Yes, the ladybugs on the NFAR have been around for many years, the trout love them. Down river from the bridge on Euchre Bar does not go far till it drops into the gorge just past the 's' curve. Most likely you came in from the Alta side, the Foresthill side comes down through the Doore(sp) ranch with the bridge being down river from where the trails hits the river from the ranch. I met Ray Doore many years ago, he lived in the canyon and had some great stories to share. He had a 2.5 pound coffee can about half full with arrow heads.
Looking upriver from the bridge one can see the NF of the NFAR coming in on the left bank of the NFAR, it is one little screamer of a creek and used to have many dredges on it. I would suppose the gold in the creek was coming from the Rawhide mine area. The mountain on the Rawhide mine property looks like a huge wood pecker got loose on it, tunnels everywhere!
The trail upriver from Euchre Bar goes for awhile though I do not recall it ever making it to Italian Bar, I've not been there in maybe 20 years....................63bkpkr