Calling all Treasure Hunters!

Want to see the Lost Dutchman with your very own eyes? For a fee I am willing to either do a guided tour or release gps coordinates with no furthur ties. THIS IS FOR REAL!!! Please contact me if you want further info. SH

Check the rules for posting here and you'll find at least 2 that prohibit anyone from asking for $$ their "services."

How many new "finders" of the LDM have we had in 2012 Wayne? Seems like there was a rash of them early in the year and now a bunch near the end again! Good thing the Maya have the world ending soon so we don't have to worry about new finders in 2013!

I was given directions and gps coordinates and was told not to be followed, to take heavy weapons, see it and never divulge i was there or where it was at.....

For a fee I am willing to either do a guided tour or release gps coordinates with no furthur ties. THIS IS FOR REAL!!! Please contact me if you want further info. SH

So...where you being undependable and dishonest then, or NOW?

Don't know how many, Paul.....I run outa fingers and toes this year. Think that was back in March.
But there's been enough of a deposit laid down, to rival what we had to wade through to get up to the bat cave last year.
And that took a whole lotta bats.

If that calender is right, they only have ten days left to clean it out though.
Who knows ? Maybe one of them will find the 2013 calender stone ?
Now, that's something I'd like to see a picture of !!

As for me, well I'll keep lookin, since I figger what I'm hunting is spread around a bit.
That just makes the searching more interestin.


Just for the record, it's unlikely a treasure trove permit will ever be given, again, for anything inside the Wilderness boundaries.

Also, just for the record, NO permit would ever be issued for the LDM, or any other "gold mine" in the Supe's. For that to happen, the law would need to be changed.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Wayne do you want to see a photo of the 2013 Mayan calender stone?

Wayne do you want to see a photo of the 2013 Mayan calender stone?

Said I did...didn't I ?
The world's a-waiting.
Me, I just wanna know how much "best-before" stuff I gotta eat before December 21.

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Just for the record, it's unlikely a treasure trove permit will ever be given, again, for anything inside the Wilderness boundaries.

Also, just for the record, NO permit would ever be issued for the LDM, or any other "gold mine" in the Supe's. For that to happen, the law would need to be changed.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


From what we've seen so far, with photo evidence from sources including yourself, neither seem to be considered necessary by some folks.



From what we've seen so far, with photo evidence from sources including yourself, neither seem to be considered necessary by some folks.



Since NO permits are likely to be issued, it follows that anyone working a mine in the Supe's will be doing so outside the law.

I don't understand all this information that people are posting about their great finds.

A few years ago, an acquaintance came up to me at the Rendezvous and began telling me how he had figured out the Stone Maps and found the mine. He described the location in such detail that his wife told him to stop talking, as he had already given me enough information to find his mine. She had more sense than he did.

It turned out to be an old barite prospect hole. I told him I could walk to the "mine" with nothing more than a bottle of water and a bag of peanuts. He didn't think that was possible.....for me. Believe I could still do it today, but would need more time and water. Best to keep your cards close to the vest when talking to folks who are overly familiar with the area. Our sketchy relationship did not end well.

Take care,


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Well, seems that in spite of all the advertising done here and elsewhere, they all seem to be unmolested by the law.
Not surprising, since there's nothing there according to the many experts to whom I'm sure that they pay far more heed to.
Native artifacts of course, would be another story, but so far as random digs for gold or treasure go, they don't seem to regard these frequent claims by the "found it's" as worth their time.
Just my opinion on the subject.



I suppose after 30-40 years of listening to the I found it folks, they are not too receptive to the latest crop. Hell, I'm up to my eyes in those same type of claims. Each and every Rendezvous, someone(s) comes up to me with a new "I found it." The e-mails are even worse.....numbers-wise. I, of course, read every one of those. Never know when someone will fall into the LDM.:dontknow:

Take care,


. One piece of information led to another which led to another and by the end of our coffee....low and behold I had gps coordinates for the ACTUAL mine! I immediately loaded up with my brother and off we went to explore.


Welcome to TreasureNet, sorry but you can not use TreasureNet like this...........If you want to be a paying supporting vendor and give tours maybe, but just to solicit business no, sorry....


Might be interesting to get an e-mail/PM or two, telling me where to find some of this stuff they talk about.
But all I seem to get are requests for the locations of what I have found. Of course they ALL promise to share what they find.



Might be interesting to get an e-mail/PM or two, telling me where to find some of this stuff they talk about.
But all I seem to get are requests for the locations of what I have found. Of course they ALL promise to share what they find.


That reminds me to ask you for the location of something you found awhile ago that I never could find the first time. Of course I promise to share if I find anything else there too! :)

Haven't had a day free to go back there myself, Paul.
The labyrinth rock was in the same area, and I want to have a look for that as well as explore the cave.
Might be something we can check out together next fall.


Wayne....HEHEHE I was just having some fun with you in reguards to the 2013 Mayan calender.....Everyone takes these forums so serious, Just thought a little laugh might bring us all back down to earth.......

Double-Jack Style.......

Haven't had a day free to go back there myself, Paul.
The labyrinth rock was in the same area, and I want to have a look for that as well as explore the cave.
Might be something we can check out together next fall.


Sounds good Wayne - hopefully next fall we can get together for a day of searching around out there. I'm hoping to get out there for a week this spring as well because there are some things I've been wanting to check out on my own for awhile and never seem to be able to find the time.

Wayne....HEHEHE I was just having some fun with you in reguards to the 2013 Mayan calender.....Everyone takes these forums so serious, Just thought a little laugh might bring us all back down to earth.......

Double-Jack Style.......


It certainly was humorous! Like to think I wasn't the only one smiling. :laughing7:

Joe Ribaudo


It certainly was humorous! Like to think I wasn't the only one smiling. :laughing7:

Joe Ribaudo

I think some of us have been having way too much fun with the Mayan Calender.
I know I have, and it's surprising how many folks take it all too seriously.
But that's all gonna end on Dec. 21st.
And then we'll all have to find something else to have fun with.



Do you mean the world really is coming to an end?

From the bomb shelter in my back yard,


Duck and Cover.:laughing7:

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