When WMA brought out Dr Nick Ralston (NASA mercury specialist from University of N Dakota) to talk to the State Water Board, I was invited to sit down and have lunch with him. He's a very bright guy, and we were brainstorming on how we could offer competition to the Sierra Fund for cleaning up the lakes of methyl mercury. We had all these big plans and he just laughed and said, "there isn't any money in it". No, no, no you've got it wrong, we said, the Sierra Fund is getting $7M to clean up Combie Reservoir. He laughed again and said (and I quote) " you can clean up a whole reservoir of its methyl mercury by spreading effectively a single bale of hay that was grown in selenium rich soil". One bale of hay in a whole reservoir apparently neutralizes all the methymercury IN A WHOLE LAKE. I guess if he is right, there is no money in it. But I guess someone forgot to tell that to the taxpayers of the state of California who are paying for a lot more than a single bale of hay for the Combie Project.