🥇 BANNER Bottle with a note inside 5 to 6 inches deep in the ground.

Ughhh.....I've got a hurricane barreling down on me. I might not be here at 1pm Friday. Dang.

Ewwww....crap Lockster...SE Texas!?...wow..you are smack DAB in the middle of that monster!! They're talking 20-30 inches of rainfall!! but I'm sure you're fully aware of that...you are truly in our prayers, good luck and I hope things die down a little before getting to your area...Ddf

The "yo...." name is difficult to translate. I don't have a translation but, given that this is in MN, I am thinking is may be a misspelling of a Norwegian name. The "y" may be a J. (e.g., Johan is pronounced "yohan"). Maybe Johandrick or Johanish.

Johanneck seems to be a common name in the area.

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Frank I think you are right...he may have been working for Frank Rolland (since Jeff found one such Frank as a reporter) so Frank would have been his "Boss"
I also think that the name beginning with a Y could be Yahudiah or Yehudiah


Ya this has been fun on a rainy friday in the keys. I still think with all the robbery talk that there could be somthing hidden at the sight. I like huntsman 53 franks idea about writing down evidence. Im gonna vote banner too. Great work everyone. What a great find for everyone to share in.

I'm going to vote banner, probably one of the most interesting things I have seen posted on here. I would be a little disturbed if I found it though. Incredible find, and good luck figuring out what the letter means.

wonder if the letter writer worked at the asylum
or maybe committed, as he was sick,and wanted to leave evidence

The news would love to print a story like this, if you are interested, it might be good to write them.

The news would love to print a story like this, if you are interested, it might be good to write them.

I'd like to see the movie!

Poor grammar and spelling in the letters, but one letter this is how I translate it: Was going to shoot me with a 38 revolver so they made me stand (I think they meant stay with their poor spelling) a log cabin all day and if I did not so they could see me shoot me at once. Rolland in yoh*** in milk wagon 1896. Yelling in robb be she about it. I had to go in there the next day all day is.

So in other words they made him/her stay in a log cabin all day and if he/she didn't they was going to shoot he/she with a 38 revolver. The part with Rolland I haven't quite understood yet.

I'd like to see the movie!

I could imagine many movies happening based on this note, involving a guy escaping from the mob after being imprisoned in a log cabin for two months, while being beat and threatened with death unless he gives the location of a fortune that he buried. I could also imagine an episode of Bonanza using a similar plot, except having it take place in the 1860's with cowboys and outlaws :laughing7:.

The fact that I am constantly checking this thread with great interest means that it will receive my banner vote! There is a story to be told here, for sure.

[yoheadick, yolmadick]
Joe Hotels wife
house too
all were ready to drive me in there or smack my head with rock if Rolland not get be boss
drunk Rolland come to log cabin crying me greenhorn, wanted to steal his cottage and everything

If this is a correct translation, it sounds like Rolland and the writer were competing for the "boss" role. Appears the writer is being threatened with a smack in the head with a rock if Rolland isn't named as boss. Rolland himself calls the writer a greenhorn and accuses him of wanting to steal his cottage - implication being that he (writer) was not fit to be the boss. Maybe the word cottage is not to be taken literally, but may mean "job" or "position"; sort of like we would say "you're on my turf now", or "this is my sand box". A final thought is that whomever gets the boss role, gets to live in the "cottage" as a perk, sort of like a groundskeeper or on-site property manager.

Got my banner vote! Pure entertainment, awesome find and first thread that actually made me forget to drink my coffee till I looked up and realized it was almost lunch time!


Awesome find and thread guys!
Banner find all day long!

Just wanted to share a cool freeware tool I've used for transcribing antique letters JacobBoerema.nl: Transcript: makes transcribing easier

25-08-2017 04-09-14 p.m..webp

Rodger, is the in order you uploaded the images the order in which they were layered when you unfolded them...just asking so as to see if I can get an order of what text comes first.
Just random order. I think one was the top that was folded in the neck of the bottle and i think their was 4 pieces of paper all rolled together. On one side of each piece of paper was the writing and the other side was the lines and items sold i guess.

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