Cache Found Photos!!!

BC this is awesome!

And you are certainly doing right by Leigh's Grandpa.

I get irate when family members (the very ones who are supposed to PROTECT and HELP relatives) take advantage like that.


battlecat said:
and a few cc morgans.

Let me know when you get the CC's sorted out. My dad loves these and will probably buy them all...

Battle, how did Grandpa make out on ebay?? Hopefully now you have some time to MD before it freezes here in PA. BTW, class act looking out for him!!

See what I get for not being on the forum for awhile?

Wow!! This is truly the best story I've ever read on here! I hope that the EBAY sales went well and you were able to raise some good bucks for Grandpa. He sounds like a very sweet man and was done so wrong by the other family members.

Bless you both for putting some much effort into helping him. I have to go lay down now...I just read the whole post and my head, eyes and heart are killing me!! :)

Thanks for posting this wonderful story and may you both have many blessings!!

Happy Hunting,

Good God, that is a nice cache of currency. The bills alone if sold on Ebay would command a nice price. The $1 silver certificates even in circulated condition as shown on the photos will fetch at the very least $3-4 a piece. Those $5 red/blue seals will also sell well. That 100 something in face value is more like several hundred dollars. Unless you need the money, I'd keep what grandpa is willing to part with. On the other side, open up a paypal account for grandpa's funds to start rolling in if he wants to cash out on his treasures.

When you go to sell them don't put them all up at once or you will flood the market and the price will be driven down. With that much silver you could almost sink the silver market! My dad had a small cache in his later years and one summer he gave it all to the grandkids a little at a time and they spent it on pop, candy and bubble gum! I didn't know about it until a couple of years later. It was worth only a couple hundred dollars at the time but today it would be worth a couple thousand. It was small enough that I would keep it instead of selling it.
There was an oldman living in the City limits that was running an illegal junk yard when I worked code enforcement. He had about an acre of old cars, appliances and just junk. Almost in every piece of junk he had coffe cans full of coins. He died and we started to clean out the lot and started finding the cache of coins. So, I stopped the clean up and got in touch with his only living relative, a daugter. She and her husband came over and went through the mess and took a pickup truck load of 5 lb. coffee cans full of coins, some old and some new. The ones I saw opened were in no rhyme or reason, just tossed in the cans by the handsful, all loose change and bills rolled up with rubber bands. The daughter never would say how much she recovered or what all she found but she told me they would never have to work again. Last I heard IRS was looking for them and they had moved with no forwarding address. I'm still not sure the daughter got it all as she didn't ever go back when the lot was cleaned up to check for anything that might have been buried. The City finally foreclosed on the property for unpaid liens and now it sits in the middle of a large flood control lake. I wish I'd known then what I know now, but you know what they say about hindsight.
At any rate, your granfather's cache is one of the biggest I have ever seen and I am humbled by it. It isn't the find of the year by any means, it is the find of a lifetime! Monty

Just goin' though the 'Best of' and saw this :o :o :o
Good on ya for doin the honourable thing mate, family is the most important thing.
This is the cache of a lifetime thanks very much for sharing.

WOW thats is to much for words and great story.

I can't even imagine how you must feel. UNBELIEVABLE. I am excited just LOOKIN'!

That is one special grandpa, and i am glad to see that you are not taking advantage of him, i wish my gradfather had saved like yours did. he just turned 93. the stories he has are enough for me congrats on the cashe

Looking at those pictures was better than SEX!!!

your honor at treating the gramps rightly will and has been rewarded !! --- some folks tend to be greedy sucks --stealing and looting from old folks --- its a shame really that folks are like that --- your kindness has been justly rewarded -- it warms my heart to see "good" things happening for the old guy who must have spent much time and effort to get such a collection "together" for a change rather than ---"gee I found a truck load of silver coins while CRHing at the local bank today" ---(often those "massive CRH silver strikes happen because someone was looting and cashing in gramps money for "paper money" or "gramps" passes away and folks just "cash in" his collection with not any regard to its "real value" in the "mad dash for cash" that happens when folks die and people "rummage" thru their former belongings --- Ivan

ok i got to go change my shirt ! drooled all down myself and and now i got tears in my eyes :'( greatest finds for sure congrats to you and grandpaw ;)

Hey Battlecat....check those merc closely for 1916D...ya never know..anymore gold coins ??? Love the pics and the story !!! This is what we all dream of !@!!!!@#@#!@#!

HH to all

Battlecat: What a cache! :o Thank you Grandpa! And kudos to you and Leigh Ann for looking out for your Grandpa's interests. It is nice to know there are still good, honest people around.

Keep posting.

My grandpa had a stash like that. The widow took em all and sold em before he passed. I got away with his MD treasure chest which held a few large cents and some smaller silver dug coins. If she only knew that the chest was more valuable to him than the rest of it. The other stuff was just money to him. The chest was his keepers. Dumb witch.

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