Thanks for all the great responses!! I have to go to work now but will be back at searching around 5:30pm and posting photos... Hopefully We will get it all done tonight and be able to make a complete least of what we have here.
About the old milk cans, Grandpa seemed real upset about them not being where they should have been. He believes they were stolen by the same family members that have takin most of his money. He had quite a bit of lave savings for himself but it was stolen by the people he loved. Its sad because now he has hardly anything left in his savings.. Lucky for Leigh Anne and I she has always been the one to visit Granpa and her Father has been the one to not take a dime even as a gift from him"cause he has his own money" as he says. He asked us last week to come over and cash his change in for him and anything collectable to save for ourselves. Thats where I got the first 121 wheat rolls and 5 pieces of silver (quarter, 2 dimes and 2 halves) and was able to give him $501.00 from cashed in clad.
I told him he cant just cash this change in its to collectable.. He said Just give me face value for it and I said no I will get you more than face value. He said okay but keep anything you like and if you can only get face value for the gold pieces then He wants to save them. I said you will get more than face value and he said then sell them.
Also on top of the bills I said we found an envolope with $490.00 in cash from some Christmas card. He was thrilled. In one day we gave him the money from the clad and found the Chrismas card for a total of 991.00 back into granpas savings

He tried to pay us for the first batch of coins we did and we told him that the wheat pennies where enough of a payment.. He wanted to argue but we had this stuff already in the car so we made a quick get away.
Off to work, but will be nice and leave ya with a treat, two mor pics to tied ya over.
two rolls 1968d halves and one roll of 1943 S nickels