no actual facts to back it up.

Good call. I have concluded that the only thing tooting that one’s horn is their own hot air. Incredible amounts of BS…too much for me to handle. ::)

He did find a luggage tag last year with his detector.....what a pro.

I have a nice, signed, first edition of A.J. Hanna's "Flight Into Oblivion". It recounts "the flight of the Confederate Cabinet from Richmond (April 2, 1865) to the capture of Jefferson Davis in Southern Georgia one month after General Lee's surrender", and continues with the story of some of the Confederate Cabinet members efforts to escape into foreign lands after his capture.

A detailed account of their efforts to remove and disburse the Confederate Treasury, such as it was, is included in the book.

Anyone wishing to research the subject, should acquire this book and read it, beginning to end. The end is important because that is where you will find Hanna's references for each chapter. You will also find a complete listing of all "Manuscripts", "Articles in Periodicals", "Biographies and Memoirs", "General Works" and "Government Publications" used as SOURCES in Hanna's fine book.

Without sources, what we have here is a fine, unpublished, work of fiction.

Joe Ribaudo


I realized after I posted that reply that it was a little unclear. Went back and did some underlining......just made it worse.

The book has sources........the posts have none. Just stories without support.

The book is as good as it gets, this many years after the events.

Take care,



  • Flight Into Oblivion.webp
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No problem. Enjoy the book.

"A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital" was mentioned earlier, and it can be purchased at or There are many copies available and it comes in two volumes. Best value for the money, are probably the Time Life editions.


Joe Ribaudo

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