So you want to poison a hole city of people and towns , besides ruin the eco system, ?? Your greed and wants is more important to everything around you that supports you?? Have you ever seen people dying and animals dying from poluted systems

It was a great American Indian Cheif that said " Someday you shall suffocate in your own waste. " Who cares what kind of blood you got in you?? what has that got to do with anything

You and your measly little operation with your little bit of gold want to screw up everything for everyone else?? Your personal preferences stand above and take priority over the whole Government , the Universities, sytems of learning, advancement, people that come from all areas of life to fill those positions?? You are not "We the People" You don't care who you hurt or destroy just so you can get your gold.
There has been aprox 174 thousand tons of gold that has been mined in the world up to date. That is more than enough gold to feed the tech electronics and space agency and if they need more?? They will just get all of that stupid jewelry and melt it down.
Those TV shows such as Gold Rush and Uykon gold and even Bering Sea Gold are tiny little small spec fries compared to the Big league majior indusries which makes you even smaller.
Why don't you read paragraph 6 of the original statement posted here

Read it lots and lots and lots of times.