Cache Found Photos!!!

You must be tired after going through all that Battlecat. I think you need a rest . Why don't you take all those coins to the beach and count them. In fact you could walk along the beach as you count. Clear your head.
Great find.Has your grandfather told you any good stories about the coins? Just remember to always return to the hobby. A few merc's
left in a park. Maybe a park where mercs are rare. Like a park in Canada.
I don't know, let's say in Hamilton,Ontario Canada. Gage park, near the
first seat ,front row to the right of the bandshell.Next weekend,Saturday,noonish.......

Can not wait for the rest, my eye balls are bulging out, they hurt. Chin is bruised from hitting my desk. YEEEEEEEEE HAW!

What a dream cache... Blows away the collection I have. Never seen so much silver in one place. And the gold coins are awesome... can't believe you might also have milk cans full of coins too!


Thank you so much for sharing.

OMG that is the best of the caches. What an astounding amount of forgotten stuff, hope you find the milk cans also

Thanks for all the great responses!! I have to go to work now but will be back at searching around 5:30pm and posting photos... Hopefully We will get it all done tonight and be able to make a complete least of what we have here.
About the old milk cans, Grandpa seemed real upset about them not being where they should have been. He believes they were stolen by the same family members that have takin most of his money. He had quite a bit of lave savings for himself but it was stolen by the people he loved. Its sad because now he has hardly anything left in his savings.. Lucky for Leigh Anne and I she has always been the one to visit Granpa and her Father has been the one to not take a dime even as a gift from him"cause he has his own money" as he says. He asked us last week to come over and cash his change in for him and anything collectable to save for ourselves. Thats where I got the first 121 wheat rolls and 5 pieces of silver (quarter, 2 dimes and 2 halves) and was able to give him $501.00 from cashed in clad.
I told him he cant just cash this change in its to collectable.. He said Just give me face value for it and I said no I will get you more than face value. He said okay but keep anything you like and if you can only get face value for the gold pieces then He wants to save them. I said you will get more than face value and he said then sell them.
Also on top of the bills I said we found an envolope with $490.00 in cash from some Christmas card. He was thrilled. In one day we gave him the money from the clad and found the Chrismas card for a total of 991.00 back into granpas savings :)
He tried to pay us for the first batch of coins we did and we told him that the wheat pennies where enough of a payment.. He wanted to argue but we had this stuff already in the car so we made a quick get away.
Off to work, but will be nice and leave ya with a treat, two mor pics to tied ya over.
two rolls 1968d halves and one roll of 1943 S nickels


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I might as well just leave work as my productivity has been totally compromised. I might do that as soon as I pick my jaw up off the floor. What a find....

Curious -- What is the most recent date found so far? Is it the 68?

Here it is on The Best Of !!!! I knew it ! Congrats !! ;D ;D ;D


.......................................what.... happened..................there were.....all these ...........coins...........then............

GREAT STUFF, You just never know whats coming your way. congrats

LOL you guys crack me up... Well needless to say I weant to work and could not think straight!! I *cough cough*... felt like I was coming down with something. So here I am, back at home... searching coins and again posting them for you guys:)

Nice cache!!! My wife's g-ma had a stash like this from her husband. He passed 20 years ago, and she didn't touch it. It was quite exciting to go through, but not nearly as exciting as what you have here!! Those silver certificates look nice!!

Don't know if anybody answered your question on the quarter.
Yes, it's a seated quarter. I see on the net that an 1874 plain with arrows, like yours. Is aprox $12 in good condition and an 1874s with arrows is aprox. $16 in good condition. HH

Boy this is getting all so confusing I have made a list of everything I posted and set all those Items aside, and I still have tons of full halve rolls marked standing and 64. Also there is a ton of silver quarters but Leigh anne seperated those in envelopes by year and mint marks and she would kill me if I took them all out.
I am going to lunch around three but we will be back. I will hopefully have them all sorted and give a final tally of all coins be the end of tonight.

A roll of 1943 S standing


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3 more rolls of Franklins


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AN uncirculated roll of 1964 halves


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BC - somehow I had a hunch we'd see you back at it before quittin time.

Hard to keep your head in your work with this kind of thing waiting at home............

(I think I would have had some sort of crisis at home that I would have had to leave work to deal with :) )



wooooohoooooo Grandpa, what a haul!!! Thank goodness the price of silver is rising again. You could give grandpa a tidy sum and have a little left over for yourselves. Well, I haven't seen that much silver coinage since 1964. And those silver certificates...too bad they weren't turned in for silver when the opportunity was available. But maybe they are worth more now? I'm not aware of collector currency prices, so I will defer to the experts online here.

Anyhow, a big "way to go, grandpa" and congratulations to your gf and you. :o :o

Okay I know you guys like photos but heres what im going to do... I really need to start organizing this stuff and go through dates and mint marks and everything so Im going to seperate everything by type and give you a list of what I have. Then I will take some nice pictures in the end. Thanks

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