Cache Found Photos!!!

Thanks for letting us be a part of your family for a few days, I'm sure that everyone feels as I do and could not wait for the next post. You are good people, even if you could not keep it all , just the pleasure of being able to discover each and every coin and certificate is a memory that will last many lifetimes, not only in your families but in ours.
Thank You,

This is a whole life of treasure hunting all in one day ;D Keep the pictures coming....

God bless

Awesome discovery, battlecat. I'm away from the forum for a couple days and you spring this while I'm gone??? Man. What am I going to do. I almost missed this until I saw some mention of it in other posts.

Hey just because you got this nice coin collection doesn't mean you're off the hook from detecting w/ us again. ;D

Ok Folks, I have started listing stuff on ebay and Im adding a link in the ebay section of T-Net
If anyone bids and wins from here please let me know thanks

WOW and double WOW!! Great stuff. Too bad you can't save it for YOUR grandkids. It would really be worth something by then.

packerbacker said:
WOW and double WOW!! Great stuff. Too bad you can't save it for YOUR grandkids. It would really be worth something by then.
I will be saving some of it :)

I knew it was going to be good BC....but not this good......You can PM me for my address..And Tinpan too!!UN-FREAKIN' BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!

That post was definitely a 'dream come true' for all of us...Congratulations on an Incredible find...your Grandfather is a lucky man to have you guys handling his treasure... :)

HH, Hank 8)

Hey BC, sure am glad you got in and out of the basement without them pesky trolls getting you.

You have found the mother load of coins. Grandpa's got nothing to worry about, with you two around.

Okay I added a link to my items for sale in the ebay section, thanks have at it :)

Dude,That is the mother lode of mother loads!!! Great stuff. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

soak them in WD 40 or pb blaster or naval jelly ???

battlecat said:
any suggestion on how to clean up 17 rolls of steel cents?

DON'T!!!. If you plan to sell them, don't clean them. Those damm things get oxidized easy though :) It's annoying for sure, but if you clean them, they're worthless. If you can't sell them, maybe then you can clean them and sell them as cleaned. They won't fetch nearly as much, but I'm sure you could get rid of them.

Do your part people on Ebay to help out grandpa, I did, I am wandwco and I bought the 1886 Morgan, Please see that Grandpa gets the money from my purchase/s.


Found more stuff in the basement tonight!!
Not going to post photos tonight except for one. the 1893 morgan. These are alot of foreign coins and whitman books.


  • MVC-612S.webp
    12.7 KB · Views: 6,988
:D Yeah Sure, Leave us Hanging! Is there an S on the Back, or not? ;) I see you're down to 4 Items, did all the others sell? More Stuff! OMG!

Joe :o

No "S" but there is another high releif peace and a few cc morgans. I am trying to get caught up on all my shipping and then I will list more stuff. Alot of the stuff in these ;ast boxes are foriegn coins and 1970s, Then theres a bunch of books. Man these whitman folders make silver change all kinds of neat colors.

Good thing he didn't put this all in the addict. It would have came down on all of you. Hmmmm You know what? Addict? Just a thought. HH

So this is what you call a cache. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Frankly I would rather have a good stick of gum. NOT!!!!

Burdie without a cache.

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