How bout a Frank Hubacheck or Hubacheh Jeff? Since the place was listed under his name.
Sorry ! in & out Mowing Grass

Frank Hubacheck Minnesota .no Hubacheck's hit the papers in Wisconsin
Search Results « Chronicling America « Library of Congress
How bout a Frank Hubacheck or Hubacheh Jeff? Since the place was listed under his name.
Ughhh.....I've got a hurricane barreling down on me. I might not be here at 1pm Friday. Dang.
Frank I think you are right...he may have been working for Frank Rolland (since Jeff found one such Frank as a reporter) so Frank would have been his "Boss"
I also think that the name beginning with a Y could be Yahudiah or Yehudiah
[yoheadick, yolmadick] = you head drunk
The news would love to print a story like this, if you are interested, it might be good to write them.
I'd like to see the movie!
[yoheadick, yolmadick]
Joe Hotels wife
house too
all were ready to drive me in there or smack my head with rock if Rolland not get be boss
drunk Rolland come to log cabin crying me greenhorn, wanted to steal his cottage and everything
Just random order. I think one was the top that was folded in the neck of the bottle and i think their was 4 pieces of paper all rolled together. On one side of each piece of paper was the writing and the other side was the lines and items sold i guess.Rodger, is the in order you uploaded the images the order in which they were layered when you unfolded them...just asking so as to see if I can get an order of what text comes first.