California high banking!

Mine is many many years old and it works just fine. Most important issue with canvas hose is properly drying,NEVER store wet--keep out of the sun whenever possible--and have some fun!!!!!!!!!!!! RECLAIMANATE------tons a au 2 u 2 -John :notworthy:

hit paydirt on craigslist yesterday.brand new,300.00


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nice! you got the pump? :thumbsup:

err no. pump not included.keene sells the combo hopper alone for 295 i tax and was on redding craigslist,hour away,but the seller was five miles up the road from me.son of a guy i have known thirty years.didnt change the price,but i got a kik out of it anyway.sold one,bigger model 3 months ago.been using a g-1 banker for a year,bit slow for me.this new one,sitting next to the g-1,run em both off a gated y ,6.5 honda/p-180 pump.should work well,bout 170 gpm for both.maybe get something done.happy birthday johny cash :notworthy:

i have an old gold king,dredge that needs a pump and motor.thinking of converting it to a highbanker. :icon_scratch:but not really wanting to shovel that much.but it would be great for tailing piles and bench gravels.

Darn Patches ya beat me to the punch again. Glad ya jumped as 1 heck of a deal. After talking with many MANY folks about my little legal primer I've decided not too. The stinkn' cdfg/bloggers/trollers would DEFINATELY use it against us and why help the lying dogs bury highbanking too. So I will only release to folks I've know for years or by reputation. I have never done anything to harm mining and after 38 years a fighting for miners rights it's not time to screw up--so I err on the side a caution--and will be HIGHBANKING :icon_pirat: tommorrow when the sun shines-tons a au 2 u2 -John

hmm just saw this reply john,yeppers,time fer say nuthin,but saw wood.was a great idea that primer,ya must be decended from generous folk.but hard times=hard measures.if the peeps been listening here,ya gottem well primed anyway :notworthy:am improving my water system/increasing storage,when done will recommence bedrock ops at pump water far cafe.not too rich, but good anger control outlet.time fer me ta shut up an dig. :thumbsup: arrooooo.


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:notworthy: GODS COUNTRY THE TRINITYS' ARE--keeping the hands busy mining in any form sure runs them lousy winter,and antimining ,blues away--tons a au 2 u 2 -John LOWTONE MUFFLERS FROM BRIGGS REDUCES YOUR NOISE 50% AND SUPERLOWTONE 80% :laughing7:

was hiking a claim yesterday,had six of my eight chihuahuas with me.was gps ing hose lenghts/head losses/ a optimal streamside pump location,was waiting for the satelites to load.the creek was a muddy flooding mess,would not care to fall in myself.hearing a splash,i eventually turned and saw one of three 5 month old pups,(star) being swept rapidly downstream.winter born,she had never been in the water.she was looking me right in the eye,already 100 feet away and then out of sight.after two hours of fighting briars and abusing my voice box,gave up and went home.while composing my whoops,kinda lost a dog toay speech,yeah right,kids will was already there,shivering and pretty pissed that i had not showed up a 3 pound doggy does that is beyond me.would post a pic of her,but them mutts ate my multi-card.guess i will call it a training day.all is well when ends well. luck


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:headbang: YAHOO A--never underestimate the power of a rat dog. My Mom had them nonstop for at least 50 years by photos. Most loyal tough as steel lil'ol'yappy alarm dogs ever!! As you well know. Lookn' forward to coming out for a visit as soon as I cough up this lung and WOOHOOO under a 100 this am. Looks like we could throw in a couple a 8"ers with water to spare and ungodly intense storm yesterday about washed our butts off the hill and I know things have been BAD in the ville too-take care/stay dry and luv them lil'ol'dogs-tons a au 2 u 2 -John :laughing7:

tx john,that puppy was giving me the old thanks a lot,jerk,look.or,the why dont you do something?! look. or,deleted you,and your minig claim look. she was down the chute and gone before i could register.was sure she was toast.yeah,fer sure a good 5,probly a real with footvalve thru starboard pontoon.and a raker in a bikini.100 not good.grapefruit juice.luck.

Doesn't the spark arrester cut back on the noise also? I know ours seems to muffle it more. (though it also seems to slightly lower power, too).


Low tone mufflers from briggs brings'm w-a-y down and by doing away with the higher pitch the sounds just die a quick death and MUCH easier on the ears in a canyon too :hello2: -John

Hey patches63, what are the chances of getting you tp post some pics of how your header box is built on your highbanker?? Still looking for ideas on one I'm going to build.

hmm, my hoppers right now are pretty boring.stock keene,and us prospector stuff.trying to get a hop/head done for my 16 inch box.all bankers have one prob.i solve by running an 8' wood flume from dig site to crossmember atop stock hopper.results dissolved clay,classified how a suction noz hose sorts compared to a power jet when dredging fines.length=$.or so said a stupid porn star.i design hoppers everyday,in my head.but suck at welding.heres a kali storeboughten hopper i like.luck to ya.


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btw, we had just lopped off 12 inches of box,to work high river flow.i cut off the extra carpet before the battle.aye.

uhhh, not too modest.heres me,barking up wrong tree.word.


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lance ak,heres some header pics,took this am with a laptop webcam.dogs chewed my multi-card,havent been able to upload new pics.this newer keene combo header has an adjustable grizzly(angle)is also easily removed for dredging.only big issue now,the 2.5 hose inlet is undersized,as in hose over flange tube,outdated setup.will have to enlarge the hole,and eliminate the tube adaptor.who needs plugups.hope these load up ok.


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