So you want to poison a hole city of people and towns , besides ruin the eco system, ??
There isn't a single miner that is capable of doing such a thing on their own. Not even all the miners in California could accomplish such a feat. As a matter of fact, the modern miners of California have done more to improve water quality over the years than several of the so called "Green Groups" combined. Try thinking of how much more mercury and lead could have been removed from the watershed already if the ban had not been put in place.
Your greed and wants is more important to everything around you that supports you??
Well besides the extremely poor grammar and word usage I can't help but wonder who you were directing this statement at. Most miners I've ever known are not greedy. This is for one simple fact. They work hard to get what gold they do and you would deny a person the right to benefit from hard work? That work also benefits others by supporting jobs in other fields as well as helps improve the habitat for many species of fish and animals.
Have you ever seen people dying and animals dying from poluted systems
As a matter of fact I have, but not here in the United States for many MANY years now. In many cases the pollution was being caused by big businesses, not a small scale suction dredger. The people demanded and got laws to protect the environment. I haven't seen a river catch fire from the pollutants in a long time now. Heck... you can even see your hand in front of your face in downtown Los Angeles on a daily basis again.
It was a great American Indian Cheif that said " Someday you shall suffocate in your own waste. " Who cares what kind of blood you got in you?? what has that got to do with anything
If I remember correctly that was from an anti pollution commercial from back in the early 70s. I for one am proud of my heritage. It is because of that heritage that I take my responsibilities of running a clean mining operation very seriously. My people on both sides of my heritage have always been stewards of the lands and waters.
You and your measly little operation with your little bit of gold want to screw up everything for everyone else??
The size of any operation has nothing to do with this issue at all. 99% of all small scale miners run a very clean operation. It's not like we slop mercury around out in the field. We remove it from the environment.
Your personal preferences stand above and take priority over the whole Government , the Universities, sytems of learning, advancement, people that come from all areas of life to fill those positions??
My Personal preferences? Considering that the government was responsible for the mining laws we operate by, how can that be personal? When the government makes arrangements for certain groups with their own agenda to be the ones doing the studies, how can the truth be reached in these matters? Between falsified data, omitted data, conflict of interest, how can our government be expected to make good policies that benefit all of the people in an equal manner? For every study these so called scientists have done, there have been several others that show different findings. A fact is a fact even if it doesn't agree with your personal view of the world. There are no "Shades" to the truth.
You are not "We the People" You don't care who you hurt or destroy just so you can get your gold.
Actually we do care and we are a portion of "The People" as much as you and any other citizen of this country. We follow the laws as laid out by several different levels of government in our mining activities.
There has been aprox 174 thousand tons of gold that has been mined in the world up to date. That is more than enough gold to feed the tech electronics and space agency and if they need more?? They will just get all of that stupid jewelry and melt it down.
Not sure what the current figures are myself so I might have to concede that point. We also have to keep in mind that there's a lot of gold that was lost in ship wrecks back in the day, gold for the space program is lost once it's shot out into space and there are more and more electronic gadgets every in use year. People in general love gold and when you look at how scarce it is as well as all its uses, mankind in general will never have enough of it.
Those TV shows such as Gold Rush and Uykon gold and even Bering Sea Gold are tiny little small spec fries compared to the Big league majior indusries which makes you even smaller.
The majority of those shows are so far from actual mining that it isn't even funny. They mostly show the glory parts and don't bother with the actual facts that just finding a claim is a lot of long boring work. The big league boys on the other hand are usually working sulphide deposits in which the gold is so small that it can only be extracted through a leeching process of some kind. They have to move and process many MANY tons of materials to get a single ounce. They are STRICTLY regulated by the government and inspected on a regular basis to make sure they are staying within the laws and regulations. They have to deal with agencies like OSHA, EPA, and many others and keep them happy or they're shut down until any infractions are fixed.
Why don't you read paragraph 6 of the original statement posted here

Read it lots and lots and lots of times.