Calling all Treasure Hunters!

The 3 stones all by themselves on the sleeping squaw map.


I thought you said you had solved the Peralta Stone Maps. So now why do you believe the sleeping squaw map is tied to the PSM's?


It`s in the same place.

OK. I have heard, and I don't think it is just a rumor, but there is a large cache buried on the whitehouse lawn. You will probable need to go at night with your camera crew and use infrared imaging, as well as metal detectors to find it. It should be a substantial find and should make all the newspapers as well as TV. You could be the talk of the town and become very well known overnight. If popularity and ratings are all you seek, then by all means, go for it. Good Luck. rockhound

I have heard rumors that there is gold buried at an old Fort. I think the name of the Fort is Knox. Depending on who you talk too, the stories range from billions in bullion to nothing there due to the politicians spending it all. I think the later:laughing7:Now can I be on T.V?

Yeah, I hear you. I could hardly believe it myself. But it`s like a big jig-saw puzzle that you have to use your intelligence to figure it out.Once you start connecting the pieces together it starts to make sense.

goodmorning Senor Mole: In reference to your query - Now can I be on T.V? - naturally, of course that will depend upon your personal physical characteristics, are you a 6 ft, blue eyed, blond, with a fabulously athletic body and perfect teeth? if not we would need a stand in, we have a duty to our viewers, can't show a typical treasure hunter as being pot bellied, unshaven, scraggly looking teeth with yesterdays beer breath.

Personally, we would suggest EL Don Jose de La Mancha to double for you. While the blond hair has receeded a bit, and has lost color, the remaining teeth are only a cloudy grey, his 6' has been reduced to 5'8", but other than these minor details, he is a wonderful example for projecting a positive image for all treasurehinting Males. He would be a flop representing female treasure hunters.

If this meets with your approval, shall we get to cracking?

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Hola and Buenos días to you to my friend. As a matter of fact I am 6ft (a tad over actually) and do have blue eyes. As for the blonde hair, not naturally, but if they hold the camera light just right that salt & pepper does give off a golden sheen. Add these traits along with knobby knees and a set of 12-pk abs, and the only thing missing is a table and a pen so I can start signing autographs. I wonder what VDI an Emmy has.....:headbang:

Geeze mole man , the Dutchman film has hit the jackpot, me for the love scenes and finding the gold, you for the dangerous stunts and digging.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Treasure TV,

It’s my understanding that current rate for “where’s the gold” reality (and I use the word loosely) shows is $50k per episode, per person. If you could guarantee that rate as well as at least one full season, then I will tell you where you can put the pick.

Best wishes for your adventure and film crew,

Some Dude

Geeze mole man , the Dutchman film has hit the jackpot, me for the love scenes and finding the gold, you for the dangerous stunts and digging.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Sounds like you have done this before, so I'll take your lead. Sticking to the plan, you give those old Miner 49's all the lovin' they can stand- Tramp style, till they tell you were the goods are and I'll dare the mine and dig it up. Dont worry about getting your share, once I haul it out and it is safely stashed away I'll call your cell (sure I can get your number from somewhere) or worst case I will try the makeup trailer. It's showtime!

why havnt they responded? with all these great offers it should be a done deal.

How could anyone show a treasure site.the government would be all over it with archiologist.

I know that's a bold statement to make when so many have perished. This information has been passed on through generations of family stories, till the day I had to see for myself.
I have adventured the supes since I was a small boy, finding great exciting things like old mines, Indian dwellings, pottery, old guns, mining equip, Indian tools, hide for clothing. Not until my 35th birthday I was given directions and gps coordinates and was told not to be followed, to take heavy weapons, see it and never divulge i was there or where it was at. I planned and executed an expedition with myself as well as my brother. What we found would astonish any adventurer looking for the fabled mine. The answer, we did find the mine and according to legend like all stories, their is truth in any lie you just have to root it out. Many of the hints pointing to the direction of the LDM are lies to push toward a direction opposite of the established site. But some of the hints that are correct are too general to pinpoint the true location. The correct hints were there the whole time under everyone's noses, the problem is the mtn range is way to big to explore every nook and cranny and would take a lifetime. I have searched for it since I was a small boy in cub scouts, and have covered hundreds and hundreds of acres. I have read many books, and followed all the maps ever made to it, and always have come up empty handed. The trials, adventures, knowledge acquired, maps studied, and the little boy hope kept deep inside, could not prepare me for the excitement and realization of the reality in my hands. On my 35th birthday my Uncle and I sat down for morning coffee and started talking about the Dutchman. One piece of information led to another which led to another and by the end of our coffee....low and behold I had gps coordinates for the ACTUAL mine! I immediately loaded up with my brother and off we went to explore.

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Welcome to the 2012 "I FOUND IT" Olympics, Hermit.
Yer a bit late off the mark, but ya still got a chance for the "gold".

Regards: the original SH. :laughing7:

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