Thanks for the story. Really cool. Having served in the navy mayself (retired in '97), I can relate to your father's story. I've seen the same type of thing happen (and participated in) to CO's and XO's of various ships that I served on over the years. We sailors can be vindictive bunch of B-sturds (intentional mis-spelling....i.e the "turds" spelling) if given the chance!
Loved your father's story, and I agree with Scuba Finder, we should have a seperate thread/category for old tales and stories from those of us that want to share some really special historically related experiences. Whether from each of us, our fathers or mother's experiences. Either from first, second, or third-hand information. Real life historical experiences. (I, myself, am too young to contribute to something like this other than having been in Grenada invasion, living in Central Ameraca, Northern Germany, and being involved in Desert Shield/Storm). Just thinking that Scuba Finder's idea has merit.
On this note.....for the Webmasters (i.e. you internet gods that control what we see here :P), Might be worth considering putting up a section where people can post a family history, general questions, anything they want. Along the sort of "Blog" thing (which I really dislike because usually only one person controls the Blog). If this sight had a more "generic" category where anybody could ask anything, then those of us could direct them to the approriiate forums to ask their questions. Hmmmm.....could this be a bit like "Directory Assistance"?

This is first and foremost a TH-ing site, however, there is a lot of value in the commonality of all that visit this site....we all want to find something. Whether it is treasure (which would be ideal), information sharing (which has been pretty far as it goes...understandably), research resources (Great info from everybody), or to just share an adventure (i.e. Santo Domingo and Jupiter.....Loved all of that!)
Just a thought, and just expounding on Scuba Finder's idea
(Oh, and whoever is the moderater that sees this first.....I want to kill off the LCM chain since it is no longer applicable to anything that I'm doing. Rename it, if worthy, "Our History", or something. Don't want to "Clog the Blog" so-to-speak. We need to move on.....