Seahunter and V,
To answer your questions (Seahunter's first), yes, they speak English at the hotel. As well as French, German, some Spanish, and some Russian. Oh, and they also speak Arabic which is how I normally converse with the staff and regular guests. Nice family run place that strives to make everyone feel at home. The owner and his wife, and 2 of the owner's son's families live on premises year round. I usually rent a room out there for two months each summer (It's 35-45 minutes outside of Alexandria where I live). If you come to Alexandria it's a nice place to hang out during the summer. And Teymoor (Tim), who runs the safari adventures, is a great guy and can make things happens.
To answer V, the weather in Hurghada is sunny (almost all the time), air temps are mid-to-upper 60's during the day and much colder at night due to the desert winds. Water conditions this time of year will be a bit choppy. Water temps are still comfortable (barely) and a 3-mil suit will still work. Be warned however, that most of the tourist wrecks might not be accessible due to weather conditions this time of year and you can expect some strong currents coming out of the Strait of Gubal heading south. Where are you staying while you are there? Might know someone in the area that can help you out, should you need it. I know a few DM's at various dive centers.
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