Like Gordon said if you found it why didn't u take it? How did u find it ten feet down? Also if it had been dropped in a 10 ft hole that pretty deep water for dry Texas. It had been a pretty popular fishing hole over the years and a swimming hole and clothes washing place, u get the point. Anyways sorry to say it sounds fishy, he gave no other info then found a stash. No who what when where and why to it. So how are we suppose to give answers?
You haven't been here long Nickle__ , so let me advise you
Although this rule doesn't exactly fit
TreasureNet - Real Or Fake?
It does apply.
in other words Please do Not suggest a Member is not being honest.
if that is what your suggesting by "it sounds fishy"
there are many reasons he may not be giving all info.
(security, not realizing the held back info is pertinent, or just plain new to the whole thing)
when he says he found it, he could even be in the documentation phase yet.
(reading letters, Diaries / Journals, word of mouth, or, as you ask questions,
he may have to ask those questions to his source also)
If you don't feel you have enough info to respond, ask legit questions
without accusations or hints of disbelief.
of course, if your statement was misinterpreted by me,
and you mean his Information source still sounds fishy due to
lack of details,
my apologies to you
Your a New member and we would like you to become a Long upstanding member of the Community.
Please don't let us down