California Court Threatens to Reopen Rivers to Destructive Suction Dredge Mining..LOL


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Sep 30, 2014
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Golden Thread
Placerville, CA
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Gold Hog Raptor Highbanker, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Fisher F70, Bazooka 36" Sniper, Gold Cube, Gold Vac Pac, Pans & Pans
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Yup! The people of this country need to wake up and see what's going on! I've been saying that pretty much since I joined this forum. The politico types have done a great job of making the people of this country so apathetic that they no longer even want to have a voice in how our government is run or how policies are made. They allow the elected idiots to run the show and for those of us that do still care, it's been a very sad show indeed! The fight against miners is only the tip of the iceberg here folks and once they're done with us they'll start in after another group that uses OUR public lands. Hunters, fishermen, off roaders, hikers and campers are all going to feel the injustice that miners have been fighting for years now.

Does it matter to most of the politicos that many of the studies that were used to form policies were intentionally skewed so that the data reflected exactly what these special interest groups wanted them to show? Nope. It's not to their advantage (or so they think) to base policy on PROVEN FACTS. Instead they'd much rather waste the tax payers dollars by paying a "Green Group" to remove Mercury that miners would get out of the waterways for free. IMHO, this is anything BUT responsible leadership. In a time when many State Governments are hurting for money, does it make any kind of sense to pay for a service that you can get for free? Most miners wouldn't even want to take money from the States or Feds for providing this service. All they want to do is dredge for the gold and to do so in a responsible manner. If the government was smart, (which we KNOW they're not), they'd set up collection points for the mercury and lead that miners remove from the watersheds around the state. It wouldn't even have to be a full time thing. Maybe one weekend every other month. So let's see here..... Free Mercury removal instead of paying millions to remove a fraction of what is out there, improved water quality for both people and fish habitat and miners being allowed to do an honest days work. To me that sounds like a win-win situation.

Our State and Federal Governments have already wasted millions of dollars paying for studies that have been proven to be flawed in many ways. Now... If you were to pay someone to fix your home or your car and it wasn't done right, wouldn't you be looking to get some if not all of your money back? Would you even consider using that carpenter or mechanic again? The politicos forget that it's OUR MONEY they're throwing away and not getting anything close to facts back in return. The studies done on the effects of suction dredging are a prime example of this waste. Between the skewed data, the omitted data, the conflict of interest issues and the poor scientific methods used, how can the government not want the peoples money back? Since the data that these policies were based on was skewed to benefit a select group of people and their agenda, shouldn't these policies and the data that was used to form them at the very least be reviewed and adjusted to reflect scientific facts?

if im not mistaken its the sierra club that has the permit for dredging, paid for by taxpayers of California...and I believe that they are not using a suction dredge and are recovering gold that they keep..i have to applade the California gold miner association for fighting this ban against dreging,, I have seen some of their youtube videos speeking on the miners behalf at the public meetings..i live in new York where we were stripped of owning any found gold even if its on your own property,,!!Now that's a travesty of rights in the highest reguard!!!!!!! thanks for listening....and I hope all prospectors and miners keep the good fight-----loosing rights from our forefathers and future generations should not be acceptable by any means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is Izzy Martin and the Sierra Fund that have the remediation contracts at Combie. Different organization that the Sierra Club, but very destructive none the less.

It is Izzy Martin and the Sierra Fund that have the remediation contracts at Combie. Different organization that the Sierra Club, but very destructive none the less.

And rather silent at the moment........HMMMMM!

All members who comment, those are all some good points, and should keep this going on here, as Google will have this thread/page indexed in Google and might get non-miners to see these pages and read the real truth.... My Two Cents!

I would of thought all of the news papers and tv would have it going on but but I looked and your the only one that I saw

The LA Times is no friend of miners for sure(or the rights of hunters, fisherman, off-road enthusiasts, ranchers etc...etc...etc)

HP, maybe things are a bit dif today with LA times, but La times did a peice on me suction dredging on the NF Yuba Thanks to Proline
Titled Gold; In Downieville, the Gold Rush isn't over. Prospectors believe that even now there's a fortune to be made in them thar' mountains.

All this hate bs must end as your hurting the courts issues on the 23. Much work being done so civility is required. All will be revealed by hidden gag orders as this blasting of any/all puts us in the same haters category as those you rant against. Know BOTH sides of the story in a lousy week and constrict this insanity as it can/will bite us ALL in the arse. 7 years of hell will be for naught because some internet heros got insipid and this will be posted for millions to read....John

All this hate bs must end as your hurting the courts issues on the 23. Much work being done so civility is required. All will be revealed by hidden gag orders as this blasting of any/all puts us in the same haters category as those you rant against. Know BOTH sides of the story in a lousy week and constrict this insanity as it can/will bite us ALL in the arse. 7 years of hell will be for naught because some internet heros got insipid and this will be posted for millions to read....John

John, I disagree with you and others will too I am sure, what we are talking about is not going to hurt any case what so ever... If anything there is a small chance it could help and make outsiders more aware of the lies put out there by the other side. It is not a level playing field when the other side has press on the internet 10 to 1...

if im not mistaken its the sierra club that has the permit for dredging, paid for by taxpayers of California...and I believe that they are not using a suction dredge and are recovering gold that they keep..i have to applade the California gold miner association for fighting this ban against dreging,, I have seen some of their youtube videos speeking on the miners behalf at the public meetings..i live in new York where we were stripped of owning any found gold even if its on your own property,,!!Now that's a travesty of rights in the highest reguard!!!!!!! thanks for listening....and I hope all prospectors and miners keep the good fight-----loosing rights from our forefathers and future generations should not be acceptable by any means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you've brought this up before. I have one question. Do they come to your door with a search warrant or do you voluntarily just hand it over. Stupid laws are only enforceable if you give in to them. Not saying break the law, but how do they know you have gold?

