California high banking!


So, are you saying that you don't need a dredging permit to highbank that far away from the stream? And they don't bit*h about water going back into the river - in that particular case?



By the time any water can travel that far it's cleaned up pretty well and a few lil'ol'pools settles everything out completely. I'm not within a mile of a creek/river/stream so no matter. Just a bone dry canyon i've detected on private property for 5 years or so. Worked many hours cleaning up the canyon and decided to utilize mother natures bounty to get'r'done's all--and I must admit it's a sweet thang to stick it to the man--never got to say that in 60 years,and CDFG has earned it-DREDGE FREE KALIF-John

hi mrs o, has always been a matter of i interperate the regs,is permissable for a highbanker to discharge directly to creek,if the creek is not muddied up much.of course that is rarely possible,because most bank materials have a lot of clay which leave a long plume.but were i skimming a gravel bar for flood gold would not hesitate,as most of that gravel is pretty clean.settling ponds,in series if necessary work quite well.a certain amount of turbidity is permissible.measured in parts per million,not sure of the exact amount.there are no specific laws about highbanking in cali,other than turbidity.its at the judgment of the operator to keep things clean.we are cleaning up our claims,removing all sorts of iron trash,lead,mercury,etc.when working bank materials,i dont want to move any material into the creek,as i expect/hope to be dredging there soon.old ground sluice flumes,properly dammed with cobbles make fine settling pools.and by moving those cobbles,may find a patch or two with the md.


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Thanks Patches63,

So, you wouldn't even need to apply for a dredging permit, correct? (we have highbanked in California, but never even thought about getting a permit), but, never dredged, mostly because of all the regs they had on when, where, how, size, blah, blah blah (as with most California things).


no, no permit required for an actual highbanker.whether streamside or hundreds of feet from water.what john and i were referring to above is a little different.the cali dredge permits issued until the alameda injunction were for instream suction dredging.after arnold signed sb670,dredges were illegal within 300 feet of any active watercourse.booming or using suction devices further than 300 feet from water has never been regulated in ca.viable deposits that distance from water are harder to find.but there are some.not just a deposit,but a deposit workable with that method.(booming)highbankers are usable most anywhere.the discharge water can be run back into the stream,but must not carry solids with it.(turbidity)good luck.

I understand the turbidity and solids issue, completely - I worked as a Water Treatment Plant operator for P&G - my questions were because, in some personal emails, etc., people have told me that the suction dredge laws include my highbanker, so I was wanting a little clarification.

I do not, personally, think that California should be banning it - actually, I even have an issue or two with them even putting out permits, rather than just controlling WHEN someone can dredge. These environmentalists have everyone in their grasp convinced that turbidity and solids are detrimental - and they can be during a certain point (like spawning), but after spawning, and during other times, roughing up the water with elements that are natural (like dirt) is actually beneficial to many, many species of fish - it turns up food, softens spawning beds and allows easier access to oxygen-rich water along with tiny elements (like algae and other things) that new fish have to have.

I am certainly against dyes and chemicals being dumped directly into the water, but, unless you are a huge operator, most dredge operations do not make enough turbidity to cause any problems with anything. Even in the Federal laws for large firms - it is a really high number for it to be an issue.

Pretty soon we will be like parts of Canada (Yukon) - take all the water out you want, but don't put any back in. Stupid.


Ms O-Your highbanker cannot be used as a dredge INSTREAM and thats the difference. Moving water of coarse and CDFG has codified the highbanking rules and are available from CDFG website. Patches--I learned a good lesson yesterday-the bears are NOT asleep--munched my dredge hose and mashed my headerbox sunday night,bummer--no mo' flair crash no where?? Isn't there any dealers left in We?? Called all the keene distbs and 0--keene no mo' either?? Any 2 1/2" boxes around?? 4" ready to go now but water(clean) never lasts for more than a few days bud-COLD here last night--W???John

seems to me i saw one on a craigslist posting.can't remember what state but i believe it was cal.

far as i know, the keene boyze are making the big boy stuff for export,africa, phillipines sure they could supply small stuff for us here,but when did they last fabricate a crash box?would be a local job.will keep my internet eyes peeled.hope you whup that bears ass.member i was telling you about bacon grease+ac/dc?lightemup :laughing7:

winter early 09, left my remote claim for 3 weeks.triple trashbagged my 4horse honda pump,stacked a thin layerof cobbles over it.something nobody would mess with.upon return,bear scat,upside down pump.bags in tatters.bears conditioned to seek/destroy trash matter whats in em.all bears are trash bears.engine upside down=siezed up/cylinder full of oil,nowhere to gold that day.lesson learned,no more trash bags.

Hey, now, Patches,

2 big inflated tires and a 2 x 12 tying them together, and putting everything on top, makes my highbanker a good dredge!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


strickman said:
i have 2" firehouse,maybe 100' each.this is the real-firehouse,not plastic-or cheap.very tough and durable.would be willing to trade.
hey strickman,what would be the $ amount value,shipped however convenient,to 96024?am very many 100 foot sections are for sale?love that double lined firehose.already have 800 feet inch and a half firehose,but need more volume. tx

If you all really think about what you are talking about and the nature of the discussion in some ways are paving the way and giving reasons for the forces against us the mining community to formulate an assault on high-banking. It wouldn't be surprising if some of the fodder here is bait and you all are eating it up. Hope I am wrong but think about it. :icon_scratch:

you must be reading in this too deep ...they are using firehose to pump water on dry ground for puddle jumpin.and running high banker.with retention ponds (i'm sure).not hurting the hobby.just thinking outside the box.trying to help-people oppressed by the governator.some are doing this miles away from any water way.on thier claims.totally legal.

well buck,i had given that some am sure these sites are watched.but they cannot include these activities under the 670 eir only instream suction dredging specified by the bill.sure,they have tried to trail it on already during closed door discussions.but the wording of the bill requiring the eir was specific.POSSIBLE deleterious effects of instream suction dredging upon adramous fish populations.close enough.notice i capped the word possible.meanwhile,krook clan,too few to be a tribe,thus no rez,thus no fishing rights,will continue the illegal slaughter of many thousands of salmon per year.with full complicity of the state/fed. what we need is a string of casinos,and lobbyists passing money around. :laughing7: highbanking,fishing,and hiking should be safe for a few years.if done responsibly.even metal detecting looks shaky long term.times change.enjoy today

I will be posting a Primer-LEGAL DREDGING IN THE LITAGEOUS STATE OF KALIF. Patches nailed it right on the head. There are of coarse bloggers,trollers and many forms of lowlife scanning all posts all the time. This is just a nice little dig at the bloody lying dog who has deliberately failed to properly run a EIR. How can anything be bad for a industry that doesn't exist in any form legally both JUDICALLY AND LEGISLATIVELY--what a laugh. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LATE-your rights have been sold down the river by the carpetbaggers,just like this once great nation is being systematically looted and ruined too. 37 years a constantly maintaining your rights and a couple a years of taking care of my life and family and IT'S ALL GONE--John :o

Tesify,,,brother!!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:



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