The Center for Biological Insanity is what they should be called as they believe the end is near. Everyone should post the results on their facebook page if necessary. Write to your local paper, e-mail them, ask them why they won't publish this. Use the power of our techknowledgy.

Topic is treasure related and allowed, but some of the replies are just political bashing and will be deleted. You can't use the topic just to bash the government...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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If John is telling us to bite our tongues and be kind to the opposition and the establishment, one of two things have happened; Either hell has recently frozen over, or the mining world may be getting a substantial improvement on their abilities to mine. I will take heed and agree to a eight day cease fire.

If John is telling us to bite our tongues and be kind to the opposition and the establishment, one of two things have happened; Either hell has recently frozen over, or the mining world may be getting a substantial improvement on their abilities to mine. I will take heed and agree to a eight day cease fire.

As long as it doesn't turn out like a well know party in Viet Nam called Tet I'm all for it too!

So you want to poison a hole city of people and towns , besides ruin the eco system, ?? Your greed and wants is more important to everything around you that supports you?? Have you ever seen people dying and animals dying from poluted systems??? It was a great American Indian Cheif that said " Someday you shall suffocate in your own waste. " Who cares what kind of blood you got in you?? what has that got to do with anything??? You and your measly little operation with your little bit of gold want to screw up everything for everyone else?? Your personal preferences stand above and take priority over the whole Government , the Universities, sytems of learning, advancement, people that come from all areas of life to fill those positions?? You are not "We the People" You don't care who you hurt or destroy just so you can get your gold.
There has been aprox 174 thousand tons of gold that has been mined in the world up to date. That is more than enough gold to feed the tech electronics and space agency and if they need more?? They will just get all of that stupid jewelry and melt it down.
Those TV shows such as Gold Rush and Uykon gold and even Bering Sea Gold are tiny little small spec fries compared to the Big league majior indusries which makes you even smaller.
Why don't you read paragraph 6 of the original statement posted here??? Read it lots and lots and lots of times.

Oh no! Another brainwashed green monster :alien:

Hoser John
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  • Interests:Dredging,detecting,scuba diving,kayaking,history,getn'n'trouble

Posted Today, 07:17 AM
BINGO the Center for Bio-Diversity just issued a huge manifesto that states the dredgers will now immediately run out and rip/shred/and tear up the fish during their spawning season. They all have cell phones and they all can take pictures so that EVIDENCE will prove ,along with their insane rant,that we are what they purport. It took 5 years of HARD WORK ,from 1985-1990, to get the Litle Hoover Commission to investigate the CDFG illegal practices. Then after a years work they issued their report in January 1990 that forced CDFG to adhere to CEQA. THEN 2 more years to have a CDFG meeting in Sacramento with Dwayne Johnston which drew 5 miners and 2 Home Rule folks. We got a Dredge Committe out of this meeting a year later and in early 1993 we started the arduous task of formulating dredge regulations that were workable. Then through obstructionism and fillabuster the FOR PROFIT CLUBS AND MINERS RIGHTS GROUPS DEMANDED IT ALL...OR NOTHING. Which of coarse lost us 160++ miles of open rivers/ paying dredging projects from the dept AND the monitored operations to prove our 97%++ mercury/heavy metals/trash removal. Then with no committee to voice our concerns the rest is history as step by step down the slippery slope our rights went into the toilet. Well you've had the profiteers ALL OR NOTHING for 7 about the rest of our lives and our childrens childens rights??? Your actions reflect upon us all and I'd truly hate to be the dredgers who grace the CBDs website as proof of us being animals who just rob/rape and pillage and the enviroment be censored-. John

So you want to poison a hole city of people and towns , besides ruin the eco system, ?? Your greed and wants is more important to everything around you that supports you?? Have you ever seen people dying and animals dying from poluted systems??? It was a great American Indian Cheif that said " Someday you shall suffocate in your own waste. " Who cares what kind of blood you got in you?? what has that got to do with anything??? You and your measly little operation with your little bit of gold want to screw up everything for everyone else?? Your personal preferences stand above and take priority over the whole Government , the Universities, sytems of learning, advancement, people that come from all areas of life to fill those positions?? You are not "We the People" You don't care who you hurt or destroy just so you can get your gold.
There has been aprox 174 thousand tons of gold that has been mined in the world up to date. That is more than enough gold to feed the tech electronics and space agency and if they need more?? They will just get all of that stupid jewelry and melt it down.
Those TV shows such as Gold Rush and Uykon gold and even Bering Sea Gold are tiny little small spec fries compared to the Big league majior indusries which makes you even smaller.
Why don't you read paragraph 6 of the original statement posted here??? Read it lots and lots and lots of times.
WOW this comment coupled with your "fine gold recovery" thread show that you know absolutely nothing about gold, mining, or recovery or history or science or facts!!!!!

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